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Visiting Hours and Policies

A Baystate Medical Center’s concierge staff writes directions on a hospital way-finding map for a female visitor
A Baystate Medical Center’s concierge staff writes directions on a hospital way-finding map for a female visitor

What to Know When Visiting Baystate Health


Visiting Hours & Policies

Visiting is allowed 24 hours a day at all Baystate Health hospitals. While the number of visitors will not be limited, visitors must follow all instructions from Baystate Health employees to ensure the wellbeing of patients.

We ask that visitors (also called "care partners") share our goal in promoting a healing environment for all patients. 

Ambulatory services (same day outpatient) will continue to allow one care partner per patient.

Visitors under 18 must be supervised at all times by a family member or a responsible adult assigned by the family.

Infection Control

Masks are required in patient rooms and patient care areas for visitors and will be available at the entrances. Masks are optional in common spaces such as the cafeteria and in corridors.

ALL visitors must adhere to Baystate Health infection control practices that are in effect throughout our organization:

  • Wash hands before entering and leaving the patient’s room.
  • Care partners may not eat in patient rooms.

Policy for Patients Who Have COVID-19

Policies are the same for patients who have COVID-19, except:

  • Care partners and visitors must wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment).
  • No children under 14 unless a designated exception applies.

Follow Our Code of Conduct

Baystate Health is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, equitable, and respectful environment for our patients, employees, and visitors. We expect our doctors, nurses, and other employees to treat our patients and visitors with courtesy and respect as outlined in our Baystate Health Code of Conduct. We ask that our patients and visitors extend that same level of courtesy and respect to all our employees when visiting or receiving care at any of Baystate’s hospitals, clinics, or doctors’ offices.

Baystate Health will not tolerate:

  • Threatening, abusive, aggressive, bullying, or violent language or behavior
  • Discriminatory, disrespectful, harassing, or offensive language or behavior
  • Swears, slurs or remarks targeting another’s age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, disability, language, sexuality or sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, marital status, or ancestry
  • Possession of weapons, explosives, or firearms on Baystate property or in any Baystate Health facility
  • Possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, medical marijuana, or illegal drugs on Baystate Health property or in any Baystate Health facility
  • Disruption of other patients’ care or experience
  • Taking photos or videos of patients, visitors, and/or staff without permission

If you are the target of any of these behaviors, please report it to our Patient Relations Office. Visitors found violating the Patient and Visitor Code of Conduct may be asked to leave and future visits may be restricted. Patients violating the Patient and Visitor Code of Conduct may be asked to continue their care elsewhere and their future ability to obtain non-emergent care at a Baystate hospital may be suspended or terminated. Baystate may also report these actions to local law enforcement.

Thank you for helping us maintain a healing environment for all of our patients!

Plan Your Visit

When You Arrive

Visitor Screening

For the continued safety of patients, care partners and staff, all Baystate Health hospitals have implemented a visitor screening as part of our visitation policy.

All care partners will self-screen using signage at the entrances and must be free of any COVID-19 symptoms. If a visitor self-screens positively for symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in the past 10 days, then they will not be allowed to enter the facility.

Healthcare providers will advise any ill-appearing care partner that they must leave the hospital.

After Screening

  • First head to the main information desk for help finding a patient room, navigating the hospital, or any other questions.
  • Wash your hands (or use hospital hand sanitizer) before entering the patient’s room and when leaving.
Parking & Valet

Baystate Medical Center and Baystate Children's Hospital

Free parking 24 hours a day/seven days a week. Valet services are at the following locations:

  • Daly lobby: 8 am – 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday
  • Wesson lobby: 8 am – 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday
  • Chestnut Building: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday
  • Emergency Department: 9 am – 12 am, Monday – Friday

Baystate Franklin Medical Center

Parking is available at the main entrance and ground floor entrance for patients and visitors.

Baystate Wing Hospital and Baystate Mary Lane Outpatient Center

Parking is available at the main entrance and at 1st floor entrance for patients and visitors.

Visitor Entrances

Baystate Medical Center and Baystate Children's Hospital

  • Daly and Wesson entrances: 759 Chestnut Street
  • Chestnut Building – Main entrance under the canopy

Baystate Franklin Medical Center

  • Baystate Franklin Medical Center main entrance: 164 High Street
  • Ground floor entrance on Sanderson Street

Baystate Noble Hospital

  • Main Lobby and Surgical Services entrances only

Baystate Wing Hospital

  • Baystate Wing Hospital Main Entrance (ground floor)
  • Baystate Wing Hospital Day Surgery Entrance (first floor)
  • Baystate Wing Hospital Emergency Room Entrance (ground floor)
  • Baystate Mary Lane Outpatient Center North Entrance
Food and Flowers


Food brought from home must be eaten right away, as it cannot be refrigerated or microwaved. Care partners should not eat in patient rooms. 


You can bring outside flowers into the hospital. Exceptions: Flowers are not allowed for patients in ICU or vulnerable to infection.

Baystate is Cashless

Please be aware, beginning October 1, 2023, Baystate Health is going cashless and will no longer accept cash. We will accept all forms of credit cards, debit cards, and personal checks.

Cash-to-card kiosks are available at our Baystate Health hospitals for those with cash to convert cash into a physical prepaid card for use. 

Prenatal, Labor & Delivery, and Newborn Visits

Prenatal/Ultrasound Appointments

1 support person/care partner is allowed.

Labor and Delivery

  • Up to 2 care partners (visitors) in room during delivery and up to 2 hours immediately after delivery.
  • 1 care partner may stay for the duration of the hospital stay and come and go throughout the day.
  • 1 additional care partner may visit during visitation hours. Both care partners can be at the bedside together.
  • Children between the ages of 5-18 may visit if accompanied by an adult, one at a time.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Continuing Care Nursery (CCN)

Both parents may visit the newborn together.

Baystate Maternal Fetal Medicine

1 visitor is allowed with you at the time of your ultrasound regardless of their age. Visitors under 5 years of age are discouraged. For their safety, children cannot be allowed to wait unattended in the waiting room.

Personal Items

Our goal is to provide the essential items our patients need while in our hospital. During visitation hours personal belongings may be brought in by care partners/visitor. All belongings need to be in a container (e.g. bag or backpack).

If items are brought in loose, they will need to be put into a large clear plastic zip-top bag which will be provided at the entrances. Please reasonably limit items to keep our patients’ rooms neat, safe and clean for all.

Baystate Health will not be responsible for lost or stolen personal items.

See what to expect when staying at the hospital, including bringing items from outside, support and amenities, and leaving the hospital.

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