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Baystate Springfield Educational Partnership

Educating Tomorrow's Healthcare Professionals

Baystate Springfield Educational Partnership (BSEP) advances education for our Springfield youth, and prepares them for careers that are committed to serving the health and wellbeing of the community.

We foster an environment that promotes empowerment and self-advocacy, and provides mentoring to interested and committed high school students.

Hospital-Based Learning

BSEP offers a variety of hospital-based learning experiences that provide high school students with opportunities to:

  • Explore different careers
  • Engage in more comprehensive observation experiences
  • Prepare for potential internship or employment opportunities

(This is not an employment program. Internship and employment opportunities are not a guaranteed program activity.)

BSEP Changed Our Lives!

Former BSEP students—now working as nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals at Baystate Health—tell us how BSEP helped them get started in this video.

Building a Diverse Healthcare Workforce

We aim to build an educated healthcare workforce in Springfield that is reflective of its residents and is committed to a prevention model of care.

BSEP's new population health and prevention pathway educates students about Baystate Health's transition to a population health approach, and introduces them to corresponding careers.

Students Can Progress Through Three Levels of Courses

Level Programs Requirements

BSEP Orientation

All new students must attend a BSEP program orientation before enrolling in any course.

  • Introduction to the BSEP Program
  • All high school grades
  • Registration as a new student

1: Career Exploration
You will explore the diverse range of careers available within the health and biomedical sciences through connections with healthcare professionals arranged for you by BSEP.

  • Career Exploration: Nursing
  • Career Exploration: Allied Health
  • Career Exploration: Interdisciplinary Health
  • Teen Mini-Medical School
  • All high school grades
  • Completed BSEP Orientation
  • Interest and commitment

2: Career Development 
These courses provide you with an opportunity to develop an understanding of college and career planning, and to gain experience observing a specific career pathway

  • Job Mentoring (Observations)
  • Career Planning
  • Patient Care Skills
  • Specialized Courses
  • 11th or 12th grade
  • Two Level 1 courses
  • Ongoing interest and commitment

3: Career Preparation 
As you transition out of high school, these courses focus on how to get “a foot in the door” of the healthcare employment world and/or continue your education in a healthcare field.

  • Work Readiness and Basic Skills
  • Graduating 12th graders
  • Two Level 1 courses and One Level 2 course
  • Ongoing interest and commitment

This is a limited opportunity. A small group of high school graduates who have met the requirements are invited to apply.

  • 200 hour internship in a clinical pathway position
  • High school graduates
  • Springfield resident
  • Application Process
  • Work Readiness and Basic Skills
  • Additional Job Training

> The BSEP program catalog (pdf) has descriptions of all our courses.

Interested In joining BSEP?

BSEP prioritizes high school students from Springfield, MA. Students from surrounding communities are welcome to participate only as capacity allows.

All new students must register and attend a program orientation before enrolling in any course.

Register to join BSEP


Does BSEP organize observation experiences for high school students?
We do not organize immediate or short-term observation experiences for high school students outside of the BSEP program.

At this time, we are not allowing any observations due to restrictions imposed by COVID-19 guidelines. We will update this information as the situation evolves.

Does BSEP coordinate volunteer opportunities?
No, but Baystate Health has many opportunities for volunteers.

Please contact our volunteer program:

Becky George, Manager of Volunteer Services,
Baystate Health

Contact us for more information

Rebecca Johnson, BSEP Project Assistant
Phone: 413-794-4120
Email: rebecca.johnson@baystatehealth.org

Ernest Abramian, BSEP Project Coordinator
Phone: 413-794-2087
Email: ernest.abramian@baystatehealth.org

Peter Blain

Peter Blain, BSEP Manager
Phone: 413-794-1671
E-mail: peter.blain@baystatehealth.org

BSEP Students Created A Teen Mental Health PSA

Discover BSEP today

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