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How to Find Your Medical Records

Learn how to access your Baystate Health medical records.

Access Your Records Through The MyBaystate Portal

You can log in to the Baystate Health patient portal any time to access your health information. You can also follow the instructions below to request copies of your medical records.

To Request Your Medical Record

Download the "Authorization of Release of Information" form below and mail, fax or personally deliver it to one of our Health Information Management (HIM) locations listed below. If you have any questions, please call 413-794-4203.

Health Information Management Locations

Baystate Medical Center

By Mail:

759 Chestnut Street @ Whitney Avenue
Springfield, MA 01199
ATTN: Correspondence
Fax: 1-413-322-4346 or 1-413-794-4759

In Person: 

You may walk in and pick up your records between 8:30 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.

By Phone:


Baystate Franklin Medical Center

By Mail:

Health Information Management
164 High Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
Fax: 1-413-773-2091

In Person:

You may walk in and pick up your records between 8:30 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.

By Phone:


Baystate Noble Hospital

By Mail:

759 Chestnut Street @ Whitney Avenue
Springfield, MA 01199
ATTN: Correspondence
Fax: 1-413-322-4346 or 1-413-794-4759

In Person:

You may walk in and pick up your records between 8:30 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.

By Phone:


Baystate Wing Hospital

By Mail: 

Baystate Wing Hospital
Health Information Management
40 Wright Street, Palmer, MA 01069

In Person:

You may walk in and pick up your records between 8:30 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday.

By Phone:


Sending Medical Records to Another Facility

Medical records can be sent to another facility with the patient's written consent. These requests may take up to two weeks to complete. Written requests for copies of medical records for personal use will also be honored in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws. A fee for copying will be charged.

Faxing Medical Information

To decrease the likelihood of a fax being sent to an unintended recipient or an individual, we do not fax medical information except in medical emergencies. Your medical record will be sent to the requested location by mail.

Forms (School, Insurance or Work)

Patients who need a form completed should fill out their portion of the form and sign an authorization for the release of information.

Please let us know when the form will be picked up or if it should be mailed and allow one week for the forms to be processed.

Workers' Compensation

Massachusetts General Laws require that a medical report pertaining to any injury that appears to be compensable under worker's compensation be furnished to the employee, employer and insurer within 14 days of completion of examination.

Please note, that if a patient denies release of information, it may be necessary to adjust his/her account to a self-pay status.


What is a Valid Authorization?

The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the standard for a valid authorization to release information. The following elements must be included for a HIPAA-compliant authorization:

  • Name and date of birth or social security number
  • Statement of who is authorized to release records and who is authorized to receive records
  • Purpose of Disclosure
  • Type of information to be disclosed
  • Psychiatric records or infectious diseases (i.e. HIV, Hepatitis C, TB, ECT.) must be clearly marked or checked before they will be released
  • Statement acknowledging the patient’s right to revoke or cancel authorization
  • Statement indicating the patient’s right to refuse the release of information
  • Statement that information disclosed pursuant to the authorization may be subject to re-disclosure and is no longer protected under this authorization
  • Statement that will not condition treatment on patient providing authorization
  • An expiration date
  • Signature of patient or patient’s representative

Who can legally sign for medical records?

  • The Patient and / or anyone who is named as a decision maker or attorney-in-fact under a healthcare power of attorney signed by the patient.
  • If the patient is deceased, a certificate of appointment issued by the Probate Court identifying the requestor as the executor or executrix of the patient’s estate. A death certificate may also be provided which lists the requestor as the next of kin.
  • If the patient is under the age of 16, the patient’s parent may sign.
  • If the patient is 16 years of age or older, the parent can sign if the parent authorized the treatment which is recorded.
  • If the patient is 16 years of age or older and authorized their own treatment, then the patient must authorize the release of information regarding the treatment.

What is included within a medical record and what should I request?

  • Discharge Summary: A summary of an inpatient stay. This report identifies the reason for the admission and narrates the patient’s course during the stay. Diagnoses, operations performed, medications prescribed and condition at discharge are all items of inclusion.
  • Operative Notes: A summary of a procedure performed on the patient. This report identifies the procedure, pre & postoperative diagnoses, the surgeon, indications and findings.
  • Laboratory Results: Analysis of blood or urine and surgical pathology reports or biopsies which document tissue examinations, among others.
  • Radiology Report: This is a report summarizing the findings of images or scans as viewed by the radiologist. If you would like the actual film, please call our film library at (413) 794-4625.
  • History & Physical: A medical history which includes the present chief complaint, history of the present illness, past medical history, personal history, family history and a review of systems.
  • Consultation Report: A report outlining the opinion about the illness or condition from a practitioner other than the attending physician.

When should I expect to receive my medical records?

The HIM department will comply with the request within thirty (30) days of receipt (or sooner if required by law). If the information requested is not maintained on site, the HIM Department will respond within sixty (60) days of the date of the request.

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