Faculty Spotlights

July 2024

Mayu Sekiguchi Runge, MD, MPH

Mayu Sekiguchi Runge, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, published “Advancing Primary Care Access: Exploring the Impact of the Virtual Waiting Room on the Quadruple Aim” in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Dr. Runge and team examined the effects of a virtual waiting room (VWR) program on improving patient access and increasing primary care provider (PCP) utilization in community health centers.

Community health centers often face high rates of missed appointments, which hinder patient access and the efficient utilization of PCPs. The VWR was designed to address these challenges at Baystate Health, particularly in Springfield, a community facing various healthcare disparities. “By redirecting patients from urgent care or the emergency room to same-day telehealth visits with their designated clinic providers who have immediate access to their medical history, we improve continuity of care and efficiently allocate healthcare resources, thus promoting equitable access to essential services,” says Dr. Runge. “This innovative and reproducible approach improves outpatient clinic utilization rates and supports timely, convenient care delivery for patients.”

The study found that the VWR program significantly improved patient access and PCP utilization by filling no-show slots and last-minute cancellations with same-day telehealth urgent visits.

Congratulations, Dr. Runge!

View all Faculty Achievements here.

June 2024

Kelly Benabou, MD, MS

Kelly Benabou, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was the senior author of “Racial Disparities in Surgical Treatment of Uterine Fibroids During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” published in the Journal of Women’s Health. Dr. Benabou and the team analyzed the association between race and surgery performed for uterine fibroids during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Uterine fibroids are growths made of muscle and tissue that form in or on the uterus wall. It is a very prevalent condition that affects up to 80% of people, with different medical and treatment options available. “This study was completed by one of our former residents, Dr. Rebecca Barbaresso, as part of her resident project at Baystate,” Dr. Benabou explains. “We performed an observational study to better understand disparities in surgical care for patients with fibroids. Our goal is to continuously improve the care we provide for all patients, not just at Baystate Health but in similar health care systems, by understanding and addressing any current disparities.” Additional Baystate authors included Rebecca Barbaresso, DO, Neena Qasba, MD, MPH, and Alexander Knee, MS.

Additionally, Dr. Benabou was recently awarded teacher of the year from the Obstetrics & Gynecology residency program at UMass Chan-Baystate. “It is my honor and pleasure to work with our Ob/Gyn residents at Baystate. We have an excellent training program, and I feel privileged to be part of their education,” says Dr. Benabou

Congratulations, Dr. Benabou!

William Joseph Selove, MD

William Joseph Selove, MD, Assistant Professor of Pathology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, published “Frameshift Mutations in Leukemia Associated Genes Correlate with Superior Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant for De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia” in the Journal of Hematology. Dr. Selove and team investigated the impact of frameshift mutation burden on post-transplant survival in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplant for acute myeloid leukemia.

For patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), allogeneic stem cell transplant offers the only chance of cure, but it carries substantial morbidity and mortality risks due to treatment-related toxicity. In their retrospective analysis of 95 patients, Dr. Selove and the team observed superior overall survival and relapse-free survival in patients with at least one frameshift mutation in a 42-gene hotspot panel. “Our project focused on mutations found only in leukemia cells (and not in normal human cells) and immune response to these cells. In our study group, patients with leukemia cells that harbor a particular type of mutation called frameshift mutations experienced longer overall survival and disease-free survival after transplant than those with only other types of mutations,” says Dr. Selove. “If validated in larger studies, incorporation of frameshift mutation status in AML risk stratification models could help identify patients in whom allogeneic stem cell transplant would be maximally beneficial.”

Congratulations, Dr. Selove!

May 2024

Susan DeJoy, CNM (ret), MSN, PhD, FACNM

Susan DeJoy, CNM (ret), MSN, PhD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was recently elected Treasurer of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). The ACNM is the professional organization of certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in the United States. The ACMN sets the standard for excellence in midwifery education and practice in the United States and strengthens the capacity of midwives in developing countries. Dr. DeJoy will serve a three-year term.

Dr. DeJoy has extensive financial planning and budgeting experience. She was the Chief of Midwifery at Baystate Medical Center for 30 years and served on the Baystate Medical Practices (BMP) Board. She has also served as Treasurer of the ACNM Foundation for four years.

Baystate Midwifery has a long history of involvement with and support of the midwifery profession on a national level. “Baystate Health CNMs have served on ACNM national committees, on the American Midwifery Certification Board and committees, the ACNM Foundation Board, and the American Commission for Midwifery Education Board and Board of Review, and as officers in the ACNM Massachusetts Affiliate,” says Dr. DeJoy. “Election to a Board position reflects positively on the recognition Baystate Midwifery has nationally and the influence it can have on professional standards.”

In addition to being elected Treasurer of the ACNM, Dr. DeJoy was recently the first author on “Nitrous Oxide Use for Pain in Labor, Conversion to Neuraxial Anesthesia, and Birth Outcome” published in the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. “The purpose of the study was to examine laboring patient, newborn, and provider characteristics associated with N2O use for pain relief in labor and to examine the association between N2O, conversion to neuraxial analgesia, and cesarean birth,” says Dr. DeJoy.

Congratulations, Dr. DeJoy!

Carly Detterman, CNM
Autumn Versace, CNM
Tonja Santos, CNM
Liza Winston, CNM

The Baystate Birth Equity and Support through the Inclusion of Doula Expertise (BESIDE) team and Springfield Family Doulas were awarded the 2024 PNQIN Innovation Award from the Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network (PNQIN) Leadership and Advisory Board. The team will be presented with the award during a special presentation at the PNQIN Spring 2024 Summit on June 26, 2024.

The BESIDE team, supported by a grant from the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission, helped address some of the main barriers to equitable care of Black Birthing People and provided them with doula services throughout their prenatal, labor/delivery, and early postpartum periods.

In addition to direct patient support, the BESIDE team worked to integrate doulas into the hospital environment, increase community awareness of the benefits of doula care, and develop the doula workforce. “I especially want to acknowledge Springfield Family Doulas' Laconia Fennell and Tanita Council for their incredible work during this project. They gave excellent doula care to patients, learned new skills, educated and trained community members, and participated in BESIDE-related communication in addition to their “day” jobs and family responsibilities,” principal investigator on the BESIDE team, Autumn Versace, added. “Through their hard work and tenacity, attitudes and systems meaningfully changed, and the groundwork has been laid to expand the role of doulas for Black birthers in Springfield.”

In their letter of acknowledgement, the PNQIN Awards committee noted, “The [BESIDE] team demonstrated exemplary leadership in partnering with doulas to improve the care and experience of Black families at Baystate Medical Center while also addressing barriers to doula practice, implementing policy changes to support doula integration with the perinatal care team, and increasing the doula workforce in greater Springfield.”

Congratulations, Baystate BESIDE Team! 

April 2024

Benjamin Bovell-Ammon, MD, MPH

Benjamin Bovell-Ammon, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Healthcare Delivery and Population Sciences and Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, published “Prison Buprenorphine Implementation and Post-Release Opioid Use Disorder Outcomes” in JAMA Network Open. Dr. Bovell-Ammon and team analyzed the impact of the implementation of a buprenorphine treatment policy in the Massachusetts state prison system on post-release outcomes.

Dr. Bovell-Ammon and the team were interested in how buprenorphine implementation in April 2019 affected post-incarceration treatment and outcomes in the first few weeks after release. They measured post-release medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) receipt, opioid overdose (fatal or non-fatal), and all-cause mortality. “We found marked increases in post-release buprenorphine receipt and a small decrease in post-release naltrexone receipt—the latter was a novel finding that likely indicated patients’ preferences for buprenorphine. Further, we uncovered signs that this policy change may have reduced post-release overdoses and deaths, which strengthens the case for carceral facilities across the US to adopt agonist MOUDs,” says Dr. Bovell-Ammon.

Congratulations, Dr. Bovell-Ammon!

Eduardo R. Núñez, MD, MS

Eduardo R. Núñez, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Healthcare Delivery and Population Sciences and Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was recently selected for the University of California San Francisco’s 2024 Summer Institute on Research in Implementation Science for Equity (RISE) program. RISE is a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded opportunity designed to train competitive scientists in implementation science methods and enhance health equity in biomedical research.

On average, it takes 17 years for research evidence to reach clinical practice. The challenges faced in providing evidence-based healthcare has led to the development of the field of implementation science. This field seeks to develop effective frameworks and methods to address the evidence to practice gap. The RISE program involves a two-week Summer Institute in July in San Francisco, focused on implementation science and career mentoring, hosted by UCSF’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in partnership with the Center for Vulnerable Populations. “The implementation science skills and knowledge that I will gain during the RISE program will be instrumental to launching my career as a health services researcher committed to tackling disparities in lung cancer screening, and smoking cessation, both at Baystate and nationally,” says Dr. Núñez. RISE participants also receive training on team science, community engagement, intervention design, and evaluating the impact of translational activity.

“My research interests include identifying health disparities in lung cancer and pulmonary health and developing evidence-based strategies to eliminate inequalities with the ultimate goal of improving lung cancer mortality overall and among underserved populations. This critical line of work wouldn't be possible without the support of numerous individuals including my mentors, colleagues, collaborators, and community partners,” Dr. Núñez adds.

Congratulations, Dr. Núñez! 

March 2024

Niels Rathlev, MD

Niels Rathlev, MD, Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was recently appointed to the 2024-2025 Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation (SAEMF) Board of Trustees. The SAEMF was established in 2008 to enhance health by investing in academic emergency medicine career development, research, and education.

Dr. Rathlev was Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at UMass Chan-Baystate for 15 years and currently serves as Vice Chair for Academic Affairs. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles in the medical literature and is currently a co-investigator on an NIH-funded research project. “I have had a career-long interest and commitment to advancing research in our specialty, and the [SAEM] Foundation has been successful in advancing these goals,” says Dr. Rathlev. “SAEMF awards have helped advance research careers as stepping-stones to becoming independently funded investigators and help to foster a culture of investigation and innovation.”

In addition to his appointment to the SAEMF Board of Trustees, Dr. Rathlev was appointed a SAEM Faculty Development Committee member. The Committee works to achieve objectives set forth by the SAEM president to develop tools and techniques to assist academic faculty throughout their careers. They are also responsible for identifying resources to assist residents in completing their residencies and provide guidance to residents and medical students who wish to pursue careers in emergency medicine academics or research.

Congratulations, Dr. Rathlev!

January 2024

Sallie Schneider, PhD
Tashanna Myers, MD
Kelly Gregory, PhD

Sallie Schneider, PhD, Associate Professor of Surgery; Tashanna Myers, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; and Kelly Gregory, PhD, were recently awarded a 3-year, $432,000 capital equipment grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) through the Women’s Health Collaboration program for the study “Evaluation of novel biomarkers for the early detection of ovarian and breast cancer.” The MLSC grant supports the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment, which will allow the team to obtain quantifiable information on histological stains and differences in tissue composition to advance various research projects aimed at diagnosing or curing ovarian cancer.

The MLSC has been administering a competitive capital program since its inception to provide grants for projects that support Massachusetts's life sciences ecosystem. The Women’s Health Collaboration program, offered through the MLSC’s Women’s Health Initiative, focuses on increasing the number of translatable opportunities in women’s health at Massachusetts research institutions.

With the grant, the team will purchase various equipment and analysis software to service the community of researchers at Baystate and the region. “Our first big purchase has been a BondRxM autostainer. This robotic machine will detect the presence of proteins in tissue sections. It is a huge advance in our current equipment because it automates the entire process and allows us to expand our automated staining to clients who desire fluorescent in situ hybridization and automated fluorescent multiplexing,” says Dr. Schneider. “Future purchases will include an Aperio CS2 slide scanner, HALO image analysis software, and a Precision 7770 workstation.”

The project aims to make significant progress in the field of women’s health by advancing diagnostics for two critical cancers. “We will test the sensitivity and specificity of a novel blood test developed by our collaborators, AOA Dx, to detect early ovarian cancer,” says Dr. Schneider. Additionally, the team will be investigating whether breast tumors have a novel glycolipid signature that can distinguish them from normal tissue, which could have potential implications in developing a blood test for breast cancer detection in the future.

“It is very exciting for Baystate Health to be part of the development of exciting new diagnostics," says Dr. Schneider. “Furthermore, the funding will result in an expansion of the already existing ovarian tissue repository, which will be extremely beneficial for ‘moving the needle’ on a variety of research projects aimed at diagnosing or curing ovarian cancer.”

Congratulations, Drs. Schneider, Myers, and Gregory!

Faculty Spotlight Archive


2023 Monthly Faculty Spotlights and Academic Promotions

In 2023, the UMass Chan-Baystate faculty had many national-level achievements. The Office of Faculty Affairs has created a compendium of our 2023 monthly Faculty Spotlights to recognize these accomplishments. We have also included faculty who achieved academic promotion over the past year.

Congratulations on these outstanding endeavors! 

View the accomplishments here

December 2023

Robert A. Baldor, MD, FAAFP

Robert Baldor, MD, Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, is the Editor-in-Chief of The Family Medicine Board Review Book, Second Edition, which was recently published by Wolters Kluwer. The book includes over 2000 questions covering common primary care conditions in children, adults, and the elderly. It includes sections on women’s health and urgent care to help family physicians prepare for their American Board of Family Medicine’s certification examinations. The book was authored primarily by the UMass Chan-Baystate Greenfield Family Medicine Residency faculty.

To become a Board-Certified Family Physician, one must complete a 3-year training program after medical school and pass a rigorous day-long examination. Once certified, it is incumbent on that physician to stay current with changes in medical care. To remain ‘Board-Certified’ requires passing a re-certification exam, similar to that of recent graduates. “This book is written to help family physicians prepare for and pass that exam,” says Dr. Baldor. “Myriads of family physicians in the US and internationally have used it. Reviews have noted its comprehensive layout and instructive learning-based format.”

“It took a significant effort by the Greenfield Family Medicine Residency faculty to prepare this update, but with the growing awareness of the social determinants of health and the increasing need to address mental health conditions, I’d especially like to recognize Dr. Nathan Macedo, who undertook an in-depth review and update of a chapter devoted to Community and Mental Health to help bring those issues forward,” says Dr. Baldor.

Additional UMass Chan-Baystate Greenfield Family Medicine Residency faculty that authored the book: Chandra Hartman, MD, Associate Professor and Program Director; Nathan J. Macedo, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor and Associate Program Director; Jeannette M. Tokarz, MD, Director of Outpatient Pediatrics; and Emma Wood, DO, Assistant Professor and Director of Osteopathic Medicine.

Congratulations, Dr. Baldor and team!

Jacqueline Wu, MD

Jacqueline Wu, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was elected Secretary for the New England Surgical Society (NESS). Established in 1916, the society has a long and distinguished history and is an important contributor to the welfare of the surgical profession and education in New England. It is committed to advancing cultural competency, providing equitable care, and advocating the best training and research agenda possible to serve all patients. Dr. Wu will serve a one-year term as secretary.

A member of the NESS since 2013, Dr. Wu has been involved in numerous committees and continues to chair the NESS’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. She was also the recipient of the ACS/NESS Health Policy and Management Scholarship, which allows the development of socioeconomic expertise within the society via an annual scholarship to subsidize attendance and participation in the Executive Leadership Program in Health Policy and Management at Brandeis University.

Congratulations, Dr. Wu!

October 2023

Jeannette M. Wolfe, MD

Jeannette M. Wolfe, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was appointed to the Joy McCann Professorship for Women in Medicine. The purpose of the professorship is to identify and reward female faculty who have demonstrated leadership in medical education, mentoring, research, patient care, and community service. Dr. Wolfe is the first Baystate recipient of an endowed professorship award from UMass Chan School of Medicine.

Outside her clinical work in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Wolfe has spent the better part of her career in academic medicine focused on two major areas: how the variables of biological sex and gender can influence clinically relevant health outcomes, and the advancement of women in medicine. She is a prolific lecturer and routinely runs didactics at the National Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) meetings to educate other physicians about the importance of evaluating the variables of sex and gender in their research, teaching, and bedside care. She is also the creator of the seX and whY podcast, in which she interviews source experts across the sex/gender landscape. The podcast has covered a wide range of topics, including biological sex differences in immunology, gender differences in resident evaluations, and feedback, and the need for a gender-inclusive response for future pandemics. She has also helped create conferences and workshops to enhance women’s professional development skills, including piloting the Speak Up Program at Baystate, which helped women in academic medicine hone their presentation skills.

Dr. Wolfe has held leadership roles in Baystate’s the Baystate Women in Medicine & Science (BWIMS) program and SAEM’s Academy of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine. In 2013, she was a fellow in the National Women’s Executive Leadership Program through the Impact Center in Washington DC, and in 2020, she was the recipient of SAEM’s career award for Advancing Women in Academic Medicine.

The professorship runs in a three-year cycle, and Dr. Wolfe’s goal is to use the award to develop an extensive peer-mentoring program for professional women. Her vision is to create a multi-faceted integrated program across all three UMass Chan Medical School campuses called The Women’s Professional Pods Program. Each pod will consist of a small group of women from different healthcare silos and at different career points. These pods will provide a longitudinal platform for women to connect, access professional skills, and organically peer mentor. She looks forward to piloting the program later this spring at Baystate.

Congratulations, Dr. Wolfe!

Kimberley Geissler, PhD
Sarah L. Goff, MD
Barry D. Sarvet, MD

Kimberley Geissler, PhD, and Sarah L. Goff, MD, were recently awarded a 5-year, $3M R01 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health of the NIH for the study “Effect of Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations on Behavioral Health Care Quality and Outcomes for Children.” Dr. Geissler is the Division Chief of Health Equity and Health Services Research in the Department of Healthcare Delivery & Population Sciences, and Dr. Goff is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Healthcare Delivery and Population Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate. The study will examine how a major financing and delivery reform in Massachusetts Medicaid affects healthcare utilization, quality, and outcomes for children with behavioral health conditions.

Limited access to behavioral healthcare has long been a struggle for pediatric populations, and gaps in care and disparities persist despite improvements to the system. “With the rising number of children with behavioral health conditions, understanding ways to improve the delivery of care for this population is essential,” says Dr. Geissler. “We will examine the impacts of the Massachusetts Medicaid Accountable Care Organization (ACO) implementation on behavioral healthcare quality, patient experience, outcomes, and disparities for Medicaid-insured children and provide information about whether this structural change to healthcare financing and delivery influences care for these children.” The team will analyze 17 of the Massachusetts ACO’s specific strategies to determine which are most effective for improving care and reducing disparities.

Barry Sarvet, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, is a co-investigator on the project. “We are excited to incorporate his nationally recognized expertise on programmatic models to improve access to behavioral healthcare for children,” Dr. Geissler concludes.

Congratulations, Drs. Geissler, Goff, and Sarvet!

September 2023

Daniel T. Engelman, MD

In September 2023, Daniel T. Engelman, MD, Medical Director of Cardiac Surgical Critical Care & Inpatient Surgical Services at Baystate Health and Professor of Surgery and Healthcare Delivery & Population Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, published “Adult Cardiac Surgery- Associated Acute Kidney Injury: Joint Consensus Report” in the Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. The report provides perioperative teams with expert recommendations for cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury.

Dr. Engelman is an international expert in critical care medicine, healthcare informatics and finance, multimodal analgesia, AKI, and enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery. In May 2023, he organized, presented, and published as senior author an ERAS Cardiac Summit at the American Association for Thoracic Surgery’s (AATS) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California, and will be presenting and moderating four sessions at the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Vienna, Austria in October 2023.

Dr. Engelman is the founder and President of the Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery (ERAS® Cardiac) International Society with a mission to standardize evidence based best practices in perioperative care. In 2019, he was first author on the first consensus guidelines for cardiac surgical perioperative care. This has been downloaded over 300,000 times and is the most cited manuscript in JAMA Surgery.

“Baystate Health has been a leader in utilizing cutting edge technology and innovative care plans to speed recovery following cardiac surgery. Our outstanding multidisciplinary team members are leaders in this field and our patients are the beneficiaries,” said Dr. Engelman. Utilizing many of the breakthroughs achieved here at Baystate, an updated expert consensus manuscript, officially endorsed by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), is in press in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and will be simultaneously presented at the STS Annual Meeting in January in Austin, Texas.

In addition to his roles at Baystate, Dr. Engelman is the Senior Editor for Perioperative Care for the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Dr. Engelman participates on workforces for the STS and the AATS. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and is the Steering Committee Chair for two international prospective trials for the prevention of postoperative acute kidney injury.

Congratulations, Dr. Engelman! 

August 2023

Mary Jo Farmer, MD, PHD

In August 2023, Mary Jo Farmer, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was named a 2023 Distinguished CHEST Educator (DCE) by the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST). The DCE designation honors members who have shown significant commitment, involvement, and leadership in CHEST education programs and activities and recognizes their achievements and long-term contributions to the design and delivery of CHEST education.

This distinction places Dr. Farmer within the top 4% of CHEST faculty worldwide. CHEST is the professional home for more than 20,000 pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine professionals seeking clinical education and connection to the worldwide chest medicine community. “As a member of the Education Committee, I review and select sessions for inclusion in the annual meeting,” says Dr. Farmer. “In addition, as an editorial board member of CHEST journal and as Associate Editor for CHEST Pulmonary open access journal, I participate in the selection of high-quality manuscripts that contribute to the education of the pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine community.”

“Being an effective educator implies a personal dedication to life-long learning. My collaborative experiences with CHEST colleagues make me a more effective clinician and teacher. I bring these experiences to Baystate whether I am rounding in the medical ICU or Pulmonary consult service, strengthening my interactions with medical students, residents, and fellows. The knowledge gained from these interactions helps me provide current and guideline-driven care to our Baystate patients,” concludes Dr. Farmer.

Congratulations, Dr. Farmer!

July 2023

Armando Paez, MD, FACP, FIDSA

In June 2023, Armando Paez, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Infectious Diseases Division and Fellowship Program Director at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was elected President of the Board of The Massachusetts Infectious Diseases Society (MIDS). Established in 1987, this statewide non-profit and professional organization is an official Affiliate of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Its membership comprises more than one hundred forty physicians, scientists, and fellows-in-training across the Commonwealth. The Society is dedicated to the advancement of science and the practice of infectious diseases specialty, and many of its members and leaders are or have been national and international thought leaders in the field.

Dr. Paez served as the Secretary and Treasurer of The MIDS before his Presidential election. He has been the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases since 2019 and the Infectious Disease Fellowship Program Director since 2012. A visible figure in the public media on COVID-19 response, Dr. Paez, is the chair of the COVID-19 clinical planning and education committee at Baystate Health.

Congratulations, Dr. Paez!

June 2023

Megan Miller, MD

In May 2023, Megan Miller, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, received the 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society’s Women’s Health Award. This award recognizes a physician for outstanding contributions advancing women’s health in Massachusetts. Candidates are nominated by their peers and selected by the Committee on Women’s Health.

Dr. Miller’s professional efforts focus on improving the quality of care for pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorders (SUD). She frequently collaborates with other Baystate departments and community recovery resources to provide comprehensive care. “This population faces stigma and bias daily to receive care for their medical conditions and their pregnancies. It is important to advocate for these families, educate clinicians, nurses, and staff members, and provide unbiased, evidence-based, trauma-informed medical care,” says Dr. Miller.

Heather Sankey, MD, MEd, Chair and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan-Baystate, Joanne Dalpe, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan-Baystate, and Yesenia Greeff, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at UMass Chan-Baystate co-nominated Dr. Miller for this statewide award. “Dr. Miller deserves this important recognition for her dedication and collaborative approach to improving the care we provide our pregnant patients with substance use disorders,” says Dr. Greeff.

In addition to receiving the Massachusetts Medical Society’s honor, Dr. Miller was awarded a $40,000 Health Policy Commission grant to establish a Patient/Family Advisory Council that integrates patients into perinatal SUD quality improvement efforts. The new council will provide financial support for participating families, collect family-reported experience measures at discharge from the delivery hospitalization, and identify potential areas of inequitable perinatal SUD care to address and incorporate into improvement efforts. “I hope through this work, Baystate Health will benefit the community as the center of excellence for pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorders,” says Dr. Miller.

Congratulations, Dr. Miller!

May 2023

Tovy Haber Kamine, MD, FACS

In May 2023, Tovy Haber Kamine, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Healthcare Delivery & Population Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, received the 2023 Aerospace Medical Association’s (AsMA) Ellingson Award and the Space Surgery Association's (SSA) Journal Publication Award for his research article “Spatial Volume Necessary to Perform Open Appendectomy in a Spacecraft,” published in Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance (AMHP). Both awards recognize outstanding scientific writing.

Dr. Kamine and colleagues investigated how much room in a current spacecraft is necessary to perform an open abdominal procedure emergently. “With the increase in crewed commercial spaceflight, the risk of critical surgical problems and need for procedures increases,” says Dr. Kamine. The team created a simulated operating room and performed a simulated appendectomy in the Baystate Simulation Center and Goldberg Surgical Skills Laboratory. The room was marked with reference points, and cameras were placed to capture the surgeon’s movements. “This study was one of a series we’ve done in the Baystate Simulation Lab with collaborators around the country looking at ways to provide surgical care, if necessary, in outer space,” says Dr. Kamine.

The investigation results demonstrated that performing an open appendectomy inside the smallest currently operating spacecraft may be technically feasible. Dr. Kamine accepted both awards at the AsMA’s 93rd annual scientific meeting in May 2023. In addition to these research awards, Dr. Kamine was elected a Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association this year.

Additional Baystate authors include Margaret Siu, Kristina Kramer, Edward Kelly, Reginald Alouidor, and Gladys Fernandez.

Congratulations, Dr. Kamine and team!

April 2023

Neena Qasba, MD, MPH

Neena Qasba, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was recently awarded a $50,000 increase in funding by the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) to continue offering doula services at Baystate Medical Center. These funds supplement a grant Dr. Qasba received in November 2021 through the Birth Equity and Support through the Inclusion of Doula Expertise (BESIDE) investment program. By increasing access to and use of doula services, this funding initiative seeks to address inequities in maternal health outcomes and improve the care and patient experience of Black birthing people. The additional funding was announced during a Joint Ways and Means Committee hearing on March 21, 2023. In total, Dr. Qasba has been awarded $243,457 through the BESIDE program.

“The evidence shows that birthing people supported by doulas have higher rates of vaginal delivery and lower complication risks. Bringing doula services to Baystate was one of the goals of the Department of OBGYN Racial Disparities and Health Equity Committee led by Tonja Santos. Doulas also provide additional emotional and social support and help empower patients in their pregnancy and postpartum journey,” says Dr. Qasba. In partnership with local partners, Springfield Family Doulas, Dr. Qasba, and the BESIDE project team, including midwives Carly Detterman and Liza Winston, created a clinical program at Baystate Medical Center that increases access to doula services. “The Department of OBGYN at Baystate is committed to addressing racism and health disparities in our community. Integrating doulas into prenatal and postpartum care helps further our institutional goals and provides additional resources,” says Dr. Qasba.

Congratulations, Dr. Qasba! 

March 2023

Karin Johnson, MD

In January 2023, Karin Johnson, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs and Professor of Neurology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, received the 2023 Sleep Research Society’s (SRS) Public Service Award. This award honors individuals who have significantly advanced the mission of the SRS outside of their scientific and educational contributions. Additionally, in the same month, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) named Dr. Johnson the 2023 Mark O. Hatfield Advocacy Award recipient. This award recognizes individuals who have developed a public policy that positively affects the healthy sleep of all Americans. It was established in 1996 to honor retired U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield and his efforts to increase federal funding for sleep-related research.

Dr. Johnson has been a member of the AASM since 2007 and is currently a member of their Advocacy Committee. Some of her successes include gaining endorsement for permanent standard time from the Massachusetts Medical Society and the American Academy of Neurology, for which she is the Sleep Section Chair. She actively educates the public on the topic, for example, by hosting a 12-part series on YouTube about the science of clock change and has been featured in The New York Times, The Takeaway, NPR Morning Edition, “I have focused on raising awareness and dispelling myths about the topic by leading courses at the annual SLEEP conference and other national presentations,” says Dr. Johnson. “Locally, I worked with Representative Angelo Puppolo, Jr. to introduce a Massachusetts Bill HD-276, an act establishing permanent standard time within the Commonwealth to promote sleep and health, and led an advocacy boot camp with the AASM Advocacy Committee to teach others to do the same in their states.”

Dr. Johnson will accept both awards at the 37th Annual Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in June 2023. “These honors promote the recognition that by advocating for public health measures, we can make large-scale improvements in our patient’s lives and the greater community that day-to-day clinical care is unable to reach,” says Dr. Johnson. “Permanent standard time has the ability to reduce structural disparities not only in health and sleep but also education and the workforce.”

Congratulations, Dr. Johnson!

For more information about permanent standard time, visit SaveStandardTime.com, where Dr. Johnson serves as Vice President, or text SST to 50409 to write to your legislators today.

February 2023

Siavash Saadat, MD

In December 2022, Siavash Saadat, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, and colleagues published “Multi-arterial Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Practice Patterns in the USA: Analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database” in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery after presenting their findings at the 58th annual meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. The team analyzed current national trends for using multiple arteries as conduits for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Despite evidence suggesting it has advantages, study authors found that multi-arterial bypass grafting is underutilized nationwide. “Here at Baystate, we are well ahead of the curve regarding the frequency of utilization of multiple arteries when conducting coronary artery bypass operations,” says Dr. Saadat. “We have set the bar for excellence regarding state-of-the-art techniques and outcomes for bypass surgery in western Massachusetts.”

Additional Baystate Health authors include Daniel T. Engelman, MD, Medical Director of Cardiac Surgical Critical Care & Inpatient Surgical Services at Baystate Health and Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan-Baystate, and Thomas A. Schwann, MD, Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Baystate Health and Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan-Baystate. “Dr. Schwann has been at the forefront and dedicated his career to advancing surgical revascularization techniques for the treatment of coronary artery disease,” says Dr. Saadat. Other contributors include Robert Habib, PhD, The Society of Thoracic Surgery Research Center; Milo Engoren, MD, and Graciela Mentz, PhD, University of Michigan; and Mario Gaudino, MD, PhD, Weill-Cornell Health.

Congratulations, Dr. Saadat and team! 

2022 Monthly Faculty Highlights and Academic Promotions

In 2022, the UMass Chan-Baystate faculty had many national-level achievements. The Office of Faculty Affairs has created a compendium of our 2022 monthly Faculty Highlights to recognize these accomplishments. We have also included faculty who achieved academic promotion over the past year.

Congratulations on these outstanding endeavors!

View faculty achievements here.


December 2022

Kelly M. Tyler, MD

In December 2022, Kelly M. Tyler, MD, Division Chief of Colorectal Surgery and Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was appointed to the American Medical Association’s Relative Value Scale Update Committee, the group that determines RVU valuation across specialties in this country. Since 1992, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have relied on the Committee's recommendations to determine reimbursement to providers and health care institutions in the US. In her new role, Dr. Tyler will be representing the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.

Congratulations, Dr. Tyler!

Michael Yunes, MD, FACR

In December 2022, Michael Yunes, MD, Division Chief of Radiation Oncology and Associate Professor in the Department of Radiology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was named Associate Executive Director for Radiation Oncology at the American Board of Radiology (ABR). The ABR is a national organization that provides examinations for physicians certifying in radiology. Dr. Yunes will begin his Associate Executive Director duties in the first quarter of 2023.

Dr. Yunes has been board certified by the ABR since 2004 and has been a volunteer in the Written and Oral Exam Committees since 2013. Most recently, he served as Chair of the Lymphoma/Leukemia Oral Board Committee. As an Associate Executive Director, Dr. Yunes will work with the ABR staff, trustees, governors, and volunteers to facilitate relationships with stakeholders and Board candidates, prepare publications, and speak at national meetings on topics related to professional credentialing. “Honesty, integrity, and transparency are inherent in maintaining open communication between the large group of professionals that rely on the ABR for their careers,” says Dr. Yunes. “I am sure that it will be a great challenge to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors, but I look forward to the task.”

In addition to his activities with the ABR, Dr. Yunes will continue to be involved in teaching fellows, residents, and medical students at UMass Chan-Baystate.

Congratulations, Dr. Yunes!

November 2022

Stuart Anfang, MD

In October 2022, Stuart Anfang, MD, Vice Chair for Clinical Services and Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, received the 2022 Outstanding Service Award from the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL). This award recognizes members of the Academy who have made significant contributions to the organization and the field of forensic psychiatry. Dr. Anfang received his award at the AAPL’s 53rd Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Founded in 1969, the AAPL currently has over 2,000 members and is the leading subspecialty organization for forensic psychiatry. Dr. Anfang has been an active member since 1996. He served for many years on the AAPL Council, including five years as Treasurer and one year as Vice President. He recently served as Chair of the Strategic Planning Task Force, helping sustain the AAPL’s successful financial, leadership, and organizational future. He has also been the Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law and Chair for the Task Force to Revise Guidelines on Psychiatry Disability Evaluation.

Outside of the AAPL, Dr. Anfang has chaired the American Psychiatric Association Early Career Psychiatrist Committee. He has authored more than 40 publications, book chapters, and national presentations related to forensic psychiatry on topics including psychiatric disability, civil commitment, and geriatric forensic psychiatry.

Congratulations, Dr. Anfang!

Tovy Haber Kamine, MD, FACS

In October 2022, Tovy Haber Kamine, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Healthcare Delivery & Population Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, and other UMass Chan-Baystate faculty published “Feasibility and Acceptance of a Tele-Trauma Surgery Consult Service to Rural and Community Hospitals: A Pilot Study” in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons.

The team reported on the nation’s first tele-trauma surgery consult service. Their study described the effectiveness of a telehealth trauma evaluation between trauma surgeons at Baystate Medical Center and emergency physicians at Baystate Franklin, Baystate Noble, and Baystate Wing.

Results of the investigation demonstrated that a tele-trauma surgery service is feasible and acceptable. “Using this service, we were able to keep more than half of the patients in the local affiliate hospitals who would otherwise have been transferred with no complications,” says Dr. Kamine. “This was a collaborative process between the surgery department, particularly the trauma division at Baystate Medical Center, and the emergency department, hospitalist, and nursing leadership at the Baystate Health community affiliates.”

Additional Baystate Health authors on this paper include Margaret Siu, MD, Kristina Z. Kramer, MD, Reginald Alouidor, MD, Edward Kelly, MD, Ashley Deutsch, MD, Timothy J. Mader, MD, Paul Visintainer, PhD, Kristina Grochowski, RN, and Nicolas Jabbour, MD.

Congratulations, Dr. Kamine and team!

October 2022

Kathaleen Barker, MD

In September 2022, the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded Kathaleen Barker, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate and Associate Director of Obstetrics at Baystate Medical Center, a $620,000 grant via the State Maternal Health Innovation (State MHI) Program.

HRSA established the State MHI Program to assist states in strengthening their capacity to address disparities in maternal health and improve maternal health outcomes. Dr. Barker’s award supports the expansion of remote patient monitoring in the postpartum period for patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. “The objective of this work is to examine the outcomes of patients who have postpartum remote monitoring compared to traditional postpartum care,” says Dr. Barker. “We will use that information to inform best practices for all hospitals in the state of Massachusetts with the goal of having remote patient monitoring accessible to all patients who deliver in the state by the end of the study period.”

“We started a pilot program for this study two years ago at Baystate Medical Center,” Dr. Barker adds. “We had great success with that program and this grant will ensure this tremendous resource will remain accessible in our community for the next five years.”

Congratulations, Dr. Barker!

September 2022

Kristina Z. Kramer, MD

Kristina Kramer, MD, Associate Trauma Medical Director at Baystate Health and Associate Program Director of the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was selected as one of the 40 Under 40 women surgeons by the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) in September 2022. This honor highlights women surgeons who are trailblazers in their fields or have made a significant impact with their actions.

Dr. Kramer joined the Division of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, and Surgical Care team at Baystate Health in October 2019 after completing a 2-year fellowship at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, IL. Since joining Baystate, she has worked closely with hospital and community leaders to establish Better Tomorrow, a hospital-based violence intervention program (HVIP) that provides intensive case management and other vital support services to violently injured patients in our community. HVIPs have been shown to reduce rates of re-injury, thereby decreasing health care costs and improving quality of life for patients. “These programs work to break the cycle of violence in our community,” Dr. Kramer noted.

In December 2021, the United States Department of Justice awarded Dr. Kramer a $1 million grant to fund Better Tomorrow. “We have an obligation to support our patients with this type of program. Baystate Medical Center is the only level 1 trauma center in western Massachusetts, and HVIPs are a hallmark of top trauma centers. I worked hard to establish Better Tomorrow and am very proud of everything my team and I have accomplished,” Dr. Kramer said.

This year, Baystate Women in Medicine and Science honored Dr. Kramer with an Impact Award which recognizes women faculty and medical staff members who have demonstrated excellence in clinical care, education, research, or institutional service.

Congratulations, Dr. Kramer!

August 2022

Neal Seymour, MD, FACS

Neal Seymour, MD, Vice Chair for Clinical and Educational Affairs and Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was appointed to the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Academy of Master Surgeon Educators on July 28, 2022.

“For me, admission to the Academy is a true career high point,” said Dr. Seymour. “When I started work in surgical virtual reality simulation in 1999, I had no clear idea that it would establish my career direction or provide me the opportunity to affect national educational policy.”

Developed by the ACS Division of Education, the Academy of Master Surgeon Educators recognizes surgeon educators who have devoted their careers to surgical education. Individuals are selected as full members following a stringent peer review process. “Full membership in the Academy is the ACS mechanism of gathering educational thought leaders together to amplify ideas and innovations that will influence the way surgeon learners gain skills and knowledge for years to come,” Dr. Seymour noted.

In addition to supporting the mission and goals of the Academy, members must actively participate in Academy programs and activities. “As an Academy member I am obligated to participate in the development, evaluation, and implementation of both ACS educational programs and policy, as well as the Academy’s involvement in broader national education programs. The requirements for membership in this distinguished organization are rigorous and being named an Academy member is a tremendous honor,” Dr. Seymour concluded.

Congratulations, Dr. Seymour!

July 2022

Dennis Oh, MD

Dennis Oh, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was elected President of the New England Neurosurgical Society (NENS) in June 2022 and will serve a 1 year term. As President, Dr. Oh will lead the Society in accomplishing its goal of bringing together the neurosurgeons of New England in pursuit of education, collaboration, and advocacy. Dr. Oh stated, “I hope not only to foster camaraderie among individual neurosurgeons in our part of the country but also to engage the neurosurgical programs in New England, which are national powerhouses, in the spirit of collaboration instead of competition.”

Dr. Oh and his team will continue to focus on improving clinical outcomes in spinal surgery, an effort that has helped Baystate become a top-100 hospital in the U.S. for spine surgery. Dr. Oh recounted, “We have a lot to offer and the Society is one way of incorporating Baystate Medical Center and UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate into this leading network. It elevates our program in many ways. Together with the top centers in the country, we have been chosen as a site for pioneering clinical trials.”

In addition to his role as President of NENS, Dr. Oh was elected State Representative for the Council of State Neurosurgical Societies in June 2022. In this position, Dr. Oh will represent the interests of practicing neurosurgeons in our region by communicating information to national organizations and government entities to influence socioeconomic policy that impacts neurosurgery. Such an endeavor will involve understanding concerns at a grassroots level and working with legislative representatives on these regulatory and healthcare issues. Dr. Oh added, “We will serve as a conduit for formulating initiatives that improve care and cost efficiency. I hope to help remove impediments to our ability to deliver quality care for our neurosurgical patients.”

Congratulations, Dr. Oh!

June 2022

Karin Johnson, MD

Karin Johnson, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs and Professor of Neurology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, recently served as first author of “PAP therapy and readmission rates after in-hospital laboratory titration polysomnography in patients with hypoventilation,” published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in the spring 2022. The paper reported the effects of PAP therapy adherence on readmission rates in patients with hypoventilation who underwent inpatient sleep studies with titration. Dr. Johnson’s study demonstrated that adherence with appropriate therapy and quick set-up were associated with a reduction in readmissions in this high-risk population.

A nationally recognized sleep expert, Dr. Johnson is an appointed member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s Inpatient Guideline Task Force. She was also invited this spring to contribute an editorial, “Use and limitations of databases and big data in sleep-disordered breathing research,” to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Her article describes the growing use of databases and big data for research as well as their limitations, especially when relying on billing codes for diseases like obstructive sleep apnea.

Congratulations, Dr. Johnson! 

May 2022

Quinn Pack, MD, MSc

Quinn Pack, MD, MSc, Associate Professor of Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was recently awarded a $3.68 million RO1 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) entitled “Implementing Effective Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy for Hospitalized Smokers with Cardiopulmonary Disease”

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death in the United States and contributes to more than 7 million hospitalizations annually. Hospitalization offers a window of opportunity for intervention: hospital policies prohibit smoking, patients are highly motivated to quit, and societal guidelines recommend that clinicians should counsel patients and prescribe smoking cessation pharmacotherapy (SCP). However, only 22% if patients are ever prescribed SCP while hospitalized and only 1% of patients are prescribed guideline-concordant SCP.

Dr. Pack and his team will employ a nurse practitioner-led, hospital-based tobacco treatment team to prescribe effective medications, educate patients on proper usage, and manage a mobile phone-based text messaging system with the goal to keep patients on the medication, improve adherence, and increase smoking cessation rates. This study hopes to facilitate widespread and effective hospital-based tobacco treatment so that more patients lead lives free from tobacco and cardiopulmonary disease.

At the conclusion of the grant, Dr. Pack’s team will develop a detailed, evidence-informed implementation guide for a hospital-based tobacco treatment team.

Congratulations, Dr. Pack! 

Tara Catanzano, MD, FSABI

Tara Catanzano, MD, Associate Director of Academic Career Development in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professor of Radiology at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, was the recipient of the 2022 Association of University Radiologists Alliance of Clinician-Educators in Radiology (ACER) Achievement Award in March 2022. This national award honors a leader in radiology education who has made significant contributions to ACER, education, and academic radiology.

In 2007, the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) Board of Directors approved the creation of the Alliance of Clinician-Educators in Radiology (ACER). The ACER is a member organization of the AUR and works to advance the efforts of radiology faculty.

Congratulations, Dr. Catanzano!

See other ACER award winners here.

Matthew Sadof, MD

Matthew Sadof, MD, Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate, received the 2022 Hampden County Community Clinician of the Year Award from the Hampden District Medical Society in April 2022.

The Clinician of the Year Award was established in 1998 to recognize a practitioner from each district medical society who has made significant contributions to patients and the community.

Congratulations, Dr. Sadof!


July 2021

Stephanie Daly, MD
Barry Sarvet, MD
Jessica Wozniak, PsyD

Congratulations to Stephanie Daly, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Jessica Wozniak, PsyD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; and Barry Sarvet, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry, for serving as Primary Investigators (PIs) on newly awarded grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Both grants are part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), funded by SAMHSA, and will bring $5 million in funding to Baystate Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry to support their work locally and share their expertise on a national level.

The two federal five-year grants will provide services and support to children and families who have experienced psychological trauma.

The first grant (led by Drs. Daly and Wozniak) is the Building Resiliency in Young Children (BRYC). This $2 million award will help the Department of Psychiatry expand its trauma-focused mental health services to address the needs of children in our community. The program will have the overarching goal of improving access to quality trauma-informed services for children 0-5 years old who have mental health needs associated with adverse life experiences. In addition to building an internal team of clinicians for this work, the grant will allow training and consultation to community child service partners in the greater Springfield area.

The second grant (headed by Drs. Sarvet and Wozniak) is called Child Advocacy Training and Support Center (CATS). This $3 million grant will aid the development of a national center at Baystate to provide training and technical support for multidisciplinary response teams known as Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) across the US. This national center will focus on helping CACs to adopt evidence-based treatment models and trauma-informed clinical practices. CATS will implement comprehensive, coordinated capacity-building efforts focused on dissemination and implementation of these clinical models.

With these two grants, the Department of Psychiatry continues its 11-year membership to the NCTSN, whose mission is to improve the quality, effectiveness, and availability of services for children and families who experience traumatic events. The NCTSN helps children who have experienced a wide variety of consequences of trauma such as ongoing emotional and psychological distress, grief, challenging behavioral changes, difficulties with attention, nightmares, and illness.

May 2021

Marcia W. VanVleet, MD, MPH

Congratulations to Marcia VanVleet, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan-Baystate, on being awarded a grant from the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission. The 24-month Cost Effective, Coordinated Care for Caregivers and Substance Exposed Newborns (C4SEN) Investment Program will benefit Baystate Franklin Medical Center (BFMC) by supporting development of innovative care models and ensuring access to high-quality, efficient, and culturally sensitive care for both substance-exposed newborns and their caregivers.

As Primary Investigator (PI)/Investment Director of this grant, Dr. VanVleet and her team plan to establish a new family-centered clinic at Greenfield Family Medicine for families affected by substance use disorders. This clinic will work collaboratively with the Early Intervention teams from Criterion and ServiceNet in Greenfield who help children with substance exposure reach developmental milestones.

“The grant is building on the strong programs that we have at BFMC that partner with many community agencies in Franklin County to form wrap-around services for opiate and substance use disorders,” said Dr. VanVleet.

This funding is supporting BFMC’s Moms Do Care/EMPOWER program, which assists people affected by Opioid Use Disorder in Franklin County by providing developmental care and parenting support for young children.

Lauren M. Westafer, DO, MPH, MS

Lauren Westafer, DO, MPH, MS, Assistant Professor and Director of the Emergency Medicine Research Fellowship at UMMS-Baystate, was awarded the FOAMed Excellence in Education Award from the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) in April 2021. This award honors a SAEM member who has made outstanding contributions to the online learning community of emergency medicine through innovative and engaging FOAMed content.

FOAMed stands for Free Open Access Medical Education and is a collection of medical education resources such as journal articles and texts. FOAMed materials are developed by groups or individuals and may or may not be peer reviewed.

Dr. Westafer is an implementation science researcher and FOAMed enthusiast. She is author of the blog, The Short Coat, and co-founder of the emergency medicine podcast, FOAMcast. She lectures internationally on social media in medical education, critical appraisal and journal club design, pulmonary embolism, and advancing the quality of healthcare for LGBTQI+ patients. Additionally, she serves as social media editor and research methodology editor for Annals of Emergency Medicine and is an associate editor for NEJM Journal Watch – Emergency Medicine.

Congratulations, Dr. Westafer!

See the other SAEM award winners.

April 2021

Kevin Moriarty, MD, FACS

Kevin Moriarty, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs and Professor of Surgery and Chief of Pediatric Surgery at UMMS-Baystate, received the Hampden County Community Clinician of the Year Award from the Hampden District Medical Society in April 2021. David Tashjian, MD, Medical Director of Pediatric Trauma at Baystate Medical Center, nominated Dr. Moriarty and described him as:

“…a true leader in the surgical care of children and in the education and mentorship of residents and faculty within the Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, and Baystate hospital system. He has long been a trusted partner and friend.”

The Clinician of the Year Award was established in 1998 to recognize a practitioner from each district medical society who has made significant contributions to patients and the community. The award is usually presented during the Medical Society’s spring meeting, but because of COVID-19, this year’s meeting was cancelled. Dr. Tashjian was proud to present the award virtually to Dr. Moriarty on April 15.

“I would like to say that I am humbled to be part of a great children’s surgical team and honored to be named the Hampden County Community Clinician of the Year,” said Dr. Moriarty. “I was born and raised in Hampden County and have been blessed to be able to practice medicine in my home community. The most rewarding [thing] to me is having helped a child, to see them laugh and their parents smile.”

Dr. Moriarty served as President of the Hampden District Medical Society from 2011-2012 and is currently a member of the Executive Board. He is also a member of the Executive Council and Board of Governors of the American College of Surgeons’ Massachusetts Chapter.

Nationally, Dr. Moriarty serves on the American Pediatric Surgical Association’s Practice Committee and is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Surgical Care Delivery Committee.

Dr. Moriarty noted, “I feel that it is also important to be at the table to advocate for your patients and the team both nationally and locally.”

We admire Dr. Moriarty’s numerous contributions to the surgical care of children in western Massachusetts. Congratulations!

March 2021

Tashanna K.N. Myers, MD, FACOG, FACS

NRG Oncology, a National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) group focused on improving outcomes for adults with cancer through international clinical research, recently appointed Tashanna Myers, MD, of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate as an At-Large Director of the organization’s Board of Directors. This appointment was effective starting February 2021 for a 3-year renewable term.

Dr. Myers has an expansive background in gynecologic oncology research and clinical trials as well as a history in academics and education. She is currently the Site Principal Investigator for the following trials: the NCI COVID-19 in Cancer Patients Study (NCCAPS); the NRG-GY022 study on carboplatin clearance predictors; a Phase III trial for intermediate risk, stage I/IIA cervical cancer patients that have been previously treated with an initial radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy, or surgery to remove the lymph node; the NRG-GY019 trial for primary low grade serous ovarian cancer; the NRG-GY006 trial for women with newly bulky stage IB2, stage II, IIB, or IVA uterine cervix cancer or stage II-IVA vaginal cancer, and several industry supported trials.

In addition to her clinical research experience, Dr. Myers has held leadership positions including her current roles as Medical Director and Division Chief of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate and previous positions as Chair of the Diversity Committee at Baystate Medical Center. She has received several teaching honors from the Baystate OB/GYN Residency Program and Tufts University School of Medicine, and has been invited to speak at national presentations such as the Society for Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting.

“I look forward to utilizing my experiences and expertise to help this organization continue to contribute clinical meaningful research results and expand upon ways we can improve our current strategies and methods for the future,” stated Dr. Myers.

“In her new role, Dr. Myers will be a tremendous asset to the leadership of the NRG Oncology Board of Directors and helping NRG Oncology achieve their research goals and adhere to their mission,” added Robert S. Mannel, MD, an NRG Oncology Group Chair and the Director of the Stephenson Cancer Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

Thomas Lincoln, MD

Thomas Lincoln, MD, has been awarded the W. Lester Henry Award for Diversity and Access to Care from the American College of Physicians (ACP), a national organization of internists.

The W. Lester Henry Award for Diversity and Access to Care was established by ACP’s Board of Regents in 2008, in honor of the late Dr. Henry, the first African-American Regent and recipient of Mastership in the American College of Physicians. The award recognizes an ACP member with outstanding accomplishments in advancing diversity in clinical medicine or research, or in access to care in relation to diverse populations.

Dr. Lincoln is a primary care physician at Baystate Brightwood Health Center who has dedicated his career to caring for the underserved and incarcerated in Western Massachusetts and beyond. He is the Medical Director of the Hampden County Correctional Centers and is an Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate with 30 peer-reviewed articles, multiple abstracts, and countless national presentations.

Dr. Lincoln has pioneered the way for a marginalized population to receive access to outstanding care in the most complex of situations – incarceration. Dr. Lincoln has helped develop and successfully integrate a nationally recognized program to care for inmates while they are incarcerated and to facilitate their transition back into their home communities. He has rigorously studied the impact of this program on community health and well-being, receiving grant funding and garnering national awards for the program including the Armond Start Award of Excellence, American College of Correctional Physicians.

Dr. Lincoln is a passionate and dedicated educator who has positively influenced countless medical students, residents, and colleagues in his quest to improve and study the care of the communities that he serves. He has been a strong and consistent presence at the annual Massachusetts ACP Chapter Scientific Meeting where he is well known for his expertise and passion to improve access to care for a diverse and marginalized population.

The American College of Physicians is the largest medical specialty organization in the United States with members in more than 145 countries worldwide. ACP membership includes 163,000 internal medicine physicians (internists), related subspecialists, and medical students. Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness.

January 2021

Jonathan Bayuk, DO

Congratulations to Jonathan Bayuk, DO, Assistant Professor of Medicine at UMass Medical School-Baystate, who has been named the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Foundation’s 2020 Practice Champion of the Year. This national award honors an individual’s extraordinary efforts as a clinician, educator, advocate, and humanitarian. Dr. Bayuk was nominated by a colleague and will be recognized during the Foundation’s Virtual Awards Celebration on Friday, February 26th, 2021.

The mission of the AAAAI Foundation is to fund research that leads to the prevention and cure of asthma and allergic and immunologic disease.


Faculty Highlights 2020 - A Year in Review

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the faculty at UMass Medical School-Baystate achieved many national-level recognitions in 2020. In “Faculty Highlights 2020 – A Year in Review,” we have compiled examples of their peer-reviewed publications, presentations, grants, and awards. We congratulate them on their outstanding accomplishments!

Read Faculty Highlights 2020 - A Year in Review.

December 2020

Matthew Sadof, MD

Matthew Sadof, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UMMS-Baystate, recently served as senior author of “Lessons Learned, Best Practices: Care Coordination for Children with Medical Complexity,” published in Pediatric Annals. This paper was part of a special issue on complex care and described a family-centered model of care coordination for children with complex medical conditions. The article also highlighted funding challenges for these services and addressed pandemic-related concerns.

Dr. Sadof has spent nearly two decades working with families of children with multiple health problems requiring frequent healthcare visits and is a nationally-recognized leader in his field. He has combined his experience of running a federally-funded coordination program for children requiring complex medical care and the Western Massachusetts Consortium for Children with Special Needs to create a family-centered road map for healthcare delivery.

Congratulations Dr. Sadof!

Citation: Maypole J. Gavin T, deBanate M, Sadof M “Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Care Coordination for Children with Medical Complexity”, Pediatric Annals,2020 vol.49(11) pp. e-457-e466

Abraham Thomas, MD, MPH

Abraham Thomas, MD, MPH, Department Chair and Professor of Medicine at UMMS-Baystate, has been selected to receive the 2021 Eric G. Neilson, MD, Leadership in Specialty Internal Medicine Award from the Association of Specialty Professors (ASP). ASP is a subdivision of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) and represents fellowship program directors, division chiefs, and faculty physicians from medical schools and teaching hospitals across the United States and Canada.

The Eric G. Neilson, MD, Leadership in Specialty Internal Medicine Award recognizes an individual who has had significant influence on the realm of internal medicine. The recipient is selected by the ASP council, with special consideration given to each candidates’ overall contributions as well as their involvement in ASP and support of its mission.

Dr. Thomas has been a member of AAIM since 2007, served on the AAIM Board of Directors from 2016-2019, and was President of ASP from 2017-2018. The award will be presented to him at ASP’s virtual Academic Internal Medicine Week meeting in April 2021. 

November 2020

Raquel Belforti, DO, MS

Raquel Belforti, DO, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Associate Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency, and Internal Medicine Clerkship Director at UMMS-Baystate, was featured on a recent episode of The Medicine Mentors podcast. According to The Medicine Mentors website, the mission of this national podcast is to “create a platform for top physician mentors to share key insights, traits, and best practices based on their experiences to guide medical students and residents.”

Kush Gupta, MD, one of the podcast founders, interviewed Dr. Belforti in an episode entitled “A Mindful Approach to Patient Care.” During the conversation, Dr. Belforti highlighted the importance of providing patient-centered care, being mindful at the bedside, and listening to patients’ stories. She also shared her personal experiences, how much she values being a part of Baystate Health, and offered insights around mentorship and professional development. Furthermore, Dr. Belforti emphasized Baystate’s longstanding commitment to all levels of learners, innovation and education, and a culture of mutual support.

Dr. Belforti completed her residency training in internal medicine at Baystate Health in 2008 and has been a medical educator here for 12 years. 

September 2020

Robert A. Baldor, MD, FAAFP

Robert Baldor, MD, founding Chair for the UMMS-Baystate Department of Family Medicine (FM) and Professor of Family Medicine, has recently received two grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that will enhance medical education in the Pioneer Valley.

A $750,000 Heath Research and Services Administration (HRSA) grant will support the new FM residency program by funding faculty development, innovative curriculum, and training of family physicians in longitudinal and comprehensive primary care for people of all ages and genders with an emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion. The three-year residency will be based at Baystate Franklin Medical Center (BFMC) in Greenfield, MA. Four FM residents will be recruited annually and welcomed to the Greenfield community starting in July 2022.

Dr. Baldor has also received a second grant, worth $100,000, from the Area Health Education Center (AHEC). The statewide Massachusetts Area Health Education Center (MassAHEC) is based in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health at the main UMass Medical School campus in Worcester under the direction of Linda Cragin, MS. Dr. Baldor’s award supports a new rural AHEC at Baystate Franklin Medical Center (BFMC) led by Project Coordinator, Justin Ayala, and will allow medical students in UMMS-Baystate’s PURCH program exposure to social determinants of health impacting local communities in urban and rural locations. Experience in such environments has been shown to be a key factor in medical students’ choice to work in under-served areas upon completion of their training. The FM residency will also serve as an opportunity for PURCH students to continue to learn about and deliver rural health care during their graduate medical education.

August 2020

Reham Shaaban, DO

Congratulations to Reham Shaaban, DO, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at UMMS-Baystate, for her appointment to the Board of Directors for the Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centers (AIAMC). The AIAMC is a national organization of independent teaching hospitals committed to delivering exceptional patient care through education and innovation.

Dr. Shaaban has been an active AIAMC member for 8 years and has participated in various national initiatives within the organization. Beginning April 2020, she will serve a 3-year term on the Board of Directors. In this role, she will advise, govern, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of the AIAMC to ensure the organization meets its mission and serves the needs of its members.

To be selected as a Board member of the AIAMC, nominees must be employees of a current Alliance member in good standing and in a senior management position at their institution. Individuals may be nominated by any Alliance member institution, their peers, or self-nominated.

“This Board appointment is a great honor to continue active involvement and have a voice to keep Baystate’s legacy alive within the organization and also to advocate for exceptional patient care, safety and educational innovation,” said Dr. Shaaban. 

July 2020

Kelly M. Tyler, MD, FACS, FASCRS

Congratulations to Kelly Tyler, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery at UMMS-Baystate, for her recent appointment to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (JOGS). JOGS is a peer-reviewed journal that describes latest developments in gastrointestinal surgery and is the official publication of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT). Dr. Tyler will serve on the Editorial Board from June 2020 through June 2024.

June 2020

Amir Lotfi, MD, FSCAI

Congratulations to Amir Lofti, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate and interventional cardiologist at Baystate Health, who served as Chair of the writing group that recently published the Expert Consensus Statement on Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest for the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI). The statement makes recommendations for managing patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and was published last month in Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, the official journal of SCAI. Dr. Lotfi and his colleagues also presented the guidelines during the SCAI 2020 Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference in May 2020. The goal of the consensus statement is to increase standardized language and streamline care for OHCA in order to improve patient outcomes.

OHCA is a significant public health issue throughout the country and the region with very high mortality and morbidity. According to Dr. Lotfi, OHCA affects 347,000 people annually with only a 10% survival rate in the United States. “Two out of three cardiac arrests of OHCA happen at home. This document is centered on evidence-based and patient-oriented management to assess and treat those with OHCA,” said Dr. Lotfi.

Citation: Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2020 May 14. doi: 10.1002/ccd.28990. Online ahead of print.

Peter K. Lindenauer, MD, MSc, MHM
Mihaela Stefan, MD, PhD
Tara C. Lagu, MD, MPH
Quinn R. Pack, MD, MSc
Victor Pinto-Plata, MD, MA

Congratulations to Peter K. Lindenauer, MD, MSc, MHM, Assistant Dean for Population Health and Professor of Medicine, and his team on the publication of “Association Between Initiation of Pulmonary Rehabilitation After Hospitalization for COPD and 1-Year Survival Among Medicare Beneficiaries” in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in May 2020.

The article described the association between initiation of pulmonary rehabilitation (a structured exercise and education program) and survival of patients with advanced lung disease. Investigators demonstrated that patients enrolled in rehabilitation after a hospitalization lived longer than those who did not. These findings support current guideline recommendations for pulmonary rehabilitation after hospitalization for COPD, although further research is still needed.

Under the leadership of study co-author, Victor Pinto Plata, MD, Baystate Health operates three Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) programs at Baystate Medical Center, Baystate Franklin Medical Center, and Baystate Noble Hospital that care for hundreds of patients with COPD each year. Unfortunately, study results showed that very few patients enroll in these types of programs despite apparent mortality benefit. In collaboration with colleagues at the University of Michigan and the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Worcester campus, Baystate investigators are currently preparing a grant proposal to study novel strategies for enhancing patient participation.

Additional authors on this paper include Penelope S. Pekow, PhD, Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at UMass Amherst and Senior Biostatistician at UMMS-Baystate; Kathleen M. Mazor, EdD, Professor of Medicine at UMMS; UMMS-Baystate research staff Aruna Priya, MA, MSc, and Kerry A. Spitzer, PhD, MPA; as well as Richard ZuWallack, MD, of Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT. 

Citation: Lindenauer PK, Stefan MS, Pekow PS, et al. Association Between Initiation of Pulmonary Rehabilitation After Hospitalization for COPD and 1-Year Survival Among Medicare Beneficiaries. JAMA. 2020;323(18):1813–1823. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.4437

Jeannette Wolfe, MD

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) has honored Jeannette Wolfe, MD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UMMS-Baystate, with the Advancement of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine Award. SAEM Awards recognize excellence in emergency medicine, contributions improving the health of society, and academic achievements.

Dr. Wolfe has extensively written, lectured, and conducted research about sex and gender related issues at both at the national and international level. She is a founding member of the Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine Interest Group, developed the annual SAEM Jeopardy Game, and created her own podcast called “Sex and Why.” With the onset of COVID-19, her mission has become even more essential as sex-based differences in mortality have clearly emerged and it is critical that the wider scientific community examines novel treatments by sex-disaggregated analysis to ensure that they are safe and effective in both men and women.

Throughout her career, Dr. Wolfe has been a champion of promoting neurodiverse and gender intelligent teams. She has had leadership roles in multiple professional development organizations at the regional and national level. At Baystate Health, she has served as Vice-Chair of Women Advancing and Achieving in Medicine (now BWIMS), created and directed an annual Women in Medicine regional conference, and helped create Speak UP, a six-month public speaking development program geared towards women in academic medicine. At the national level she was a 2013 Fellow in the Impact Center’s Women in Executive Leadership Program and has held numerous positions within the Academy of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine including participating on the executive committee and chairing both the wellness and regional conferences subcommittees. Through these connections, she has helped to develop multiple educational opportunities targeted to the professional development of women in emergency medicine.

May 2020

Amy S. Gottlieb, MD, FACP

The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) has named Amy S. Gottlieb, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professor of Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate and Chief Faculty Development Officer at Baystate Health, the recipient of the 2020 Elnora Rhodes Service Award. This award recognizes the highest level of service to SGIM and is given annually to an individual for outstanding contributions to the Society in upholding its missions of clinical care, research, education, and community service in primary care internal medicine. It was established in 1997 to honor Ms. Elnora M. Rhodes and her contributions to the Society during her ten years as Executive Director.

Dr. Gottlieb was nominated by fellow SGIM members Wendy Bennett, MD, MPH, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS, of Yale School of Medicine; and Julie Mitchell, MD, formerly of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Gottlieb has been a member of SGIM since 2005 and is nationally recognized for her work on gender equity in academic medicine. She was elected to become a member of the SGIM Women and Medicine Commission in 2008 and served as Co-Chair from 2013-2015 and Chair from 2015-2017.

“Dr. Gottlieb has made tremendous contributions to our organization with measurable results in career advancement and sponsorship for women faculty,” said the award nominators. “Rarely does a single SGIM member have as great a positive impact on the organization and the field as Dr. Gottlieb.” During her tenure as commission co-chair, Dr. Gottlieb conceptualized, championed, proposed, created, and implemented the SGIM-Career Advising Program (CAP), a nationally recognized sponsorship program within SGIM. The first program of its kind nationally, CAP has enrolled more than 300 SGIM members since its inception. Medical associations nationwide, including the American College of Physicians and the Association of American Medical Colleges, have adopted the CAP strategy to improve gender equity in medicine.

In addition to her work on behalf of SGIM, Dr. Gottlieb is an elected member of the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Women in Medicine and Science Steering Committee and is currently editing a book on how organizations can narrow the gender pay gap in medicine.

Dr. Gottlieb’s Rhodes Award has also been highlighted on UMassMedNow and her formal acceptance speech is available for online viewing.

April 2020

Karin Johnson, MD

Karin Johnson, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Neurology at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate, has been elected by her peers to serve as Sleep Medicine Section Chair for the American Academy of Neurology from April 2020-2022. As Chair, Dr. Johnson will help develop national sleep medicine guidelines and serve as a liaison with other national organizations including the American Board of Medical Specialties and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

“I have a particular interest in promoting Sleep Medicine as a specialty among residents and medical students,” says Dr. Johnson. Her recent research revolves around gender differences in patients with mild obstructive sleep disordered breathing and attempts to find novel scoring features that will better predict which patients will benefit from treatment.

“This role nationally recognizes Baystate’s own Sleep Medicine program, which now has a multidisciplinary team including 10 Neurology, Pulmonology, Psychiatric, Internal Medicine, Med-Peds boarded Sleep Specialists and 4 advanced practitioners,” adds Dr. Johnson. This team has clinic sites at Baystate Medical Center, Longmeadow, Northampton, Baystate Franklin, Mason Square, Baystate Wing, and Baystate Mary Lane. “We have 20 sleep beds at 3 laboratories and a large Home Sleep Study program with pickup sites across the region,” notes Dr. Johnson. The sleep clinics see patients of all ages. 

February 2020

Fadi Bsat, MD

In January 2020, Fadi Bsat, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics-Gynecology, was voted Chair-Elect of the Practice Management Division Advisory Board of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine (SMFM).

The SMFM Practice Management Division provides comprehensive resources for the operations and administration of a high-risk obstetric practice. The Division oversees the SMFM Coding Committee, organizes semiannual national coding courses and an annual practice management course, develops webinars, coding resources, and assistance with payer conflict. It also runs an annual physician leadership training program and provides mentorship opportunities and consulting services for fellows and junior faculty in contracting and management. In its leadership training and mentorship roles, the Division assists members and fellows with difficult issues and conversations in early or established roles of their practice. The Division also provides practice management consulting services, both in-person and remote.

Once Dr. Bsat serves this executive role for 2 years, he will become Board Chair in 2022 for a period of 3 years. Learn more about SMFM’s Practice Management Division.

January 2020

Thomas Lincoln, MD

The Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP) recently honored physician members at their Annual Meeting on November 9th in Waltham, MA. Thomas Lincoln, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate, received the Humanism in Medicine Award in recognition of his work in correctional medicine. Elisa Choi, MD, Governor of the Massachusetts Chapter of ACP, presented the award for Dr. Lincoln’s “pioneering the way for a marginalized population to receive access to outstanding care in the most complex of situations; incarceration.” The Humanism in Medicine Award was first presented in 2015, recognizing outstanding dedication and service to patients and underserved populations.

Dr. Lincoln and Baystate Health colleagues work with the Hampden County Correctional Center in a community-integrated program that became a national model for correctional health care and has sustained for 25 years. 

Katie Jobbins, DO, MS, FACP

Congratulations to Katie Jobbins, DO, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Associate Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at UMMS-Baystate, for being selected as a 2019 Inspiration Award honoree by the American Medical Association’s Women Physicians Section last month. This national award honors physicians who have helped develop the professional careers of colleagues, residents, and students. Amanda Whitehouse, a 3rd year medical student in UMMS-Baystate’s PURCH program, nominated Dr. Jobbins.

In her nomination letter, Ms. Whitehouse stated: “I have had the privilege of working with Dr. Jobbins for the past two years for our longitudinal preceptor program. She has had an incredibly positive impact on my learning experience and life. She embodies the physician I want to be in the future. She cares deeply for her patients as evidenced by patients switching health care systems when she recently moved to a new position. She is invested in the education of future physicians. I have had the privilege from learning from her but I know of many other students, residents and colleagues of hers that benefit from her commitment to teaching. She is an incredible asset…and I look forward to continue learning from her!”

Dr. Jobbins is proud to represent UMMS-Baystate amongst such an amazing group of physicians. “This award truly showcases the importance of education, self-reflection and feedback and how inspiring young physicians moves the field of medicine forward,” says Dr. Jobbins.


Faculty Highlights 2019 - A Year In Review

Read Faculty Highlights 2019 - A Year in Review

December 2019

Tara Lagu, MD, MPH

ACP Hospitalist designated Tara Lagu, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, as one of their 2019 “Top Hospitalists.” The winners, nominated by their colleagues and chosen by ACP Hospitalist's editorial board for their accomplishments in hospitalist practice, were announced in the November 14th issue. Dr. Lagu was recognized because of her diverse research agenda focused on improving quality and safety of care and her efforts to understand patient experience, increase access for patients with disabilities, and identify strategies to compare outcomes for patients with heart failure.

ACP Hospitalist chooses approximately 10 hospitalists each year for this award. In 2014, another Baystate physician, Reham Shaaban, DO, was chosen for her contributions to the areas of medical education and quality improvement.

Corina Schoen, MD

Corina Schoen, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, published original research entitled “Blown out of proportion? Induction Foley balloon ruptures associated with overinflation” in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM in August 2019. In the study, investigators disseminated knowledge about a commonly employed means of labor induction and the safety issues that may be encountered. The Foley catheter is a non-FDA approved method to prepare the cervix for labor; there is evidence showing it is one of the safest ways to start the labor process. It is not uncommon for balloons to be over-inflated beyond the manufacturer recommendations. The chance of a balloon rupture with over-inflation is about 1%. Women being induced at Baystate Medical Center now receive larger volume catheters that can be filled to 80 mL – a safer way to induce labor.

Citation: Schoen CN, Keefe KW, Berghella V, Sciscione A, Pettker CM. Blown out of proportion? Induction Foley balloon ruptures associated with over-inflation. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2019;1:100026

November 201

Stuart Anfang, MD

In October, Stuart Anfang, MD, Vice Chair for Clinical Services and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, was elected Treasurer of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law (AAPL) at the organization’s annual meeting in Baltimore, MD. Founded in 1969, AAPL is the leading subspecialty organization for forensic psychiatrists. Dr. Anfang also serves on the Editorial Board of AAPL’s academic Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law.

October 2019

Timothy Mader, MD

Congratulations to Timothy Mader, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine at UMMS-Baystate, on receiving a two-year, $222,000 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“A contemporary subgroup analysis of cooling after non-shockable cardiac arrest: insights from a large registry” seeks to determine if whole body cooling to reduce brain damage in patients recovering from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is appropriate in those individuals who did not experience ventricular fibrillation. Baystate has the most active therapeutic hypothermia/targeted temperature management program for survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the region. “Knowing if the effect of therapeutic hypothermia/targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is modified by rhythm classification will help us better care for our post-cardiac arrest patients,” says Dr. Mader. For more information, visit NIH RePORT.

September 2019

Tara Catanzano, MD, FSCBTMR

Congratulations to Tara Catanzano, MD, Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Residency Program Director, and Associate Professor, Department of Radiology at UMMS-Baystate and Associate Director of Academic Career Development, Office of Faculty Affairs, for her recent appointment to the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) Board of Directors. The AUR is comprised of over 1,600 academic radiologists, residents, and fellows. The mission of the AUR is to promote educational innovation, scholarship, and collaboration to advance education in radiology. Dr. Catanzano will serve as a Member at Large on the Board of Directors through 2022 (a three-year term). The president of the AUR nominated Dr. Catanzano for this role. She will work to advance AUR’s mission and offer value to its members by helping with committee initiatives and projects while providing support to fellow AUR members. Earlier this year, Dr. Catanzano received a Certificate of Merit for her AUR presentation on a career development toolkit for clinician educators and researchers. This toolkit was based on work she completed as a recipient of an AUR Venture grant.

Neal Seymour, MD, FACS

Neal Seymour, MD, Professor at UMMS-Baystate and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs and Residency Program Director, Department of Surgery, has authored the inaugural chapter on simulation in Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 12th Edition. “This is the first time a major American surgical textbook will place this kind of focus on simulation and skills acquisition,” says Dr. Seymour. The co-author for the chapter is Carla M. Pugh, MD, PhD of Stanford University. Dr. Seymour was selected because of his academic contributions to the field of simulation training in surgery, an area he has worked in for 20 years; his most notable efforts have been in the use of virtual reality simulation tools and assessment of surgical skills. Baystate’s Simulation Center and Goldberg Surgical Skills Lab, which Dr. Seymour established, is a highly valued resource for our undergraduate and graduate medical trainees as well as nursing and medical paraprofessional learners.

“I would like to think of this as my most significant contribution to the quality and safety of medical care at Baystate Health,” says Dr. Seymour, who is also leading an international effort to develop a new simulation test to certify laparoscopic surgeons.

August 2019

Maura Brennan, MD

Congratulations to Maura Brennan, MD, and her team on obtaining a renewal of Baystate Health’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Grant through 2024. Dr. Brennan is the lead on this grant, which has supported the growth of the ACE (Acute Care for Elders) and Geri-Pal programs along with a host of other community outreach and educational initiatives. These programs have already improved outcomes for patients and reduced costs for the health system. Due in large part to this grant, The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) recognized Baystate Health’s three Community Health Centers (High Street, Mason Square and Brightwood) and Baystate Medical Center as the first age-friendly healthcare sites in the nation. Simultaneously with the grant renewal, the city of Springfield was awarded age-friendly status by AARP and dementia-friendly recognition by the Massachusetts Council on Aging. This was the first time in the nation that the following trifecta has been reached in a single community: an age-friendly city, a dementia-friendly city, and age-friendly health system.

“Being an age friendly city means we are working towards improving amenities that make it better for older adults and the community. For the health system, it’s an emphasis on tracking the following: what matters most (ex. spending time with family), medications, mobility (keeping independent and active), and mentation,” says Dr. Brennan. Baystate is now one of only 48 federally funded geriatrics centers in the nation. In addition to current services, the next five years will see more “age-friendly” projects, improved access to skilled geriatrics care, and support for the primary care workforce as Baystate continues its journey to value-based care and a population health approach.

Dr. Brennan is the Division Chief for Geriatrics, Palliative Care, and Post-Acute Medicine and Professor of Medicine. Dr. Brennan is pictured above, second from the right, with her team.

July 2019

Quinn Pack, MD, MSc

Congratulations to Quinn Pack, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor of Medicine, and his team on the recent publication of “Association Between Inpatient Echocardiography Use and Outcomes in Adult Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction” in JAMA Internal Medicine. The objective of this paper was to examine the association between risk-standardized hospital rates of transthoracic echocardiography and outcomes.

“This paper challenges the idea that everyone with a heart attack needs an echocardiogram, and that, particularly at high use hospitals, it may be possible to reduce the number of studies that are performed,” says Dr. Pack. “This could potentially lead to increased savings and greater value of hospital-based care.” As a practicing cardiologist, Dr. Pack often sees echocardiograms (heart ultrasound studies) ordered on patients where, even before the pictures are taken, it is pretty clear that the test is unlikely to yield any new diagnostic information. More importantly, there is prior research showing that as few as 30% of echocardiograms actually affect clinical care.

“As a result, we wanted to see if the use of echocardiography would lead to improved patient outcomes,” Dr. Pack adds. To do this, the group evaluated about 400 hospitals and 100,000 patients with a heart attack and correlated hospital outcomes (rates of inpatient mortality, cost, length of stay and readmission) with how frequently the hospital used echocardiography. They found no differences in rates of mortality or readmission when comparing hospitals with echo rates of about 85% (top quartile) compared to hospitals with echo rates of about 55% (bottom quartile), but top quartile hospitals spent more money and had longer lengths of stay.

“This paper should encourage clinicians to be careful and thoughtful when ordering an echocardiogram,” concludes Dr. Pack. “In general, echocardiography should not be done just to complete a routine or protocol, but rather should be prompted by an honest clinical question that needs answering. Such thoughtful testing may also benefit patients by reducing overall health care costs.”

Dr. Pack co-authored this paper with UMMS-Baystate faculty and staff: Aruna Priya, MA, MSc; Tara Lagu, MD, MPH; Penelope Pekow, PhD; JP Schilling, MD; William Hiser, MD; and Peter K. Lindenauer, MD, MSc, MHM. Read the abstract.

Citation: JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Jun 17. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.1051.

David Gang, MD

David Gang, MD, Professor of Pathology, was elected President of the Massachusetts Society of Pathologists (MSP) in May 2019. He has been a member of the MSP since 1990 and previously served as an At-Large member of the Executive Committee. As President of the MSP, Dr. Gang will organize and run the biannual educational meetings and work with the Executive Committee in supporting political action. He will also work with other Massachusetts physician organizations, the Massachusetts Medical Society, and the legislature on patient-related matters.

In addition to his role as President of MSP, Dr. Gang is the new Chair of the Federal and State Affairs Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP). CAP is the world’s largest organization of board-certified pathologists and leading provider of laboratory accreditation and proficiency testing programs. Dr. Gang oversees advocacy on the state, federal, and grassroots level for the College on behalf of patients and fellow pathologists. This past April, Dr. Gang moderated a full day session at CAP’s yearly Policy meeting in Washington D.C., sharing best practices for effective communication with congressional staff. On the final day of the meeting, Dr. Gang led over 80 pathologists to the Hill where they advocated for legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills and stressed the importance of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) reform, which is needed to prevent significant reductions in Medicare reimbursement for clinical laboratory tests. The Massachusetts contingent spoke with legislative staff from the offices of Richard Neal, Jim McGovern, Ayanna Pressley, Ed Markey, and Elizabeth Warren, plus with Joe Kennedy directly. Through these meetings, the group emphasized that any federal legislation on surprise billing should include the following goals: set network adequacy standards for hospital-based physicians, provide fair reimbursement for care, and establish an arbitration process to take patients out of the middle. The PAMA reform would have a direct impact on Baystate Health and Baystate Reference Laboratories in particular, and the work by Dr. Gang and his colleagues to protect patients on federally regulated health plans from the threat of “surprise bills” has a nationwide impact.

June 2019

Peter Friedmann, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FACP

Peter Friedmann, MD, MPH, Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Medicine, and Professor of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, began a two-year term as President of the Massachusetts Society of Addiction Medicine (MASAM) on May 17th, 2019. As President, Dr. Friedmann will be committed to making significant strides in improving care, education, research, and policy for families and individuals in Massachusetts suffering from substance use disorders.

Dr. Friedmann served as President-Elect of MASAM from 2017-2019 and has been a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) since 1995. He is a Distinguished Fellow of ASAM, Fellow of the American College of Physicians (ACP), past president of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA), former director on the American Board of Addiction Medicine, and Deputy Editor for the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.

MASAM is the Massachusetts chapter of ASAM and is made up of nearly 200 professionals representing different categories of addiction medicine. Learn more about MASAM at masam.org.

Congratulations Dr. Friedmann on this fantastic honor!

Rachana Singh, MD, MS

Rachana Singh, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, presented findings from two of her recent studies: "Improving Outcomes for Pregnancies Impacted by Opioid Use Disorder: The Massachusetts Experience" and “Partnering with Mothers to Improve Outcomes for Substance Exposed Newborns – A Pilot Program” at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2019 Meeting in Baltimore, MD. These oral presentations highlighted the work Dr. Singh and her co-investigators have done to support maternal-infant dyads impacted by opioid use disorder (OUD) in Massachusetts. The researchers assessed hospital interventions done in collaboration with the Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts (PNQIN). Both of Dr. Singh’s presentations described positive outcomes exhibited by families that benefitted from implementation of best evidence based practices for pregnancies affected by OUD.

Dr. Singh noted, “Through local as well as statewide multidisciplinary collaborative efforts we have been able to improve care provision for OUD-impacted pregnancies, resulting in a trend toward less need for pharmacologic treatment through greater focus on non-pharmacologic methods, all while engaging families as partners.”

As a health system, Baystate has been a leader in identifying the issues and supporting pregnancies impacted by OUD for more than a decade, leading to development of protocols that are utilized by other health systems. The latest efforts in this field benefit both maternal-infant dyads and hospitals by reducing the initiation and duration of pharmacotherapy and length of stay in the NICU/CCN, all while increasing breastfeeding initiation and continuation at infant discharge. 

May 2019

Mihaela Stefan, MD, PhD

Congratulations to Mihaela Stefan, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, who recently received her first independent, NIH (National Institutes of Health) research grant. Dr. Stefan will be collaborating with Premier Inc., a North Carolina-based healthcare improvement company, as well as co-investigators from UMMS-Baystate, the University of North Carolina, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. The five-year, $3.2 million project is supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and entitled "Implementation of interprofessional training to improve uptake of noninvasive ventilation in patients hospitalized with severe COPD exacerbation.”

Dr. Stefan and her colleagues will recruit hospitals from the Premier network and perform a cluster randomized trial comparing two strategies for increasing the delivery of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in COPD patients. COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S., and COPD exacerbations result in approximately 700,000 hospitalizations annually. Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is recommended in COPD guidelines as the first-line treatment for patients with severe exacerbation. However, there is still substantial variation in the implementation of NIV across hospitals, leading to preventable morbidity and mortality. This study hopes to help streamline the process.

This investigation will be the first in the U.S. to test the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) in the inpatient setting. Dr. Stefan’s study will assess if IPE improves team functionality and respiratory therapist autonomy and consequent increases the uptake of NIV. It also promises to change practice by offering approaches to facilitate greater uptake of NIV and may generalize to other interventions directed to seriously-ill patients.

Dr. Stefan’s research grant represents the second major funding award for investigators at UMMS-Baystate’s Institute for Healthcare Delivery and Population Science (IHDPS) this year, further establishing the growing research platform in our organization.

Daniel Engelman, MD

Daniel Engelman, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery, Medical Director of the Heart, Vascular and Inpatient Service, and Surgical Director of the Cardiac Critical Care Unit at Baystate Medical Center, authored the “Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery” published in the May edition of JAMA Surgery. The article was viewed over 15,000 times in the first 10 days after publication making it one of the most viewed ever in the journal with an Altmetric score in the top 1% of "attention scores.”

Dr. Engelman leads the ERAS® (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) Society committee that developed the guidelines to provide cardiac surgical programs with evidence-based protocols to enhance patient recovery following heart surgery. These guidelines are the first to address the complete perioperative patient journey for cardiac surgical patients. The goal is to optimize patient care through collaborative discovery, analysis, expert consensus, and dissemination of best practices thereby improving both short and long-term outcomes and decreasing complications and readmissions. Some of the standardized approaches included in the guidelines are pre-habilitation to better prepare patients for surgery; pathways to manage glucose, fluids, and temperature; antifibrinolytic and multimodal anesthesia utilization and the use of biomarkers and goal-directed fluid therapy to prevent acute kidney injury.

These guidelines align with Baystate Health’s mission to improve the total care of our patients with high quality, evidence-based practices. Dr. Engelman felt inspired to publish this work because of our institution’s emphasis on safety and multidisciplinary collaboration.

Citation: Engelman DT, Ben Ali W, Williams JB, et al. Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society Recommendations. JAMA Surg. Published online May 04, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2019.1153.

Tara Lagu, MD, MPH

Tara Lagu, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, received the Society of Hospital Medicine’s 2019 Research Excellence Award in March 2019. This national honor recognizes members of the Society who have made exceptional contributions to research in the field.

Dr. Lagu has published over 100 papers that have appeared in high-impact journals including the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Journal of Hospital Medicine, and JAMA, including a series of papers describing gaps in quality and access to care for patients with disabilities. She is the principal investigator on two recently funded R01s. The larger goal of both of these grants is to identify strategies to improve outcomes for patients with heart failure. In 2013, she conducted a “secret shopper” survey of physicians in a variety of practice settings across the country and discovered that 20% of physicians would refuse to see a patient who uses a wheelchair. This work was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and profiled in The New York Times. 

April 2019

Amy Oliveira, MD

Amy Oliveira, MD, Assistant Professor of Radiology, was invited to speak at the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) Annual Meeting on April 9th, 2019 in Baltimore, MD. Her talk, “Helping Your Faculty Give Useful, Detailed Feedback (in Person and in Writing),” was part of the “Leading Faculty Development in Education in Your Department” session. Dr. Oliveira lectured as part of an expert panel on providing educators effective feedback tools to implement at their institutions. Additionally, Dr. Oliveira co-moderated a round-table discussion on Networking Tips with Dr. Theresa McLoud, world-renowned thoracic radiologist.

The AUR Annual Meeting is attended primarily by radiologists, researchers, trainees, and administrators in academic radiology.

Kevin Moriarty, MD, FACS, FAAP

Kevin Moriarty, MD, Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs in the Department of Surgery and Surgeon-in-Chief at Baystate Children’s Hospital, recently received the UMass Community Salute Award presented by the Massachusetts State Lottery. This award honors individuals who have had significant positive impact in the greater western Massachusetts community. Dr. Moriarty was selected based on his many contributions to the region including leading community gun buy-backs for over a decade and delivering patient-centered care that improves the lives of countless children in our area. Beyond western Massachusetts, he traveled to Haiti in 2010 to volunteer as a surgeon after the devastating earthquake that affected thousands of lives. Dr. Moriarty received his award at a special in-game presentation during one of the final five UMass Men’s Basketball home games. 

March 2019

Susan Kartiko, MD, PhD, FACS

Susan Kartiko, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Surgery at University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate, recently presented her work entitled “Fall Prevention Initiative: A Fall Screening Pilot Study in the Ambulatory Setting” at the 32nd EAST (The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma) Annual Scientific Assembly in Austin, TX.

Dr. Kartiko and her colleagues Erin Jarosz, OT, and Ida Konderwicz, RN, of the Baystate Medical Center Injury Prevention Program administered a validated screening questionnaire to primary care offices and other ambulatory clinics to help identify patients at risk for falling. Once noted to have a fall risk, patients were referred to the Fall Prevention Initiative Physical Therapy Program. The team measured patients’ mobility before and after the Program. Patients who experienced the intervention demonstrated significant improvement in mobility. Historically, patients who have fallen express lower confidence in performing day-to-day tasks, and therefore investigators also administered a confidence level questionnaire after the physical therapy concluded. The results revealed a significant increase in confidence level scores.

Because of Dr. Kartiko’s research, the Emergency Departments at Baystate Medical Center, Baystate Wing Hospital, Baystate Franklin Medical Center, and Baystate Mary Lane Hospital have incorporated fall screenings for patients 55 years and older. At-risk patients are referred to the Fall Prevention Initiative Physical Therapy Program.

Additionally, this study earned Dr. Kartiko the Office of Faculty Affairs Supporting Scholarship among Junior Faculty award in early 2019.

Refer to pages 92-93 of the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly 2019 program book for Dr. Kartiko’s study.

February 2019

Charlotte Boney, MD, MS
Laura Pinkston Koenigs, MD, FSAHM, FAAP

Two UMMS-Baystate faculty members are now serving as Subboard Chairs for The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP). Charlotte Boney, MD, MS, Chair of Pediatrics, and Laura Pinkston Koenigs, MD, Vice Chair for Education, Department of Pediatrics, have been elected to lead their respective Subboards within the ABP, each serving a two-year term that began January 1st, 2019. Dr. Boney now heads the Subboard of Endocrinology and Dr. Koenigs the Subboard of Adolescent Medicine.

As Subboard Chairs, Drs. Boney and Koenigs will review the qualifications for diplomate status in their respective subspecialties; determine the content area for expertise in their subspecialties, and help write examinations for certification.

The American Board of Pediatrics includes the following subspecialties: Cardiology, Critical Care Medicine, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hematology-Oncology, Hospital Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, and Child Abuse Pediatrics. To become a general member of a Subboard, an individual must be elected by his or her peers to serve a six-year term. Dr. Boney has been a member of the Subboard of Endocrinology since 2015; while Dr. Koenigs has been on the Subboard of Adolescent Medicine since 2014.

Congratulations to Drs. Boney and Koenigs on this tremendous honor!

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