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Spiritual Services

Spiritual Support for Patients, Family Members, and Employees

Our trained professional staff hospital interfaith chaplains offer spiritual care and support to individuals of all faiths or of no particular faith. Specific denominational affiliation is not required to request our services.

Our Services and Staff

Bedside Chaplain Visits

Healthcare Chaplains are trained spiritual care providers—ministers of any faith and Catholic Priests—who can help support people who are facing difficult decisions or offer compassionate companionship and spiritual/religious comfort at any time of a hospitalization. Interfaith and Catholic Chaplains are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Your nurse or other members of your health care team can contact the chaplain on your behalf.

Interfaith Spiritual Care

Our professional hospital interfaith chaplains offer spiritual care and support to individuals and families of all faiths or of no particular faith. Specific religious affiliation is not required to request our services. Our chaplains will help to make contact to a religious or spiritual leader of your tradition.

Reiki & Guided Imagery

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese “hands-on” technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the concept that everything in the universe is made up of energy and this “life force energy” that flows all around us is drawn in by the body, nourishing the cells, organs and glands. When one’s energy is depleted, imbalanced, or the flow is restricted by stress and “holding”, injury, illness, etc., one is more susceptible to discomfort, further illness and disease (as with restrictions of the circulatory and nervous systems). When one’s energy is restored, free-flowing or balanced, one is more likely to feel relaxed and the body’s own innate healing abilities are “jump-started” and utilized for healing.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

Although Reiki is “hands-on”, unlike massage, it is administered through a softer touch, rather than a deeper pressure. While the patients is seated or lying down and fully clothed, the practitioner’s hands are placed along energy centers and pathways on the head, neck, chest, abdomen, legs and feet (similar to those used by acupuncturists). As energy is transferred to the body, the patient may feel warmth, coolness, gentle tingling, or just deep relaxation. A Reiki treatment can be beneficial for you when you are experiencing some anxiety, pain, restlessness before or after surgery, or any time during your hospital stay.

The benefits of Reiki may include:

  • Relaxation and stress reduction 
  • Relief of pain and muscle tension
  • A heightened sense of well being
  • Increased energy

How to Request a Reiki Session

If you would like to request a Reiki session while you are a patient in the hospital, notify your caregiver or call 413-794-2899 directly.

This program is offered and coordinated through the Spiritual Services Department. We have several trained Reiki volunteers who are available upon request and are here regularly.

Usui Five Reiki Principles

  1. Just for today I will not anger. 
  2. Just for today I will not worry. 
  3. I will be grateful.  
  4. I will work hard. 
  5. I will be kind to all living beings.
Interfaith Prayers for Healing

Buddhism Prayer 

Though I be suffering and weak and all my youthful spring be gone, yet have I come leaning upon my staff and clambered up the mountain peak.
My check thrown off, my little bowl o’erturned, so sit I here upon the rock.
And o’er my spirit sweeps the breath of liberty!
‘Tis won, the Triple Lore! The Buddha’s will is done.

Christian Prayer

Gracious and merciful God, because you have given your son, I know that you are never far away from me, I turn to you in this quiet moment to seek your comfort and strength.
Be my companion today, O Lord that I may receive your healing and renewing touch.
In Jesus’ name, I Pray Amen.

Hindu Prayer

(from the Vedic Experience)
You, O lord, are the body’s protector.
My body protect.
You, O Lord, are the giver of life.
Grant life to me.
From you, O Lord, comes brilliance of mind.
Illumine my mind.
Whatever is lacking to my being, O Lord, supply that to me.

Islamic Prayer

In the Name of God, the merciful Lord of Mercy.
Praise be to God, the Lord of all being, the merciful Lord of Mercy.
Master of the day of judgment.
You alone we serve.
To You alone we come for aid.
Guide as in the straight path, the path of those whom You have blessed, not of those against whom there is displeasure, nor of those who go away.

Jewish Prayer

Here my voice, O Lord, when I call, Be gracious to me and answer me.
In Thy hands is the soul of every living thing.
I turn to Thee, O Lord, in my distress.
Give me patience and faith, Let not despair overwhelm me.
Renew my trust in Thy mercy and bless the efforts of all who are helping me.
Be with my dear ones in these difficult days.
Grant me Thy healing so that in vigor of body and mind I may return to my loved ones.
For a life which will be marked by goods deeds.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

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