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Loyalty Circle

Our Loyalty Circle Brings People Together

The amount doesn’t matter. A commitment to Baystate Health’s mission of providing excellent healthcare to the community does. Donors who demonstrate their support with an annual donation for five consecutive years or more are invited to Baystate Health Foundation’s Loyalty Circle.

Baystate Health Foundation’s newest donor recognition group is designed to bring a diverse group of friends together with a common interest in matters of health. Together we will connect more closely with the Baystate Health team, gaining insight and understanding of today’s healthcare challenges and opportunities.

Loyalty Circle Members will receive:

  • Invitations to special events
  • Exclusive updates on healthcare initiatives taking place at Baystate Health

Members of the Loyalty Circle will be recognized annually on the Baystate Health website. Your engagement can start today. If you are already an annual donor, we will notify you and celebrate your fifth-consecutive giving year with an invitation.

For more information, please contact Kathy Tobin, Director of Annual Giving & Events at Kathy.Tobin@BaystateHealth.org.

2023 Loyalty Circle

+ = deceased

Christopher Ollari, MD and Mary-Alice Abbott, MD
Sharon E. Abbott
Mohammed Abdel-Azim
Acme Metals & Recycling, Inc.
Advance Mfg. Co., Inc.
Agawam Junior High School
Agawam Lions Club
Margaret S. Agnoli
Robert T. Ahearn
Jeanne B. Ahern
Naomi O. Aina
Stanley J. Aksamit
Anthony J. Albano
Jane and Brad Albert
Kelly and Michael Albert, MD
Alegria Dance and Fitness, LLC
Ronald J. Aleman
All Hose, Inc.
Donna M. Allen
William H. Allen
Ruth E. Allison
Janivette Alsina
George B. Alvord
Jennifer Amalfa
Sons of the American Legion - Detachment of Massachusetts
Robert G. Anderson
Sara E. Anderson
Thomas M. Anderson
Stuart Anfang, MD and Michelle Kosche Anfang, MD
Frank and Jessica Antonacci
Leigh A. Arabik
Ronald D. Archer
Richard Arenas, MD and Patricia Boone
Andrew Artenstein, MD and Debra Pacheco-Artenstein
Caylie Ascolillo
Amy P. Ashford
Aspen Square Management, Inc.
Astro Chemicals, Inc.
Harold C. Atwater
Sudeep Aulakh, MD
David E. Aylward
Ayotte & King for Tile, Inc.
Marie L. Babbitt
Bacon Wilson, P.C.
Robert and Andrea Bacon
Michelle M. Baillargeon
Kelly A. Baker
Martha G. Baker
John A. Balboni
Andrew H. Balder
Jessica and Gregory Banever, MD
Barbara A. Barbato
Alisa Barber
Cynthia Barcomb
Richard C. Bardsley
Ruth and George+ Barham
Katie Barker
Richard E. Barker
Karli Barrett
Lucina Barrett
Kelli A. Barrieau
Diane M. Barstow
Robert Bartini
Diane Bassett Zable
Shannon Bates
Jennifer Battles
Thomas Baurle
Baystate Breast & Wellness Center
Baystate Ob/Gyn Group, Inc.
Kristina A. Beaudry
Sarah Beaulieu
David Beavers
Kevin Bell
Margaret A. Bell
Sandra Bellatonio Ravelli
Laura A. Bellotti Cardillo
Belmont Laundry, Inc.
Eileen Bens
Lori and Scott Berg
Carol and Ronald Berger, MD
Martin D. Berneche
William H. Berthiaume
Penny and Anthony Bertolasio
Patricia Bertone-Gross
Marie and Channing Bete, Jr.
Big Y Foods, Inc. - DONOR GROUPS
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Christopher S. Bignell
Anne T. Biscaldi-Germain
Alan D. Blake
Vivian C. Blanchard
Karolyn A. Blanchette
Carol Bligh
Mary Jo Blomberg
Nancy E. Boistelle
Kara and Brandon Bombard
Charlotte Boney, MD and Charles Lasitter
Justin Booth
Robert A. Borawski
Kathryn Borek
Lisa M. Bottego
Jason Boudreau
Michelle Boudreau
Suzanne M. Boudreau
Lorraine Bourassa
Jessica L. Bourgault
Allen J. Bousquet
Nancy J. Bousquet
Elizabeth Boyle, MD and Richard Norman
Iris J. Braica
Geraldine A. Brasin
Paul H. Breault
John H. and Barbara N. Breck Charitable Foundation
Edward J. Breck
Kathleen T. Breck
Kara M. Breen
Richard G. Breen
Sarah A. Breen
Louise M. Briggs
Christina M. Broderick
Kathleen and Lenard Bronner
Elaine S. Brooks
Ann R. Brousseau
Barbara A. Brown
Darlene Brunelle
Michelle Brunton
Peter C. Brush
Gladys A. Brut
Ronald and Eileen Bryant
Cindy Buckel
Susan J. Budrewicz
Susan M. Bujold
Bulkley Richardson
Daniel S. Burack
Emily Burd
Gary A. Burdick
Herbert & Josephine Burk Noble Hospital Fund @ CFWM
Barbara Burke
John A. Burke
Millie and Ron Burkman, MD
Joan M. Burkot
Stephen and Donna Burrall
Tommie Lee Burton
Brian C. Butler
Cathleen E. Butler
Lisa P. Butler
Melissa Butt
Kimberly J. Caldon
Dena A. Calvanese
Kimberly A. Calvanese
Tim and Shannon Caney
Joanne Cangro
Q. Jackie Cao
Vincent Cardillo and Laura Bellotti Cardillo
Cielo Cardozo Robles
Andrea L. Carey
Lisa Carloni
Clifford C. Carlson
Robert C. Carolan
Lucia and James Carvalho
Carrie A. Casaceli
Jesse T. Casaubon
Allie Casey
Marie L. Cassetta
Henry F. Castonguay
Maureen and John Cauley, Jr.
Maureen M. Cauley
Carly T. Cavanaugh
John and Pamela Chandler
Miriam V. Chaput
Russell G. Charest
Lori R. Chase
Amy K. Chasse
Chatham-Beech Charitable Foundation
Evelyn Chavez
Chicopee FireFighters Local 1710
Child's Play Charity
Richard D. Chin
Paul A. Chivas
Cheryl B. Christianson
Mark M. Christianson
Lois Cignoli
City Tire Company, Inc.
Heather L. Clark
Arthur H. & Barbara M. Clarke Charitable Fund @ CFWM
Patricia A. Clayton
John L. Coach
Code Red Consultants
Diane K. Cody
Scott M. Coen
Patricia R. Coffelt
Lois G. Coffey
Claire E. Cohen-Stelzer
Robert and Mary Cohn
Vasiliky P. Coidakis
Frank Colaccino
Joanne M. Colannino
Chellis E. Collins
Christopher Collins
Mary T. Collins
Stephen J. Collins
Deborah A. Collins-DiSanti
Denise Colon
Toni J. Colson
The Colvest Group
Commercial Distributing Co., Inc.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Barbara A. Conlin
James and Carol Conlon
Penelope M. Conner
Construction Laborers' Union Local 999
James W. Contois
Linda A. Contois
Paul E. Contois
Donna-Rae A. Contrada
Control Module, Inc.
Colleen E. Convery
Jennifer M. Conz
Francis R. Cooney
Tuesday L. Cooper
Claudia Coplein, DO and John Kreinest
Jeffrey R. Cossin, MD
Sandra A. Costa
Costco Wholesale Corp. - 0302 (CMN)
Joan M. Costigan
Gilbert Cote
Patricia A. Coughlin
Country Bank
Raymond A. Couture
Kristine A. Crimmins
Christina Cronin and Mark Langevin
Edward J. Cronin
Mary Lou Cross
Kimberly Croteau
Barbara Crowley
Michael and Elizabeth Crowley
Susan A. Crowley
Daisy E. Cruz
Jeanette Cruz
CSI Leasing
James A. Cullen
Elizabeth A. Cullinan
Jane M. Cullinan
Homer M. Curtis
Lesa C. Cusson
Custom Ink, LLC
Patricia G. Cutler
Sarah M. Cyhowski
Elizabeth R. D'Agostino
Miranda L. Dal Zovo
Kimberly A. Daley
Claire M. D'Amour-Daley and Thomas M. Daley
Joan M. Daly
Charles and Elizabeth D'Amour
Steven and Amy Dane
Cary M. Dash
Jo-Ann Davis and David Longworth, MD
Cynthia Dearborn
Susan M. Decelle
Maryann L. Decker
Kristen H. Dedrick
Robert DeFazio
Martin J. Degen
Joanne V. DeGeorge
Lucy H. deGozzaldi
Deliso Financial Services
Jean Deliso and Lisa Doherty
Mary M. DelNegro
Bruce A. Delton
Lisa and Andrew Demko
Peter J. Demos
Janet M. d'Entremont
Joanne and Richard Dernoga
Richard J. Dernoga
Kathleen A. Desmond
Kenneth P. Deso
Jennifer L. DeSpirito
Deborah M. Desroches
Harriet and Raymond DeVerry
Catherine M. Devins
Mary B. Deyo
Charlene P. Diamond
Michelle R. Diamond
Maria F. Dias
Raquel Diaz
Mary and Francis Dibble, Jr.
Susan J. Dickson
Paul S. DiDomenico
Andrew DiGiorgio
Michael S. Dillon
Dianne Doherty
Richard P. Doleva
Carlo P. Domenichini
Jason Dominick
Tamara Dominick
Clara J. Domnarski
David W. Donaldson
Lisa M. Donermeyer
Paula Donermeyer
Gail Donermeyer-Kulas
Linda and William Donoghue III
James F. Donohue
Richard and Bernadine+ Dooley
Angela M. Dowd
William F. Doyle
Matthew Drapeau
Julie L. Driscoll
Joan F. Drozdal
William R. Dube
Renee A. Dufresne
Melissa A. Duggan
George A. Dulchinos
S. Ann Duncan
Timothy J. Duquette
Julie E. Dwight
Audrey P. Dyjak
AnnMarie A. Dymon
Robert Eastwood
David and Janet Echeverria
Andrew G. Effrat
David J. Ehrlich
The EIS Foundation, Inc.
Norma Ejsmont
Diane C. Elkhay
Julie A. Elkhay
Susan M. Emerson
Christopher B. Emery
Linda M. Enderwick
Paul and Deborah Engel
Carl A. Ersing
Ann and Paul+ Eurkus
Christopher J. Evans
Alfred J. Fabbri
Todd M. Fairman
Richard D. Falla
Joseph E. Fallon
Lori A. Fallon
Katlyn Falls
David R. Fanti
Timothy M. Farris
Jennifer Faulkner and Craig Kupinsky
Doug Favreau
Tina Fedak
Constance F. Fedora
Robert E. Feinberg
Lisa and Edward Feldmann, MD
Laura C. Fellows
William and Jeanine Ferguson
Conceicao B. Fernandes
Nelza Fernandes
Sarah A. Fernandes
Melissa Fernette
Erin M. Ferraro
Peter A. Ferraro
Edith M. Ferrero
Peter A. Fett
Constance J. Fielding
Carla Figueroa
Nicole J. Filep
Harriet and Rick Fingeroth, MD
Deborah C. Finnegan
First Church of Christ in Longmeadow
Brittany L. Fisher
Mona K. Fisher
Cheryl M. Fitzgerald
Richard FitzGerald
Krystal L. Flechsig
Edward J. Fleming
Dawn Fleury
Nancy S. Fleury
Sarah Flinker
Robert D. Foint
Maria A. Fonseca
Stephanie Foote
Stephen P. Forrest
Julia A. Forrestall
Anna Fortier
Katherine J. Forzano
Jacqueline A. Fournier
Theresa A. Fox
Thomas F. Foy
Amedeo and Samantha Francesca
Keith R. Franklin
Freedom Credit Union
Julie T. Fregeau
Mark A. French
Elizabeth A. Frey
Michelle E. Friddle
Paul Friedmann, MD and Hon. Ilana Rovner
Amy Gottlieb, MD and Peter Friedmann, MD
Wayne M. Friedrich
Donald J. Frydryk
Courtney Fudger
Daniel A. Fudger
Gail A. Fudger
Jerome and Kathleen Gagliarducci
Allison Gagne
Joseph D. Gagne
Debra A. Gagner
Helen M. Gagnon
Chester W. Galaska
Stephen J. Gallagher
David R. Gallerani
Susan B. Galvin
David L. Gang, MD and Roberta Hillenberg-Gang
LuAnn A. Garcia
Susan E. Gardini
John J. Garvan
Kevin R. Garvin
Maureen and Jules Gaudreau, Jr.
Gary R. Gelinas
Claire M. Gemme
Frances Gengle-Keenan
Mary F. Gentile
Becky George and Steve Bridges
Jason A. George
Michelle George
Ian Giaver
Charles R. Gibson
Edward Gilbert
Susan J. Gilbert
Beth Gildin Watrous
Jennie D. Gilmore
Mark P. Gilmore
Paula E. Girard
Evelyn and Michael Glabicky
Diana Gladden
Gail M. Gladu
Nansi S. Glick
Michael and Jennifer Glisson
Dorothy A. Godin
Kelly C. Godin
Sandra D. Godin
Barry G. Goldberg
Howard Goldberg, MD and Karen Durgin-Goldberg
Golden Years Home Care Services of Massachusetts, Inc.
Annamarie and Hunter Golden
Maria Goncalves and Lawrence Tiberio
Doreen Gonyea
Kristine Gonzalez
Daniel and Ellen Goodman
Demetria Goodman
Harold R. Goodman
Katie and Ian Goodman, MD
Mary L. Goodman
Kenneth Gorenstein
Geradline T. Gosselin
Amy S. Gottlieb
Joan C. Gould
Michelle Graci
Richard T. Grannells
Laura and Darrel Grant
Sam L. Grant
Brian W. Gray
Douglas W. Gray
Mary E. Gray
Molly Gray and John O'Grady, MD
Donna M. Graziano
Greater Springfield Credit Union
Caryn S. Greco
Barbara E. Greenberg
Greenfield Cooperative Bank
Greenfield Savings Bank
Mary E. Gresham
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Arthur and Peggy Grodd
Ronald and Susan Grodsky
Teresa Grove
Ronald and MaryAlice Grzesik
Roger C. Guay
Juliette A. Guertin
Pierre H. Guertin
Linda M. Gunther
Rebecca J. Gurecki
Susan E. Gustafson
Joanne T. Guzowski
Deborah A. Haberern
Neal Hadro, MD and Jennifer Hadro, MD
Ruth M. and Jesse G. Hafer, Jr. Charitable Fund @ CFWM
Michael H. Hakim
Dena and Eric Hall
Eric D. Hall
Daphne and Stephen Hall, MD
Michael J. Halpin
Fay T. Halsall
James P. Halton
Margo K. Halton
David W. Hamel
Cynthia J. Hamlin
Hamshaw Lumber Co. - Store #03837 - (CMN)
Samuel Hanmer
Marsha and William Harbison, MD
Monica E. Harnois
John L. Harrington
Reginald Harrison
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Mary E. Haskell
Sandra and Bruce Haskin, MD
Sandra B. Haskin
Peter N. Hassiotis
Sheila P. Hayward
Nancy Hazard
Health New England, Inc.
Ernest R. Hebert
Joanne T. Hebert
Kelly E. Hebert
Christina Henriques
Frances Henry
Tasha Henry
Felicita Hernandez
John Herrera
Raymond S. Hershel
John P. Hickey
Michelle and Richard Hicks, MD
Cynthia Hilson
Sue-Ann E. Hilton
Kevin Hinchey, MD
Mary L. Hiney
William L. Hiser
Alan J. Hitchcock
Harry Hoar III, MD and Gina Luciano, MD
Carol S. Holden
Colleen and Mark Holmes
Mark C. Holmes
Colleen M. Holtan
Wayne R. Hoppock
Francis D. Horrigan
Robert W. Horton
Jeanne E. Hough
Kristina and Joseph Houghton
David L. Housman
Robert L. Howarth
Megan Hoy
Dusty and Mary Lou Hoyt
Sandra S. Hubbard
Jack Hulmes, Jr.
Daphne E. Humber
Mary E. Hurley
Helen Hurteau
Michael J. Hyder
Pamela A. Hyder
Cheryl D. Ingalls
James and Kathie Irwin
J.D. Rivet & Co., Inc.
Banu and Nicolas Jabbour, MD
Robert Jacobson
Richard L. Jaggi
John and Helen James
John and Helen James
Chester J. Jamroz
Laurence Jarvis
Jacqueline M. Jendza
Ernest R. Jennings
Robert Jensen and Barbara Braem-Jensen
Shirley M. Jensen
Jerome's Party Plus/Taylor Rental
D. Joseph Jerry
Jessy's Fight/Jessica Sullivan
Jewish Endowment Foundation of Western MA
Sidney P. Jimmo
Candida A. Johnson
Karin Johnson, MD and Jason Alves
Kylie and William Johnson
Louise A. Johnson
Timothy D. Johnson
Tina M. Johnson
Denise Jordan
Claudia M. Jorge
Susan and Gordon Josephson, MD
Anne Joubert
Susan A. Kacoyannakis
Dorothy J. Kagan
Denise J. Karlin
Laura and David Kattan, MD
David B. and Ruth C. Katz
Joan Katz
Michael D. Katz
Krystyna Kazakos
John C. Keiler
Robert B. Keir
Sandra B. Keir
Marvin and Carol Kelley
William and Patricia Kelliher
Teresa J. Kellogg
Diane E. Kellsey
Denise A. Kelly
Patrick A. Kelly
Kelly-Fradet Lumber
Brian M. Kennedy
James C. Kennedy
Linda J. Kenny
Patrick M. Kenny
Lisa and William Kern II
Mark A. Keroack, MD and Ann Errichetti, MD
Patti L. Kertanis
Ashraf Khan, MD
Matthew S. Kibbe
Holly A. Kidrick
Robert J. Kidrick
Diane I. Kieltyka-Stokosa
Nancy A. Kingsley
William J. Kingston
Sheryl S. Kirk
Gale and Robert Kirkwood, MD
Richard W. Klett
Michael and Kathleen Knapik
Katlyn E. Knight
Knights of Columbus Council 133
Christopher Koh
Kimberly A. Kolvek
Stanley Konefal, MD and Joan Walsh-Konefal
Kenneth J. Kordana
Nicholas K. Korny
John Kovacs
Kristina Kramer, MD
Richard W. Kresock
Arlene M. Kruzel
Michael J. Kruzel
Paul F. Kszaszcz
Nancy M. Kubetin
Aaron Kugelmass, MD and Karen Ambrose
Bohdan Kukil
John P. Kulas
Trevor Kulas
Jane and Daniel Kunhardt, Jr.
Diane Kurinsky
Geoffrey A. Kuter
Matthew J. Kuziak
Joanne L. LaBoe
Deborah A. Lacasse
Kenneth B. Lacasse
Karen Ladd
Amanda J. LaFlam
Lisa E. Laflamme
Jean M. LaFortune
Theresa G. Lamothe
Lancer Transportation & Logistics, Inc.
David E. Langlois
Deborah P. Lantaigne
Gary G. Lantaigne
Robert L. LaPalme
Frances A. LaPlante
Enrique Lara
Kathleen M. Larocco
Lawrence G. Larrabee
Betty and Kevin LaRue
Donald A. LaShier
Jamie F. Laurin
Diane Lautier
David A. Laverdiere
The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
Alice and Stephen Lawrence, PhD
Kevin and Susan Lawson
John M. LaZazzera
Lisa Lazzari
Michael D. Lazzari
Christopher Leclerc
Keith M. Ledoux
Yuehlin Lee
Brian P. Lees
Heather Lefebvre
Jayle G. Leger
Barbara LeGrand
Joseph E. Lellman
Sandra A. Lepage
Kamaris N. Lessard
Jan W. Lessin
Jeffrey Letourneau
Amy Greenbaum
Carol and Gary Levine, MD
William L. Levine
Adrian and Virginia Levsky
Jane E. Lewandowski
Craig A. Lewis
Lia Toyota of Wilbraham
Susan K. Licht
Lighting Affiliates
Nastaran H. Lilja
Megan Lindeland
Kristy Lindsey
Nancy C. Logan
Richard F. Logan
Linda L. Lolos
Timothy Londo
Joseph C. Longo
Maria E. Lough
Debora A. Loughary
Walter G. Loughary
Anthony P. Lovell MD Family
Frank G. Lovelock
Elizabeth N. Lucas
Barbara J. Luce
Denis Lucey
Anthony F. Lucia, Sr.
Gina L. Luciano
Brian H. Luippold
Ann M. Lukasik
Tinka Lunt
Normand R. Lussier
Joanna G. Luty
Brian L. Lyman
Douglas J. Lyman
James E. MacDonald
John and Barbara MacNeish
Marjorie and Thomas Magill, MD
David Maguire, MD
Sean E. Mahar and Deborah A. Mahar
Joseph M. Mahoney
Kathleen Mahoney, MD
Grace Makari-Judson, MD and Peter Judson, MD
David A. Mako
Kathleen M. Maliga
John F. Malley
Tina M. Malley
Dana R. Malone
Charles H. Maloney
Elizabeth C. Maloney
Joseph T. Maloney
Holly Malta
Sharon and Jeffrey Mandell II
Thomas G. Mandella
Jennifer Mango
Tom Mango
Ann and John+ Mann
Marcotte Ford Sales, Inc.
Michele L. Mariani
Katherine A. Marohn
Tammy Marquis
Mark D. Marshall
Beth Martin
Ivelisse Martinez
Heather A. Mascarenhas
Richard S. Masington
David P. Mason
Holly Mason, MD and Theodore Mason, MD
Theodore P. Mason
Tisa Mason
Thomas P. Matrow
Judith A. Matt
Jodie L. Mattern
Dennis F. May
Maybury Material Handling
John and Sandra Maybury
Thomas Maybury
William R. Maybury
Patricia J. McArdle
Raymond and Sarah McCarthy
William A. McDaniel
Ann C. McDonald
Charles J. McDonald
Lauren McGehean
Mary C. McGovern
Marie L. McIntire
John S. McKenzie
Christine McKiernan, MD and Kevin McAllister, EdD
Elmer J. McMahon
James W. Mcmahon
Margaret A. McMahon
Pamela McNary
Cynthia M. McNeilly
Nancy Mead
Meadow Place Dental
John and Susan Medeiros
Michele Megas-Ditomassi and George+ Ditomassi
Mercier Carpet Service, Inc.
Laurence R. Mercier
Carolyn J. Mercure
Christopher Mercure
Edward A. Mercure
Belden R. Merims
Paul C. Merlino
Ronald J. Merritt
Paula L. Messier
Mestek, Inc.
Kathleen Meyer, MD
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
Kelley A. Mickiewicz
Barbara A. Milczarski
Benjamin C. Miller
Vivian I. Miller, MD
Loraine Millman
Carol Minerich
Cindyrae R. Minie
Paul F. Minie
Nedra S. Mirkin
Zane and Brenda Mirkin
Kristina A. Misiaszek
Christine Mitchell
Jennifer R. Moccio
Edward J. Modzelewski
Susan and William+ Monks
Monson Savings Bank
Donna M. Montemagni
Kevin E. Montemagni
Michele and Christopher Moore, MD
Kristin Morales-Lemieux and Harold Lemieux
Cheryl L. Moriarty
Kevin Moriarty, MD
Richard E. Moriarty
Patricia A. Morini
Barbara A. Morris
Mary D. Morris
Ann Marie Mowry
Douglas and Joyce Muehlberg
Kristine Muise
Terina D. Mulero
John J. Mullen, Sr. Family Charitable Foundation
Carol E. Mullen
William J. Mullen
Sharon L. Mulloy
Daniel J. Murphy
Denise T. Murphy
James J. Murphy
Lisa A. Murphy
Michael E. Murphy
Paul and Dale Murphy
George J. Murray
Elaine F. Murry
Lawrence and Elaine Murry
Nancy A. Nadeau
Ronnie S. and Ronald S. Nadel, MD
Kerry Nappi
John F. Nash
Howard B. Natenshon
John+ and Frances Naughton
Susan Neal
New England Copy Specialists, Inc.
Robyn Newhouse, PhD
Jason and Kristen Newmark
Mark E. Newton
Paul A. Nicholson
Judith Niziolek
Therese M. Noga
Edward J. Noonan
Ed and Ellen Noonan
Sandra J. Noonan
Cynthia I. Nordin
Glen Nordin
Cliff and Ellen Noreen
Carl W. North
David and Dorothy Northup
Dorothy M. Northup
Pamela and Gordon+ Oakes, Jr.
Judianne O'Brien
Richard and Marie O'Connor
Susan O'Connor, Esq. and Bernard O'Connor, Esq.
Margaret L. Oczkowski
Harold J. Odiorne
Rosette P. Odulio
Mary F. Okseniak
Raymond M. Olander
Kevin J. O'Leary
Christopher J. Ollari
Carmen Omer
Mary C. O'Neil
Thomas O'Neil
Patrick and Shanon O'Neill
June E. Opsitnick
Robert C. Opsitnick
John O'Reilly, MD and Patricia Rick
Benjamin Osborne, MD and Katherine Osborne, DVM
Phyllis K. Osbourne
Phyllis B. Ostrowsky
Anthony Oteri
Ross W. Overlock
Rajashree and Rajiv Padmanabhan, MD
Armando P. Paez
Lynne Page and Roland Ratte
Richard S. Paige
John and Dorothy Pajak
Thomas O. Panaccione
Nicholas G. Panasian
Nina Pancaldo
Nokul Panigrahi
Peter and Catherine Pappas
Charles D. Paquette
Mary T. Paquette
Dale M. Parenteau
Pranay and Elizabeth Parikh
Sheetal H. Patel
Barbara J. Patnaude and Thomas P. Patnaude
Michael and Darlene Paul
Michael P. Paulin
Tina L. Paulson-Goldschmidt
Andrew D. Pavlica
Michael L. Paysnick
Barbara A. Pekar
Patricia G. Pelletier
Ann M. Pennell-Cimini
T. Britton Percy, MD and Valerie Botter
Kimberly C. Pereira
Laura Perez
Maria L. Perez
Robert S. Perkins
David Perlmutter
Jessica L. Perry
Michael R. Perry
Joan N. Person
Kristen Pessolano
George Petitt and Maria Cantalini-Petitt
Jennifer Petrie
James and Kathryn Phaneuf
Jennifer L. Picard
John E. Pietras
Francis J. Pijar
Gordon B. Pillsbury
Pioneer Valley Credit Union
Judith A. Piper
David M. Pirog
Gaye B. Pistel
Stephen J. Pitoniak
Leigh A. Plahna
Celeste G. Planzo
Louis W. Planzo
Patricia S. Plourde
Cheryl L. Podgorski
Mark H. Pohlman
Rashelle Y. Poirier McKenzie
Katherine and James Polga, MD
Christine Pollock
Linda A. Poulin
Julia A. Powers
Daniel D. Pratola
Elizabeth A. Pratt
Lisa Presley
Joseph E. Previtera
Pride Convenience, Inc.
Patricia M. Procko
Professional Drywall Construction, Inc.
Deborah and Mark Provost
Madeleine B. Provost
Katherine Putnam and Timothy Delaney
Lori Puza
Mary Quan
Nancy Quetti
Franklin D. Quigley
Mari Anne Quigley
Marie A. Quinn
Michael J. Quinn
Julianne E. Rabschnuk
Adam D. Raczkowski
Amy E. Radgowski
Dennis E. Radgowski
Radiology & Imaging, Inc.
Frances A. Rahilly
Elsie A. Randall
Susan C. Raschi
Susan B. Raschilla
Bonny Rathbone
Niels Rathlev, MD and E. Penny Pounder
David and Ellen Ratner
Lawrence A. Ratte
Raymond R. Houle Construction, Inc.
Maria J. Rego
Joan E. Reid
Dorothy A. Reidy
Lynn A. Reigner
Katherine A. Reilly
Virginia and Edward Reiter, MD
The Republican
Nancy S. Retchin
Debra J. Rhodes
David S. Rice
Thomas N. Rice
Matthew W. Richardson
Nancy and Scott Rines
Anne-Marie T. Rivest
Virginia Robak
Robert Charles Photography
Cait Roberts
Gary A. Roberts
Lynda Roberts
Lynn M. Robillard
Robert E. Robillard
Dora+ and Frank Robinson, PhD
James M. Roche
Rocky's Ace Hardware - Store #05416 (CMN)
Suzete G. Rodrigues
Jacqueline and Alberto Rodriguez
Dean A. Rogeness
Gregory T. Rolland
James Roman
Barbara J. Romashko
Andrea Rosado
Eleanor B. Rothman
Paul H. Rothschild
Robert W. Rothstein
Kathleen Roy
Barbara J. Royce
Thomas J. Ruscio
Ellen C. Rutan
Jennifer and James Ryan III
Kathy L. Ryan
Charles W. Ryder
Laura L. Ryder
Edward K. Ryter
Dorothy A. Saalfrank
Matthew D. Sadof
The William Sadowsky Family Foundation
James and Barbara Sadowsky
Ronald and Brenna Sadowsky
Ali and Mandana Salehi
Linda M. Salemi
Vincent Salemi
Steven J. Salerno
Brett Salls
Kelly Salls
David J. Saltmarsh
Doug Salvador, MD and Erin Salvador, MD
Angelo A. Salvatore
Patricia and Teji Samra
T.J. Samra
Beverly J. Sangermano
Heather Sankey, MD and Peter Schindelman
Anthony L. Santaniello
Rosa M. Santos
Sarah Gillett Services for the Elderly, Inc.
Kevin and Deborah Saremi
Darlene M. Sarnelli
Lydia J. Sarro
Deena and Barry Sarvet, MD
Savage Arms, Inc.
Joseph B. Savaria
Clara Scamardella
Annette Scarnici
L. John Schinelli Renal Assistance Fund @ the CFWM
Julie+ and Dietrich H. Schlobohm, PhD
Kim M. Schmidt
Tammy K. Schmidt
Ute A. Schmidt
Sallie S. Schneider
Denise and David Schoen
Elizabeth Schoenfeld, MD and Pranay Parikh, MD
Linda Schoonover, MD
Aniello Scibelli
Linda A. Scibelli
Margaret Scillieri
Deborah S. Scott
Mary Ellen and Roy Scott
Patricia A. Scully
Michelle A. Sears
Warren W. Sedran
Richard A. Segool
Adrianne Seiler, MD and Steven Salerno
Rodney J. Seller
Maureen F. Senn-McNally
Joseph and Maureen Sergienko
Judith S. Serra
Serv-U Locksmiths
Donna Sexton
Nasrin Shafiani
Kathi Shah
Carol Shapiro
Michelle Shattuck
Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin, P.C.
Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. Charitable Foundation
John and Deb Shaver
Juanita D. Shavers
Joanne N. Shaw
Joanne H. Shea
Mary D. Shea
Theresa A. Shea
James and Deborah Sheehan
Kathleen M. Sheehan
Patrick and Leslie Sheehy
Donna M. Shepard
Cindy J. Sheridan Murphy
David M. and Marjorie J. Sherman Fund @ the CFWM
Shields Health Care Group Inc.
Marybeth Shippole
Niloufar Shoushtari, MD
Deepika and Sundeep Shukla, MD
Elinor and Richard Shuman, MD
Shurtleff Children's Services, Inc.
Virginia A. Siano
Richard and Susan Sigda
Stephanie D. Silverman
Cynthia Simison
David J. Singer
Nancy and Joseph Sklar, MD
Lisa A. Sleich
Jewel M. Slepchuk
Alan D. Slessler
Kayla C. Slessler
Laura Slowick
June M. Slozak
Jeanne Smigiel
Debi J. Smith
Deborah A. Smith
Deborah L. Smith
Doris M. Smith
Erin Smith
Jacob M. Smith
Lawrence A. Smith
Michael D. Smith
Selwyn J. Smith
Vanessa Smith and Elizabeth Lehman
Belinda Smith-Ramsey
Jennifer Smola
Charlene M. Smolkowicz
Michael H. Solon
Ronald E. Somers
Catherine H. Sotiropoulos
South Congregational Church
Kathleen A. Souza
Paul S. Souza
Specialty Bolt & Screw, Inc.
Robert Spence, MD
Joanne T. Spigarelli
John C. Spinks
George T. Spitz
Linda R. Spitz
Kathleen C. Spooner
Marcia L. Sporny
Patricia A. Spradley
Springfield Hospital Nurses Alumni Association @ the CFWM
Springfield Spring & Stamping
Springfield Thunderbirds Foundation, Inc.
Springfield Thunderbirds
Dorothy A. St. Pierre
Dominique Stabilo
Stadler Hardware - #08732 (CMN)
Donna M. Stafilarakis
Eric and Elizabeth Stahl
Jeanne M. Stanard
Suzanne Stebbins
Fredy C. Steng
Thomas W. Stevens
Michael Stevenson
Nancy J. Stevenson
Kathleen and Daniel Stezko
Joseph F. Stiefel
Gary J. Stokarski
Michael and Nancy Stolpinski
Carol A. Strum
Robert L. Strycharz
Thaddeus J. Strzempko
Kathleen M. Suchocki
Gladys and Robert+ Sullivan
J. Jeffrey Sullivan
Luz and David Sullivan
Dianne Sutherland
Mary and Alan Swedlund
Teresa A. Swist
Janet Sydla
Kelly Syer
Anna G. Symington
Tammie Sypek
Janet A. Szemela
Ann Abbasy
Kelly and David Tashjian, MD
Diane F. Tatro
Douglas W. Taylor
Elaine R. Taylor
John D. Taylor
Kathleen Taylor
Penni A. Taylor
Rebecca L. Taylor
Trenton E. Taylor
Mark and Deborah Teed
Richard Tessier
Aviva Thaler
Sheri L. Thayer
Frank J. Thetreault
Michael D. Theulen
Christine M. Thurman
Alanna A. Tidwell
James Tidwell
Tighe & Bond
Liisa Tikkala
Diane E. Tillman
Catherine H. Tipton
Gary W. Tirrell
Titan Roofing, Inc.
Kirsten M. Tobias
Kathy Tobin Martin
Linda Todaro and Stephen Mabee
Hector F. Toledo
Rebecca H. Toledo
Thomas R. Toman
Renee J. Tompkins
Bernadette S. Toomey
Emily Torcato
Aimee J. Tosoni
Andrew Touchette
Wendy Touchette
James Trask
Maria Z. Tsitsirides
Barb Turcotte
Norma J. Turcotte
Wesley B. Turner
Jane O. Tyler
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Universal Electric Co., Inc.
USA Hauling & Recycling, Inc.
USI Insurance Services, LLC
Nancy L. Vagnini
Athanasia S. Vakakas
Valet Park of America
Donna and Vincent Valletti
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Kevin B. Vann
Vartanian Custom Cabinets, Inc.
Aram P. Vartanian
Kenneth P. Vautrin
Katherine N. Venne
Rhonda Venne
Sheryl and Peter Vieira, MD
Donna L. Viel
Suzanne I. Viens
Marion Vigneault
Leslie A. Vincent
Peter Vogian
Randall S. Volkert
Lynne M. Wallace
Katherine H. Walles
Walmart Stores, Inc. #1967 (CMN)
Kyle M. Walsh
Lynn C. Warman
Richard S. Warner
Bruce Waslick, MD
Edward F. Watson
Earl L. Way
William and Cynthia Webber
Warren S. Weiner
John P. Weiss
Ronald P. Weiss
Jeanne M. Weisse
Glenn S. Welch
Wellfleet Group, LLC
Dusti L. Wells
Amy M. Wesley
Westfield Academy
Westfield Bank
Westfield Gas and Electric
Karen A. Whalen
Elizabeth I. Williams
Frederick N. Williams
Gloria B. Williams
Keisa Williams
Maria B. Williams
Katherine F. Williamson
Jeanine R. Wilson
Stanley T. and Karen J. Winer Family Fund @ the Jewish Endow
Karen Winer
Sally and Stephen Wittenberg, MD
Mark C. Wollender
Women of the Moose Lodge Chicopee Falls Chapter 1489
Andrew M. Wood
Lawrence A. Wood
David and Elizabeth+ Woods
Anne K. Woodson and Thomas S. Woodson
Matthew and Renee Wroth
Alice M. Wynne
Monica M. Wynne
Christine Wyszynski
Rosemarie A. Yacovone
Ruth V. Yanka
Olivia Yu
Elizabeth A. Zabielski
Paul J. Zable
John J. Zajdel
Frederick P. Zalewa
Merle Zamansky-Coen
Diane M. Zanolli
Barbara R. Zielonka
Celine Zimmermann
Jennifer Zollo
Denise M. Zuidema
William C. Zumbruski
Patricia E. Zwirko



+ = deceased

2022 Loyalty Circle

+ = deceased

Mary-Alice Abbott, MD and Christopher Ollari, MD
Sharon E. Abbott
Mohammed Abdel-Azim
Acme Metals & Recycling, Inc.
Steven J. Adair
Advance Mfg. Co., Inc.
Agawam Junior High School
Margaret S. Agnoli
Robert T. Ahearn
Naomi O. Aina
Stanley J. Aksamit
Anthony J. Albano
Jane and Brad Albert
Kelly and Michael Albert, MD
Alegria Dance and Fitness, LLC
Ronald J. Aleman
All Hose, Inc.
Donna M. Allen
William H. Allen
Ruth E. Allison
Janivette Alsina
George B. Alvord
Sons of the American Legion - Detachment of Massachusetts
Barbara Anderson
Robert G. Anderson
Sara E. Anderson
Thomas M. Anderson
Stuart Anfang, MD and Michelle Kosche Anfang, MD
Frank and Jessica Antonacci
Leigh A. Arabik
Richard Arenas, MD and Patricia Boone
Andrew Artenstein, MD and Debra Pacheco-Artenstein
Amy P. Ashford
Aspen Square Management, Inc.
Astro Chemicals, Inc.
Harold C. Atwater
Maria L. Aucella
Sudeep Aulakh, MD
David E. Aylward
Ayotte & King for Tile, Inc.
Marie L. Babbitt
Paul F. Bachini
Bacon Wilson, P.C.
Robert and Andrea Bacon
Michelle M. Baillargeon
Kelly A. Baker
Martha G. Baker
John A. Balboni
Andrew H. Balder
Joseph Balzano
Jessica and Gregory Banever, MD
Barbara A. Barbato
Alisa Barber
Richard C. Bardsley
Ruth and George+ Barham
Richard E. Barker
Lucina Barrett
Kelli A. Barrieau
Robert Bartini
Diane Bassett Zable
James R. Bassett
Shannon Bates
Jennifer Battles
Thomas Baurle
Lois C. Baush
Baystate Breast & Wellness Center
Baystate OB/GYN Group, Inc.
Sarah Beaulieu
Eric L. Beck
Catherine E. Belhumeur
George E. Belhumeur
Margaret A. Bell
Sandra Bellatonio Ravelli
Belmont Laundry, Inc.
Eileen Bens
George L. Benton
Lori and Scott Berg
Carol and Ronald Berger, MD
Martin D. Berneche
William H. Berthiaume
Penny and Anthony Bertolasio
Patricia Bertone-Gross
Joel M. Bertuzzi
Marie and Channing Bete, Jr.
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Chris and Candace Bignell
Christopher S. Bignell
Karolyn A. Blanchette
Carol Bligh
Mary Jo Blomberg
Albert G. Bodman
Linda M. Bodman
Nancy E. Boistelle
Kara A. Bombard
Charlotte Boney, MD and Charles Lasitter
Robert A. Borawski
Lisa M. Bottego
Jason Boudreau
Michelle Boudreau
Suzanne M. Boudreau
Lorraine Bourassa
Jessica L. Bourgault
Allen J. Bousquet
Mark M. Bousquet
Nancy J. Bousquet
Elizabeth Boyle, MD and Richard Norman
Barbara H. Braem-Jensen
Iris J. Braica
John H. and Barbara N. Breck Charitable Foundation
Edward J. Breck
Kathleen T. Breck
Barbara J. Breen
Kara M. Breen
Richard G. Breen
Sarah A. Breen
David W. Brewer
Louise M. Briggs
Christina M. Broderick
Anthony R. Brodowski
Kathleen and Lenard Bronner
Jennifer A. Brooks
Ann R. Brousseau
Linda M. Brown
Darlene Brunelle
Michelle Brunton
Peter C. Brush
Gladys A. Brut
Ronald and Eileen Bryant
Cindy Buckel
Susan M. Bujold
Bulkey Richardson
Daniel S. Burack
Emily Burd
Gary A. Burdick
Herbert & Josephine Burk Noble Hospital Fund @ CFWM
Barbara Burke
John A. Burke
Rosemarie Burke
Millie and Ron Burkman, MD
Joan M. Burkot
Stephen and Donna Burrall
Ruth B. Burstein
Tommie Lee Burton
Brian C. Butler
Cathleen E. Butler
Lisa P. Butler
Melissa Butt
Sarah Byrne
Kimberly J. Caldon
Kimberly A. Calvanese
Q. Jackie Cao
Cielo Cardozo-Robles
Andrea L. Carey
John T. Carlin
Lisa Carloni
Clifford C. Carlson
Robert C. Carolan
Lucia and James Carvalho
Carrie A. Casaceli
Allie Casey
Marie L. Cassetta
Henry F. Castonguay
Maureen and John Cauley, Jr.
Maureen M. Cauley
Russell P. Charest
Amy K. Chasse
Chatham-Beech Charitable Foundation
Evelyn Chavez
Chicopee Fire Department
Child's Play Charity
Richard D. Chin
Lisa Christensen
Cheryl B. Christianson
Lois Cignoli
City Tire Company, Inc.
John L. Coach
Code Red Consultants
Diane K. Cody
Patricia R. Coffelt
Claire E. Cohen-Stelzer
Robert and Mary Cohn
Frank Colaccino
Chellis E. Collins
Mary T. Collins
Stephen J. Collins
Deborah A. Collins-DiSanti
Denise Colon
Toni J. Colson
The Colvest Group
Commercial Distributing Co., Inc.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Barbara A. Conlin
Construction Laborers' Union Local 999
Linda A. Contois
Paul E. Contois
Donna-Rae A. Contrada
Control Module, Inc.
Colleen E. Convery
Jenna and John Jackson
Francis R. Cooney
Tuesday L. Cooper
Claudia Coplein, DO and John Kreinest
Jeffrey R. Cossin, MD
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Joan M. Costigan
Gilbert Cote
Patricia A. Coughlin
Country Bank
Raymond A. Couture
Kristine A. Crimmins
Christina Cronin and Mark Langevin
Edward J. Cronin
Michael and Elizabeth Crowley
Susan A. Crowley
Daisy E. Cruz
Jeanette Cruz
James A. Cullen
Eileen Cullinan
Elizabeth A. Cullinan
Jane M. Cullinan
Homer M. Curtis
Custom Ink LLC
Patricia G. Cutler
Mary Ellen Czepiel-Terlik
Elizabeth R. D'Agostino
Miranda L. Dal Zovo
Kimberly A. Daley
Joan M. Daly
Charles and Elizabeth D'Amour
Steven and Amy Dane
Cary M. Dash
Jo-Ann Davis and David Longworth, MD
Cynthia Dearborn
Maryann L. Decker
Robert DeFazio
Martin J. Degen
Joanne V. DeGeorge
Lucy H. deGozzaldi
Deliso Financial Services
Jean Deliso and Lisa Doherty
Claire L. Delton
Lisa and Andrew Demko
Joanne and Richard Dernoga
Richard Dernoga
Albert Desjardins
Kathleen A. Desmond
Kenneth P. Deso
Deborah M. Desroches
Harriet and Raymond DeVerry
Catherine M. Devins
Charlene P. Diamond
Michelle R. Diamond
Maria F. Dias
Susan J. Dickson
Paul S. DiDomenico
Michael S. Dillon
Dianne Doherty
Martha M. Doktor-Munro
Richard P. Doleva
Carlo P. Domenichini
Jason Dominick
Tamara Dominick
Clara J. Domnarski
David M. Donaldson
Lisa M. Donermeyer
Paula Donermeyer
Gail Donermeyer-Kulas
Linda and William Donoghue III
Richard and Bernadine+ Dooley
William F. Doyle
Matthew Drapeau
Julie L. Driscoll
Joan F. Drozdal
Karen Drumheller
Michael K. Drumheller
William R. Dube
Renee A. Dufresne
Melissa A. Duggan
George A. Dulchinos
S. Ann Duncan
Chantal Dupuis
Timothy J. Duquette
AnnMarie A. Dymon
Robert Eastwood
David and Janet Echeverria
Denise M. Echols
Norma Ejsmont
Elevage Partners
Diane C. Elkhay
Julie A. Elkhay
Carol A. Emery
Linda M. Enderwick
Paul and Deborah Engel
Carl A. Ersing
Ethan Taylor Benevolent Fund
Ann and Paul Eurkus
Christopher J. Evans
Seamus Fahey
Todd M. Fairman
Joseph E. Fallon
Lori A. Fallon
Katlyn Falls
Barbara J. Farrell
Timothy M. Farris
Jennifer Faulkner and Craig Kupinsky
James Fearrington
Constance F. Fedora
Robert E. Feinberg
Lisa and Edward Feldmann, MD
Laura C. Fellows
William and Jeanine Ferguson
Sarah A. Fernandes
Melissa Fernette
Erin Ferraro
Edith M. Ferrero
Peter A. Fett
Field Services, LLC
Carla Figueroa
Louise M. Findlater
Harriet and Rick Fingeroth, MD
Deborah C. Finnegan
First Church of Christ in Longmeadow
Steven Fischel, MD
Brittany L. Fisher
Leo A. Fisher
Cheryl M. Fitzgerald
Richard FitzGerald
Krystal L. Flechsig
Margot and Richard Fleck, Jr.
Edward J. Fleming
Dawn Fleury
Sarah Flinker
Carol J. Flouton
Lynn and William+ Foggle
Maria A. Fonseca
Stephanie Foote
Stephen P. Forrest
Julia A. Forrestall
Anna Fortier
Jacqueline A. Fournier
Theresa A. Fox
Thomas F. Foy
Amedeo A. Francesca
Keith R. Franklin
Nancy J. Franklin
Freedom Credit Union
Julie T. Fregeau
Mark A. French
Elizabeth A. Frey
Michelle E. Friddle
Paul Friedmann, MD and Hon. Ilana Rovner
Amy Gottlieb, MD and Peter Friedmann, MD
Wayne M. Friedrich
Daniel A. Fudger
Gail A. Fudger
Jerome and Kathleen Gagliarducci
Allison Gagne
Joseph D. Gagne
Debra A. Gagner
Lisa C. Galaska
Stephen J. Gallagher
David Gallerani
Susan B. Galvin
David L. Gang, MD and Roberta Hillenberg-Gang
LuAnn A. Garcia
John J. Garvan
Kevin R. Garvin
Claire M. Gemme
Christine A. Gendron
Frances Gengle-Keenan
Mary F. Gentile
Becky George and Steve Bridges
Michelle George
Ian Giaver
Charles R. Gibson
Edward Gilbert
Susan J. Gilbert
Beth Gildin Watrous
Mark P. Gilmore
Paula E. Girard
Marilyn P. Gitlen
Michael J. Gitlen
Evelyn and Michael Glabicky
Diana Gladden
Leonard B. Glick
Dorothy Godin
Kelly C. Godin
Susan E. Goldberg Percy
Annette E. Goldberg
Barry G. Goldberg
Howard Goldberg, MD and Karen Durgin-Goldberg
Annamarie and Hunter Golden
Maria Goncalves and Lawrence Tiberio
Doreen Gonyea
Kristine Gonzalez
Daniel and Ellen Goodman
Demetria Goodman
Katie and Ian Goodman, MD
Mary L. Goodman
Kenneth Gorenstein
Geraldine T. Gosselin
Roger Gosselin
Amy S. Gottlieb
Joan C. Gould
Michelle Graci
Richard T. Grannells
Harrison Grant
Sam L. Grant
Brian W. Gray
Douglas W. Gray
Mary E. Gray
Molly Gray
Great Barrington Police Assoc.
Greater Springfield Credit Union
Caryn S. Greco
Barbara E. Greenberg
Greenfield Cooperative Bank
Greenfield Savings Bank
Mary E. Gresham
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Arthur and Peggy Grodd
Ronald and Susan Grodsky
Jody and Lisa Gross
Teresa Grove
Ronald and MaryAlice Grzesik
Roger C. Guay
Juliette A. Guertin
Pierre Guertin
Linda M. Gunther
Rebecca J. Gurecki
Susan E. Gustafson
Joanne T. Guzowski
Laura M. Haas
Deborah A. Haberern
Wayne F. Hachey
Michael H. Hakim
Dena and Eric Hall
Eric D. Hall
Daphne and Stephen Hall, MD
Fay T. Halsall
James P. Halton
Margo K. Halton
David W. Hamel
Shirley A. Hamill
Cynthia J. Hamlin
Samuel Hanmer
Marsha and William Harbison, MD
Monica E. Harnois
John L. Harrington
Reginald Harrison
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Mary E. Haskell
Sandra and Bruce Haskin, MD
Peter N. Hassiotis
Nancy Hazard
Health New England, Inc.
Deborah L. Hebert
Ernest R. Hebert
Joanne T. Hebert
Kelly E. Hebert
Christina Henriques
Frances Henry
John Herrera
Raymond S. Hershel
Michelle and Richard Hicks, MD
Cynthia Hilson
Stanley J. Hilton
Sue-Ann E. Hilton
Kevin Hinchey, MD
Mary L. Hiney
William L. Hiser
Alan J. Hitchcock
Harry Hoar III, MD and Gina Luciano, MD
Beth Hoban
Carol S. Holden
Ray O. Holland
Colleen and Mark Holmes
Mark C. Holmes
Colleen M. Holtan
Wayne R. Hoppock
Paula J. Horenstein
Francis D. Horrigan
Jeanne E. Hough
Kristina and Joseph Houghton
David L. Housman
Robert L. Howarth
Megan Hoy
Dusty and Mary Lou Hoyt
Sandra S. Hubbard
Shelby Hughes
Jack Hulmes, Jr.
Mary E. Hurley
Michael J. Hyder
Pamela A. Hyder
IHOP Restaurants - West Springfield
Cheryl D. Ingalls
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union No. 42
James and Kathie Irwin
Banu and Nicolas Jabbour, MD
Robert Jacobson
Richard L. Jaggi
John and Helen James
Chester J. Jamroz
Laurence Jarvis
Jacqueline M. Jendza
Robert Jensen and Barbara Braem-Jensen
Shirley M. Jensen
Jerome's Party Plus
D. Joseph Jerry
Jessica and John Sullivan
Jewish Endowment Foundation of Western MA
Sidney P. Jimmo
Donald E. Johnson
Kylie and William Johnson
Louise A. Johnson
Timothy D. Johnson
Tina M. Johnson
Willard M. Johnson
Denise Jordan
Claudia M. Jorge
Susan and Gordon Josephson, MD
Anne Joubert
Jean C. Joyce
Susan A. Kacoyannakis
Denise J. Karlin
Laura and David Kattan, MD
David and Ruth Katz
Joan Katz
Paula V. Katz
Jessica E. Kavanagh
Robert B. Keir
Sandra B. Keir
Marvin and Carol Kelley
William and Patricia Kelliher
Teresa J. Kellogg
Diane E. Kellsey
Denise A. Kelly
Kelly-Fradet Lumber
Brian M. Kennedy
James C. Kennedy
Elizabeth H. Kenney
Linda J. Kenny
Mark A. Keroack, MD and Ann Errichetti, MD
Patti L. Kertanis
Holly A. Kidrick
Robert J. Kidrick
Diane I. Kieltyka-Stokosa
Nancy A. Kingsley
Sheryl S. Kirk
Gale and Robert Kirkwood, MD
Richard W. Klett
Michael and Kathleen Knapik
Katlyn E. Knight
Knights of Columbus Council 133
Christopher Koh
Kimberly A. Kolvek
Stanley Konefal, MD and Joan Walsh-Konefal
Kenneth J. Kordana
Nicholas K. Korny
Peggy J. Korny
Christine Kos
John Kovacs
Karen A. Koziara Healey
Richard W. Kresock
Arlene M. Kruzel
Paul F. Kszaszcz
Aaron Kugelmass, MD and Karen Ambrose
John P. Kulas
Trevor Kulas
Diane Kurinsky
Joanne LaBoe
Deborah A. Lacasse
Kenneth B. Lacasse
Maurice N. Lacasse
Karen Ladd
Amanda J. LaFlam
Lisa E. Laflamme
Jean M. LaFortune
Theresa G. Lamothe
David E. Langlois
Deborah P. Lantaigne
Gary G. Lantaigne
Frances A. LaPlante
Enrique Lara
Betty and Kevin LaRue
Donald A. LaShier
Jamie F. Laurin
Diane Lautier
David A. Laverdiere
Rachel Lavery
The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
Alice and Stephen Lawrence, PhD
Kevin and Susan Lawson
John M. LaZazzera
Lisa Lazzari
Michael D. Lazzari
Gwyn A. LeBlanc
Heather Lefebvre
Jayle G. Leger
Carl A. LeGrand
Kamaris N. Lessard
Jeffrey Letourneau
Amy Greenbaum
William L. Levine
Adrian and Virginia Levsky
Jane E. Lewandowski
Craig A. Lewis
Lia Toyota of Wilbraham
Susan Licht
Lighting Affiliates
Nastaran H. Lilja
Kristy Lindsey
Joseph LoBello
Nancy C. Logan
Richard F. Logan
Linda L. Lolos
Timothy Londo
Sallie S. Lonergan
Joseph C. Longo
Maria E. Lough
Debora A. Loughary
Walter G. Loughary
Frank G. Lovelock
Elizabeth N. Lucas
Barbara J. Luce
Denis Lucey
Gina L. Luciano
Brian H. Luippold
Ann M. Lukasik
Tinka Lunt
Joanna G. Luty
Douglas J. Lyman
James E. MacDonald
John and Barbara MacNeish
Marjorie and Thomas Magill, MD
David Maguire, MD
Sean E. Mahar and Deborah A. Mahar
Joseph M. Mahoney
Kathleen Mahoney, MD
Grace Makari-Judson, MD and Peter Judson, MD
Kathleen M. Maliga
John F. Malley
Tina M. Malley
Dana R. Malone
Elizabeth Maloney
Holly Malta
Thomas G. Mandella
Jennifer Mango
Ann and John+ Mann
Marcotte Ford Sales, Inc.
Michele L. Mariani
Katherine A. Marohn
Tammy Marquis
Mark D. Marshall
Beth Martin
Heather A. Mascarenhas
Ronald and Virginia Masnicki
David P. Mason
Holly Mason, MD and Theodore Mason, MD
Theodore P. Mason
Tisa Mason
Judith A. Matt
Jodie L. Mattern
Dennis F. May
Maybury Material Handling
John and Sandra Maybury
Thomas Maybury
William R. Maybury
Patricia J. McArdle
Richard McCaffrey
Raymond and Sarah McCarthy
William M. McCarthy
William A. McDaniel
Ann C. McDonald
Charles J. McDonald
Mary C. McGovern
Marie L. McIntire
John S. McKenzie
Christine McKiernan, MD and Kevin McAllister, EdD
Elmer J. McMahon
Margaret A. McMahon
Pamela McNary
Cynthia M. McNeilly
Nancy Mead
Meadow Place Dental
John and Susan Medeiros
Michele Megas-Ditomassi and George+ Ditomassi
Kenneth Melanson, Sr.
Caitlin Melendez
Mercier Carpet Service, Inc.
Carolyn J. Mercure
Edward A. Mercure
Belden R. Merims
Paul C. Merlino
Ronald J. Merritt
Paula L. Messier
Barbara Messler
Mestek, Inc.
Kathleen Meyer, MD
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
Kelley A. Mickiewicz
Benjamin C. Miller
Vivian I. Miller, MD
Loraine Millman
Carol Minerich
Cindyrae R. Minie
Paul F. Minie
Nedra S. Mirkin
Zane and Brenda Mirkin
Kristina A. Misiaszek
Jennifer R. Moccio
Edward J. Modzelewski
Armand C. Mominee
Lori Ann Monikowski
Susan and William+ Monks
Monson Savings Bank
Donna M. Montemagni
Kevin E. Montemagni
Michele and Christopher Moore, MD
Francisco G. Morais
Kristin R. Morales-Lemieux
Cheryl L. Moriarty
Kevin Moriarty, MD
Richard E. Moriarty
Patricia A. Morini
Barbara A. Morris
Kate Moruzzi
Douglas and Joyce Muehlberg
Kristine Muise
Terina D. Mulero
John J. Mullen, Sr. Family Charitable Foundation
Carol E. Mullen
William J. Mullen
Sharon L. Mulloy
Denise Murphy
James J. Murphy
Lisa A. Murphy
Paul and Dale Murphy
George J. Murray
Elaine F. Murry
Lawrence and Elaine Murry
Ronnie S. and Ronald S. Nadel, MD
Kerry Nappi
John F. Nash
Howard B. Natenshon
John+ and Frances Naughton
Susan Neal
Robert P. Neil
New England Copy Specialists, Inc.
Robyn Newhouse, PhD
Jason and Kristen Newmark
Mark E. Newton
Paul A. Nicholson
Judith Niziolek
Therese M. Noga-Stratton
Edward J. Noonan
Ed and Ellen Noonan
Sandra J. Noonan
Kara J. Noonan-Pear
Cynthia I. Nordin
Glen Nordin
Cliff and Ellen Noreen
Carl W. North
David and Dorothy Northup
Dorothy M. Northup
Judianne O'Brien
Richard and Marie O'Connor
Susan O'Connor, Esq. and Bernard O'Connor, Esq.
Margaret L. Oczkowski
Harold J. Odiorne
Rosette P. Odulio
Mary F. Okseniak
Raymond M. Olander
Kevin J. O'Leary
Christopher J. Ollari
Carmen Omer
Mary C. O'Neil
Thomas O'Neil
June E. Opsitnick
Robert C. Opsitnick
John O'Reilly, MD and Patricia Rick
Benjamin Osborne, MD and Katherine Osborne, DVM
Diane Osgood
Phyllis B. Ostrowsky
Anthony Oteri
Lori Oteri
Ross W. Overlock
Rajashree and Rajiv Padmanabhan, MD
Armando P. Paez
Lynne Page and Roland Ratte
Richard S. Paige
Thomas O. Panaccione
Nick G. Panasian
Nina Pancaldo
Nokul Panigrahi
Peter and Catherine Pappas
Charles D. Paquette
Mary T. Paquette
Gerard G. Parent
Dale M. Parenteau
Pranay and Elizabeth Parikh
Dan Parker
Sheetal H. Patel
Barbara J. Patnaude and Thomas P. Patnaude
Penni A. Patuano
Michael and Darlene Paul
Michael P. Paulin
Tina L. Paulson-Goldschmidt
Andrew D. Pavlica
Deborah A. Pavlica
Michael L. Paysnick
Daniel J. Pear
Patricia G. Pelletier
Ann M. Pennell-Cimini
T. Britton Percy, MD and Valerie Botter
Kimberly C. Pereira
Laura Perez
Maria L. Perez
Robert S. Perkins
David Perlmutter
Jessica Perry
Joan Person
George Petitt and Maria Cantalini-Petitt
Jennifer Petrie
James and Kathryn Phaneuf
Melinda M. Phelps
John E. Pietras
Francis J. Pijar
Pioneer Valley Credit Union
Judith A. Piper
David M. Pirog
Gaye B. Pistel
Stephen J. Pitoniak
Leigh A. Plahna
Celeste G. Planzo
Louis W. Planzo
Patricia S. Plourde
Cheryl L. Podgorski
Mark H. Pohlman
Rashelle Y. Poirier McKenzie
Katherine and James Polga, MD
Christine Pollock
Daniel D. Pratola
Joseph E. Previtera
Patricia M. Procko
Professional Drywall Construction, Inc.
Deborah and Mark Provost
Katherine Putnam and Timothy Delaney
Lori Puza
Mary Quan
Nancy Quetti
Franklin D. Quigley
Mari Anne Quigley
Marie A. Quinn
Julianne E. Rabschnuk
Adam D. Raczkowski
Amy E. Radgowski
Radiology & Imaging, Inc.
Frances A. Rahilly
Susan C. Raschi
Susan B. Raschilla
Bonny Rathbone
Niels Rathlev, MD and E. Penny Pounder
David and Ellen Ratner
Raymond R. Houle Construction Inc.
Melissa Y. Reeves
Maria J. Rego
Dorothy A. Reidy
Lynn A. Reigner
Katherine A. Reilly
Carol A. Reno
The Republican
David S. Rice
Matthew W. Richardson
Nancy and Scott Rines
Anne-Marie T. Rivest
Robert Charles Photography
Cait Roberts
Gary A. Roberts
Lynda Roberts
Lynn M. Robillard
Robert E. Robillard
Dora and Frank Robinson, PhD
James M. Roche
Rocky's Ace Hardware - South Hadley
Suzete G. Rodrigues
Dean and Bridget Rohan
Gregory T. Rolland
Katherine K. Rolland
Barbara J. Romashko
Andrea Rosado
Eleanor B. Rothman
Daniel M. Rothschild
Paul H. Rothschild
Robert W. Rothstein
Kathleen Roy
Barbara J. Royce
Thomas J. Ruscio
William D. Russell
Ellen C. Rutan
Jennifer and James Ryan III
Kathy L. Ryan
Charles W. Ryder
Laura L. Ryder
Matthew D. Sadof
James and Barbara Sadowsky
Ronald and Brenna Sadowsky
Ali and Mandana Salehi
Linda M. Salemi
Vincent Salemi
Kelly Salls
David J. Saltmarsh
Vita M. Saltmarsh
Doug Salvador, MD and Erin Salvador, MD
Angelo A. Salvatore
Patricia A. Samra
T.J. Samra
Beverly J. Sangermano
Heather Sankey, MD and Peter Schindelman
Anthony L. Santaniello
Rosa M. Santos
Jillian A. Sapanaro
Sarah Gillett Services for the Elderly, Inc.
Kevin and Deborah Saremi
Darlene M. Sarnelli
Lydia J. Sarro
Deena and Barry Sarvet, MD
Savage Arms, Inc.
Joseph B. Savaria
Clara Scamardella
Annette Scarnici
Roger J. Schifferli
Ute A. Schmidt
Denise and David Schoen
Elizabeth Schoenfeld, MD and Pranay Parikh, MD
Aniello Scibelli
Linda A. Scibelli
Deborah S. Scott
Mary Ellen and Roy Scott
Patricia A. Scully
Warren W. Sedran
Richard A. Segool
Rodney J. Seller
Maureen F. Senn-McNally
Joseph and Maureen Sergienko
Judith S. Serra
Serv-U Locksmiths
Donna Sexton
Nasrin Shafiani
Carol Shapiro
Michelle and Charles Shattuck
Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. Charitable Foundation
John and Deb Shaver
Juanita D. Shavers
Joanne N. Shaw
Joanne H. Shea
Theresa A. Shea
Kathleen M. Sheehan
Patrick and Leslie Sheehy
Donna M. Shepard
Shields Health Care Group Inc.
Shields Health Care Group
Marybeth Shippole
Niloufar Shoushtari, MD
Deepika and Sundeep Shukla, MD
Shurtleff Children's Services, Inc.
Virginia A. Siano
Richard and Susan Sigda
Cynthia G. Simison
Alan D. Slessler
Kayla C. Slessler
Laura Slowick
June M. Slozak
Jeanne Smigiel
Deborah A. Smith
Deborah L. Smith
Debra J. Smith
Doris M. Smith
Erin Smith
Michael D. Smith
Selwyn J. Smith
Vanessa Smith and Elizabeth Lehman
Belinda Smith-Ramsey
Jennifer Smola
Michael H. Solon
Ronald E. Somers
Elaine T. Somes
Catherine H. Sotiropoulos
South Congregational Church
Kathleen A. Souza
Paul S. Souza
Specialty Bolt & Screw, Inc.
John C. Spinks
Linda R. Spitz
Kathleen C. Spooner
Springfield Spring & Stamping
Springfield Thunderbirds Foundation, Inc.
Springfield Thunderbirds
St. Aloysius Catholic School
Martha A. St. Lawrence
Dorothy A. St. Pierre
Dominique Stabilo
Donna M. Stafilarakis
Eric and Elizabeth Stahl
Julie B. Stark
Suzanne E. Stebbins
Fredy C. Steng
Nancy J. Stevenson
Joseph F. Stiefel
Michael and Nancy Stolpinski
Thaddeus J. Strzempko
Kathleen M. Suchocki
Gladys and Robert+ Sullivan
Luz and David Sullivan
Sylvia L. Sullivan
Mary and Alan Swedlund
Teresa A. Swist
Janet Sydla
Alan R. Symington
Anna G. Symington
Tammie Sypek
Janet A. Szemela
Kelly and David Tashjian, MD
Amber R. Tatro
Diane F. Tatro
Elaine R. Taylor
Kathleen Taylor
Lynn Taylor
Rebecca L. Taylor
Trenton E. Taylor
Mark and Deborah Teed
Aviva Thaler
Sheri L. Thayer
Stephen W. Thayer
Frank J. Thetreault
Michael D. Theulen
Sera and Abraham Thomas, MD
Christine M. Thurman
Alanna A. Tidwell
James Tidwell
Tighe & Bond
Liisa Tikkala
Diane E. Tillman
Catherine H. Tipton
Maria M. Tirado
Gary W. Tirrell
Titan Roofing, Inc.
Kirsten M. Tobias
Kathy Tobin Martin
Linda Todaro and Stephen Mabee
Hector F. Toledo
Rebecca H. Toledo
Thomas R. Toman
Renee J. Tompkins
William E. Toner
Bernadette S. Toomey
Emily Torcato
Aimee J. Tosoni
Andrew Touchette
Wendy Touchette
James Trask
Randi D. Travers
Barb Turcotte
Norma Turcotte
Wesley B. Turner
Jane O. Tyler
Universal Electric Co., Inc.
USA Hauling & Recycling, Inc.
USI Insurance Services, LLC
Nancy L. Vagnini
A. Sue Vakakas
Valet Park of America
Donna and Vincent Valletti
Kevin B. Vann
Ann B. Varghese
Vartanian Custom Cabinets, Inc.
Aram P. Vartanian
Kenneth P. Vautrin
Katherine N. Venne
Donna L. Viel
Suzanne I. Viens
Marion Vigneault
Leslie A. Vincent
Peter Vogian
Katherine H. Walles
Walmart Stores, Inc. - Springfield
Kyle M. Walsh
Lynn C. Warman
Richard S. Warner
Bruce Waslick, MD
Edward F. Watson
Earl L. Way
William and Cynthia Webber
Warren S. Weiner
Ronald P. Weiss
Jeanne M. Weisse
Glenn S. Welch
Consolidated Health Plans, Inc.
Dusti L. Wells
Amy M. Wesley
Mark Westcott
Westfield Academy
Westfield Bank
Westfield Gas and Electric
Karen A. Whalen
Elizabeth I. Williams
Frederick N. Williams
Gloria B. Williams
Keisa Williams
Roger W. Williams
Katherine F. Williamson
Jeanine R. Wilson
Karen Winer
Sally and Stephen Wittenberg, MD
Mark C. Wollender
Women of the Moose Lodge Chicopee Falls Chapter 1489
Lawrence A. Wood
David and Elizabeth+ Woods
Anne K. Woodson
Matthew and Renee Wroth
Alice M. Wynne
Monica M. Wynne
Christine Wyszynski
Rosemarie A. Yacovone
Ruth Yanka
Elizabeth A. Zabielski
John J. Zajdel
Diane M. Zanolli
Barbara R. Zielonka
Celine Zimmermann
Jennifer Zollo
Denise M. Zuidema
William C. Zumbruski

+ = deceased

2021 Loyalty Circle

+ = deceased

Christopher Ollari, MD and Mary-Alice Abbott, MD
Sharon and Laurence Abbott
ABC Supply Co., Inc.
Mohammed Abdel-Azim
Ronald and Gladys+ Abdow
Acme Metals & Recycling, Inc.
Steven Adair
Robert and Nancy Adams
Douglas Adler
Advance Mfg. Co., Inc.
Agawam Junior High School
Margaret Agnoli
Robert and Mary Ellen Ahearn
Naomi Aina
Anthony Albano
Jane and Brad Albert
Alegria Dance and Fitness, LLC
Ronald Aleman
Marguerite and Richard Alexander, MD
Dean Alfange
All Hose, Inc.
Holley Allen, MD and Jacques Blanchet, MD
William Allen
Alpha Imaging, LLC
Alpha Oil Company, Inc.
George and Susan Alvord
Sons of the American Legion - Detachment of Massachusetts
Barbara Anderson
Thomas and Cynthia Anderson
Christina Andrews
Stuart Anfang, MD and Michelle Kosche Anfang, MD
Antonacci Family Foundation
Leigh and Joseph Arabik
Arbella Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Andrew Artenstein, MD and Debra Pacheco-Artenstein
Amy Ashford
Aspen Square Management, Inc.
Theresa Asselin
Astro Chemicals, Inc.
Harold Atwater
Sudeep Aulakh, MD
David and Kathryn Aylward
Ayotte & King for Tile, Inc.
Paul and Debbie Bachini
Bacon Wilson, P.C.
Robert and Andrea Bacon
Michelle Baillargeon
Kelly Baker
Martha Baker, MD
John Balboni
Andrew Balder, MD and Cynthia Sommer
Joseph and Sherry Balzano
Jessica and Gregory Banever, MD
Barbara Barbato
Alisa Barber
Richard and Dorothy Bardsley
Ruth and George+ Barham
Richard and Carol Barker
Dawn and Robert Barkman, MD
Lucina Barrett
Kelli Barrieau
Robert and Kerry Bartini
Diane Bassett Zable and Paul Zable
James Bassett
Shannon Bates
Judy Battista
Jennifer Battles
Lois Baush
Baystate Breast & Wellness Center
Baystate MRI & Imaging, LLC
Baystate Ob/Gyn Group, Inc.
Baystate Restoration Group, LLC
Sarah Beaulieu
Eric and Laura Beck
Catherine Belhumeur
Margaret Bell
Sandra Bellatonio Ravelli, MD
Belmont Laundry, Inc.
Paul Benoit
Eileen Bens
Lori and Scott Berg
Carol and Ronald Berger, MD
Kenneth and Sharon Bernard
Martin and Diane Berneche
William and Kathryn Berthiaume
Penny and Anthony Bertolasio
Patricia Bertone-Gross
Joel and Betsy Bertuzzi
Marie and Channing Bete, Jr.
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Kenneth and Diane Bigelow
Chris and Candace Bignell
Mary Ann Bilodeau
Anne Biscaldi-Germain
Jolene Blackburn
Karolyn Blanchette
Mary Jo Blomberg
Linda Bodman
Nancy Boistelle
Charlotte Boney, MD and Charles Lasitter
Kit Sang Boos and Stephen Boos, MD
Lisa Bottego
Jason Boudreau
Michelle Boudreau
Suzanne and John Boudreau
Lorraine Bourassa
Jessica Bourgault
Allen and Nancy Bousquet
Julianne Bowler
Elizabeth Boyle, MD and Richard Norman
Deborah and Peter Bradley
Barbara Braem-Jensen and Robert Jensen
Iris Braica
Sheila Braithwaite
Sandy Brault
John H. and Barbara N. Breck Charitable Foundation
Kathleen and Edward Breck III
Barbara Breen
Sarah Breen
David and Elizabeth Brewer
Louise Briggs
Christina and Raymond Broderick
Anthony and Jean Brodowski
Kathleen and Lenard Bronner
Jennifer Brooks
Ann Brousseau
Linda Brown
Susan Brown
Darlene Brunelle
Michelle Brunton
Peter Brush
Gladys Brut
Ronald and Eileen Bryant
Cindy Buckel
Susan and Richard Budrewicz
Ramiro Buenrostro
Susan Bujold
Bulkley Richardson
Daniel Burack and Debra Boronski-Burack
Emily Burd
Gary Burdick
Herbert & Josephine Burk Noble Hospital Fund @ CFWM
Barbara Burke
Julie Burke
Rosemarie Burke
Millie and Ron Burkman, MD
Joan Burkot
Stephen and Donna Burrall
Timothy and Chris Burtch
Tommie Lee Burton
Cathleen Butler
Lisa Butler
Kimberly Caldon
Marcia Caloon
Kimberly and Victor Calvanese
Joanne Cangro
Q. Jackie Cao, MD
Amanda Carabine
Andrea and Robert Carey
John and Joan Carlin
Lisa Carloni
Clifford and Susan Carlson
Justyna Carlson
George and Marilyn Carney
Robert and Kathleen Carolan
Carol Carr
Luis and Tammy Carrasquillo
Carter McLeod Paper and Packaging, Inc.
Lucia and James Carvalho
Carrie and Robert Casaceli
Allie Casey
Marie Cassetta
Henry and Janis Castonguay
Maureen and John Cauley, Jr.
Maureen Cauley
Petra Cervoni
Douglas and Virginia Cesan
Russell Charest
Amy Chasse
Chatham-Beech Charitable Foundation
Evelyn and Enrique Chavez
Chicopee FireFighters Local 1710
Child's Play Charity
Richard Chin
John and Jeanne Chistolini
Roseann Chojnowski
Cheryl and Mark Christianson
Lois Cignoli
City Tire Company, Inc.
Erin Clark
Douglas and Amy Clarke
Lori Clarke, MD
Rebecca Clemente, MD
Pamela and James Cline
Joanne and John Coach, Jr., MD
Diane Cody
Patricia and Glen Coffelt
Claire Cohen-Stelzer
Robert and Mary Cohn
Mary Gail Cokkinias
Frank and Norma Colaccino
Chellis and Cheryl Collins
Mary Collins
Stephen Collins. Jr.
Deborah Collins-DiSanti and Samuel DiSanti
Denise Colon
Toni Colson
The Colvest Group
Commercial Distributing Co., Inc.
Committee to Elect Domenic J. Sarno
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Geraldine Conboy
Barbara Conlin
Connecticut Portable Storage, LLC
Marcia Conrad
Construction Laborers' Union Local 999
Linda Contois
Paul and Joyce Contois
Donna-Rae and Anthony Contrada
Control Module, Inc.
Colleen Convery
Jenna and John Jackson
Francis and Loretta Cooney
Claudia Coplein, DO and John Kreinest
Stephen and Maureen Corrigan
Michael Coscore
Maxine Costa
Kris Costanzo
Costco Wholesale Corp.
Gilbert Cote
Sonia Cotto
Patricia Coughlin
Country Bank
Raymond Couture
Creek Massage Therapy
Kristine Crimmins
Christina Cronin and Mark Langevin
Cynthia Cronin
Edward and Jeanne Cronin
Michael and Elizabeth Crowley
Susan and Gary Crowley
Daisy and Victor Cruz
Jeanette Cruz
James and Jen Cullen
Elizabeth Cullinan
Jane Cullinan
Homer Curtis, DMD
Custom Ink, LLC
Patricia Cutler
Mary Ellen Czepiel-Terlik
Stephen Czuchra
Elizabeth D'Agostino
Miranda Dal Zovo
Joan Daly
Kerry Damon
Charles and Elizabeth D'Amour
Donald and Michele D'Amour
Janet D'Amours
Steven and Amy Dane
Judith Daniele
Marion Dasco
Cary Dash, MD and Vivian Miller, MD
Dave's Soda & Pet City, Inc.
Jo-Ann Davis and David Longworth, MD
Cynthia Dearborn
Maryann Decker
Robert DeFazio
Joanne DeGeorge
Lucy deGozzaldi
Deliso Financial Services
Jean Deliso and Lisa Doherty
Joanne and Richard Dernoga
Albert Desjardins
Kenneth and Tammie Deso
Jennifer and Mark DeSpirito
Deborah Desroches
Harriet and Raymond DeVerry
Charlene Diamond
Michelle Diamond
Amy Dias
Maria Dias
George+ and Sharon Dickerman
Susan and Robert Dickson
Paul DiDomenico
Michael and Cyndi Dillon
Anthony and Louise Disa
Dianne Doherty
Martha Doktor-Munro
Richard and Donna Doleva
Carlo Domenichini
Jason Dominick
Tamara Dominick
Clara Domnarski
David and Ann Donaldson
Nancy Donofrio
Linda and William Donoghue III
Richard and Bernadine+ Dooley
Doris and William Doyle, MD
Matthew Drapeau
Julie Driscoll
Joan Drozdal
Christine Drumheller
Karen and Michael Drumheller
William Dube
Renee Dufresne
Melissa Duggan
George and Kathy Dulchinos
Angus and Laurel Dun
Jessica Dupont
Chantal Dupuis
Timothy and Kathy Duquette
Audrey Dyjak
AnnMarie Dymon
Eagle Rivet Roof Service Corp.
Eastern Architectural Representatives
Easthampton Fire Fighters Association, IAFF Local 1876
Robert Eastwood
David and Janet Echeverria
Norma Ejsmont
Elevage Partners
Diane Elkhay
Julie Elkhay
Linda Enderwick
Paul and Deborah Engel
Ethan Taylor Benevolent Fund
Christopher Ethier and Barbara Ferrante
Ann and Paul+ Eurkus
Excel Dryer, Inc.
Ronald Fahle
Todd and Michelle Fairman
Lori Fallon
Barbara and Roger Farrell
Elizabeth and Timothy Farris, Esq.
Jennifer Faulkner and Craig Kupinsky
James Fearrington
Constance and Robert Fedora
Robert and Jane Feinberg
Lisa and Edward Feldmann, MD
Laura and Kenneth Fellows
Marlene Felton and Michael Clark
William and Jeanine Ferguson
Sarah and Armand Fernandes
Melissa Fernette
Erin and Peter Ferraro
Edith Ferrero
Christine Ferst
Peter and Monika Fett
Field Services, LLC
Carla Figueroa
Theodore Fijal
Louise and Robert Findlater
Harriet and Rick Fingeroth, MD
Deborah and Robert Finnegan
Jonathan Finnerty
First Church of Christ in Longmeadow, UUC
Steven Fischel, MD and Lisa Plantefaber, MD
Brittany Fisher
Cheryl Fitzgerald
Richard FitzGerald
Krystal Flechsig
Margot and Richard Fleck, Jr.
Jane and Edward Fleming III
Dawn Fleury
Sarah Flinker
Carol Flouton
Lynn and William+ Foggle
Maria and Daniel Fonseca
Stephanie Foote
Stephen and Mary Forrest
Julia Forrestall
Anna Fortier
Denice Fortin
Robert Fosher
Jacqueline Fournier
Theresa Fox
Thomas and Lois Foy
Amedeo and Samantha Francesca
Keith and Nancy Franklin
Freedom Credit Union
Julie and Matthew Fregeau
Mark and Stephanie French
Elizabeth Frey
Michelle Friddle
Jeanette and Daniel Friedenson, MD
Paul Friedmann, MD and Hon. Ilana Rovner
Amy Gottlieb, MD and Peter Friedmann, MD
Wayne and Penny Friedrich
Courtney Fudger
Gail and Daniel Fudger
Sharon Gage
Wendy and Michael Gage
Jerome and Kathleen Gagliarducci
Joseph and Jillian Gagne
Debra Gagner
Elba and Denis Gagnon, Jr.
Stephen Gallagher
David Gallerani
Susan Galvin
David L. Gang, MD and Roberta Hillenberg-Gang
LuAnn Garcia
John Garvan
Kevin Garvin
Jean Gauger
Claire Gemme
Christine and Scott Gendron
Frances Gengle-Keenan
Mary and John Gentile, Jr.
Becky George and Steve Bridges
Michelle George
Ian Giaver
Charles and Brenda Gibson
Susan and Edward Gilbert
Beth Gildin Watrous
Mark and Gail Gilmore
Paula and Donald Girard
Michael and Marilyn Gitlen
Evelyn and Michael Glabicky
Diana Gladden
Leonard and Nansi Glick
Dorothy Godin
Kelly Godin
Annette and Barry Goldberg
Howard Goldberg, MD and Karen Durgin-Goldberg
Annamarie and Hunter Golden
Doreen Gonyea
Daniel and Ellen Goodman
Demetria Goodman
Harold and Mary Goodman
Katie and Ian Goodman, MD
Kenneth Gorenstein
Geraldine and Edward Gosselin, Jr.
Roger Gosselin
Joan Gould
Suzanne Gozzo
Michelle Graci
Richard and Cynthia Grannells
Harrison Grant
Sam and Lessie Grant
Douglas and Marsha Gray
Laurie Gray
Mary and Brian Gray
Molly Gray and John O'Grady, MD
Greater Springfield Credit Union
Caryn Greco
Nancy Greco
Barbara and Chet Greenberg
Greenfield Cooperative Bank
Greenfield Savings Bank
Debra Greims
William Grenier
Mary Gresham
Griffin's Friends
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Arthur and Peggy Grodd
Ronald and Susan Grodsky
Jody and Lisa Gross
Teresa and Robert Grove
Jennifer Gruszka
Roger and Robin Guay
Juliette Guertin
Pierre and MaryEllen Guertin
Linda Gunther
Rebecca Gurecki
Susan Gustafson
Joanne Guzowski
Laura and Peter Haas
Deborah Haberern
Wayne Hachey
Michael Hakim, MD and Nasrin Shafiani
Dena and Eric Hall
Mary Hall
Daphne and Stephen Hall, MD
Fay Halsall
Margo Halton
Sharon and David Hamel, Jr.
Cynthia Hamlin
Hampden County District Attorney's Office
Samuel Hanmer
Marsha and William Harbison, MD
Monica and Bruce Harnois
John Harrington
Reginald Harrison
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Mary Haskell
Sandra and Bruce Haskin, MD
Peter Hassiotis
Nancy Hazard
HCS Head Start, Inc.
Health New England, Inc.
Deborah Hebert
Ernest and Melanie Hebert
Joanne Hebert
Kelly Hebert
Christina Henriques
Frances Henry
Barbara and R. Patrick Henry, Jr.
John and Michelle Herrera
Maureen and Raymond Hershel, Jr.
Melissa Hicks
Michelle and Richard Hicks, MD
Arthur and Louise Hillman
Cynthia Hilson
Sue-Ann and Stanley Hilton
Kevin Hinchey, MD
Mary Hiney
William Hiser, MD
Alan and Susan Hitchcock
Harry Hoar III, MD and Gina Luciano, MD
Judith Hogan
Donna and Peter Hogan, Jr.
Carol Holden
Ray Holland
Anne Holliday
Colleen and Mark Holmes
Colleen Holtan
Wayne Hoppock
Paula Horenstein
Donna and Francis Horrigan, MD
Jeanne and Matthew Hough
Kristina and Joseph Houghton
David and Carol Housman
Megan Hoy
Dusty and Mary Lou Hoyt
Sandra and William Hubbard
Shelby Hughes
Jack Hulmes, Jr.
Jeanne Hume
Vicki Hunter
Mary Hurley, Esq.
Pamela and Michael Hyder
IHOP Restaurants
Industrial Technical Services, Inc.
Cheryl Ingalls
Intercity Lines, Inc.
James and Kathie Irwin
Josh Isles
Banu and Nicolas Jabbour, MD
Robert Jacobs
Robert and Judith Jacobson
Richard Jaggi
John and Helen James
Chester and Mary Ellen Jamroz
Jacqueline Jendza
Shirley Jensen
Jerome's Party Plus/Taylor Rental
D. Joseph Jerry, PhD
Jessica and John Sullivan
Patricia Jester
Sidney and Deborah Jimmo
Donald and Jacqueline Johnson
Kylie and William Johnson
Louise Johnson
Timothy and Geri Johnson
Tina Johnson
Willard Johnson
Claudia Jorge
Susan and Gordon Josephson, MD
Anne Joubert
Jean and James Joyce
Susan and Kenneth Kacoyannakis
Denise Karlin, Esq.
Laura and David Kattan, MD
David and Ruth Katz
Joan Katz
Paula Katz
Jessica Kavanagh
Terry Kayne
Sandra and Robert Keir
Marvin and Carol Kelley
William and Patricia Kelliher
Teresa Kellogg
Diane Kellsey
Denise Kelly
Kelly-Fradet Lumber
Brian Kennedy
Elizabeth Kenney
Linda and Patrick Kenny
Mark A. Keroack, MD and Ann Errichetti, MD
Patti Kertanis
Holly Kidrick
Diane Kieltyka-Stokosa
Nancy Kingsley
Sheryl Kirk
Gale and Robert Kirkwood, MD
Alan Kittler
Richard and Shirley Klett
Christine and Kenneth Klucznik
Michael and Kathleen Knapik
Katlyn Knight
Knights of Columbus Council 133
Kenneth Koenigs, MD and Laura Pinkston Koenigs, MD
Kimberly and Dewey Kolvek
Stanley Konefal, MD and Joan Walsh-Konefal
Beverly Konieczny
Kenneth and Janis Kordana
Nicholas and Peggy Korny
Christine and Joseph Kos
Debora and John Kovacs, Jr.
Karen Koziara Healey
Richard Kresock
Michael and Kathryn Kruzel
Paul Kszaszcz
Aaron Kugelmass, MD and Karen Ambrose
Diane Kurinsky
Sonia Laassiri
Joanne and James LaBoe
Roxanne LaBonte
Deborah Lacasse
Kenneth Lacasse
Maurice and Sheila Lacasse
Karen Ladd
Jean LaDuke and Dennis Gates
Amanda LaFlam
Lisa Laflamme
Jean LaFortune
Neal and Diane Lamberton
Cecilia Landry
David and Lynn Langlois
Gary and Deborah Lantaigne
Frances LaPlante
Enrique Lara and Lisa Martin
Betty and Kevin LaRue
Donald and Shirley LaShier
David and Corinne Laskey
Diane Lautier
Phyllis LaVallee
David and Janine Laverdiere
Rachel Lavery
The Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
Alice and Stephen Lawrence, PhD
Kevin and Susan Lawson
John M. LaZazzera
Lisa Lazzari
Gwyn LeBlanc
Jayle Leger
Carl and Barbara LeGrand
Sandra and Michael Lemanski, MD
Kamaris Lessard
Jeffrey Letourneau
Amy Greenbaum
William and Diane Levine
Adrian and Virginia Levsky
Jane Lewandowski and Edward Polchlopek, Jr.
Craig and Lyudmyla Lewis
Lia Toyota of Wilbraham
Lighting Affiliates
Nastaran Lilja
Phyllis Lindberg
Diane and Paul Lindeland
Kristy Lindsey
Joseph LoBello
Nancy Logan
Richard and Michelle Logan
Timothy Londo
Sallie Lonergan, MD and Stephen Lonergan
Theresa Longley
Joseph and Mary Longo
Maria Lough
Frank and Romana Lovelock
Mary Lownds
Elizabeth and Thomas Lucas
Barbara and Kenneth Luce
Denis and Linda Lucey
Brian and Susan Luippold
Ann Lukasik
Tinka Lunt
Joanna Luty, MD
Douglas Lyman and Michael Ward
Lori Anne Lyne, MD
James MacDonald
Jane Mack
Sheryl MacLeay
John and Barbara MacNeish
Jacqueline Madden
Marjorie and Thomas Magill, MD
David Maguire, MD
Sean and Deborah Mahar
Kathleen Mahoney, MD and Frank Pupek
Grace Makari-Judson, MD and Peter Judson, MD
Kathleen Maliga
Tina and John Malley, Jr.
Dana and Timothy Malone
Holly Malta
Thomas Mandella
Lawrence and Mel Mandeville
Jennifer Mango
Ann and John+ Mann
Mildred March
Marcotte Ford Sales, Inc.
Michele Mariani
Marine Layer, Inc.
Katherine Marohn
Krissy Marques
Tammy Marquis
Mark Marshall, MD and Helen Leung, MD
Beth Martin
Pat and James Martin, Esq.
Robert Martin
Heather Mascarenhas
Laurence and Joyce Mase
Ronald and Virginia Masnicki
David and Wendy Mason
Holly Mason, MD and Theodore Mason, MD
Tisa Mason, MD
Judith Matt
Jodie Mattern
Dennis and Gail May
Maybury Material Handling
John and Sandra Maybury
Joyce Maybury
Thomas and Kait Maybury
William and Maura Maybury
Patricia McArdle, Ed.D.
Raymond and Sarah McCarthy
Denise and William McCarthy, Jr.
Patricia and Alan McClelland, MD
William and Linda McDaniel
Ann McDonald
Charles McDonald
Mary and Stephen McGovern
Carol McGurn
Marie and Bruce McIntire
John McKenzie and Maureen Casey
Christine McKiernan, MD and Kevin McAllister, EdD
Elmer McMahon
Margaret McMahon
Pamela McNary
Cynthia McNeilly
John McQuade and Jane Miliotis
Nancy Mead
Meadow Place Dental
John and Susan Medeiros
Michele Megas-Ditomassi and George+ Ditomassi
Kenneth Melanson, Sr.
Caitlin Melendez
Mercier's Carpet Service, Inc.
Edward and Rosemarie Mercure
Belden Merims
Paul and Sandra Merlino
Paula Messier
Mestek, Inc.
Myrna and Lawrence Metz, MD
Kathleen Meyer, MD
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.
John and Mary Midghall
Benjamin Miller
Gwendolyn Miller
Loraine Millman
Carol Minerich
Cindyrae and Paul Minie
Nedra Mirkin
Zane and Brenda Mirkin
Kristina Misiaszek
Donna Mollard
Lori Ann Monikowski
Susan and William+ Monks
Monson Savings Bank
Donna Montemagni
Kevin and Donna Montemagni
Michele and Christopher Moore, MD
Francisco Morais
Kristin Morales-Lemieux and Harry Lemieux
Cheryl Moriarty
Kevin Moriarty, MD
Richard and Therese Moriarty
Patricia Morini
Barbara Morris, MD
Stephen and Sandra Morris
Kate Moruzzi
Mountain View Landscapes and Lawncare, Inc.
Douglas and Joyce Muehlberg
Kristine Muise
Terina and Alejandro Mulero
John J. Mullen, Sr. Family Charitable Foundation
Carol Mullen
William and Donna Mullen
Sharon Mulloy
Denise Murphy
James Murphy
Lisa Murphy
Paul and Dale Murphy
George Murray
Elaine Murry
Ronnie and Ronald Nadel, MD
Kerry Nappi
John and Gail Nash
Rosie and Howie Natenshon, MD
John+ and Frances Naughton
Donna Nauman
Nauset Properties
Susan and Thomas Neal
Robert and Mary Neil
New England Copy Specialists, Inc.
Robyn Newhouse, PhD
Jason and Kristen Newmark
Mark Newton
Julia Nichols
Judith Niziolek
Therese Noga-Stratton
Lisa Nolan
Jessica and Edward Noonan II
Ed and Ellen Noonan
Sandra Noonan
Cynthia Nordin
Cliff and Ellen Noreen
Carl North
David and Dorothy Northup
Dorothy Northup
Gordon and Pamela Oakes
Judianne O'Brien
Richard and Marie O'Connor
Susan O'Connor, Esq. and Bernard O'Connor, Esq.
Margaret Oczkowski
Ruth Odgren
Patricia and Harold Odiorne, Jr.
Joanna Ogilvie
Mary and Edward Okseniak
Raymond and Arabella Olander
Kevin and Carol O'Leary
Carmen Omer
Mary O'Neil
Patrick and Shanon O'Neill
June Opsitnick
Patricia and John O'Reilly, MD
Benjamin Osborne, MD and Katherine Osborne, DVM
Diane Osgood
Phyllis Ostrowsky
Lori Oteri
Overeaters Anonymous
Ross and Michele Overlock
Rajashree and Rajiv Padmanabhan, MD
Armando Paez, MD and Rosette Odulio, MD
Lynne Page and Roland Ratte
Richard and Anna Paige
Thomas Panaccione
Nick Panasian
Nina Pancaldo
Nokul Panigrahi, MD
Peter and Catherine Pappas
Charles and Margaret Paquette
Mary and Michael Paquette
Russell and Claire Paquette
Jeane Paradis-Bellows and Scott Bellows
Dale and Robert Parenteau, Jr.
Dan Parker
Sheetal and Sapana Patel
Barbara and Thomas Patnaude
Penni Patuano
Michael and Darlene Paul
Michael and Shirley Paulin
Tina Paulson-Goldschmidt
Deborah Pavlica
Michael and Beth Paysnick
Fred and Susan Pazmino
Daniel Pear and Kara Noonan-Pear
Marilyn Peczka
Nicholas Penna
Paul Penna
Vincent Penna
Ann Pennell-Cimini
T. Britton Percy, MD and Valerie Botter
Kimberly and Elio Pereira
Laura Perez
Maria Perez
Robert and Jocelyn Perkins
Kevin and Amy Perrier
Jessica and Guy Perry
Pamela Perry
Joan and Jim Person
George Petitt and Maria Cantalini-Petitt
Jennifer Petrie
James and Kathryn Phaneuf
Melinda Phelps, Esq.
Jennifer Picard
Jan and Bernadette Piepul
John and Emily Pietras
Francis and Lynn Pijar
Pioneer Valley Credit Union
David Pirog
Gaye Pistel
Stephen and Kristin Pitoniak
Celeste Planzo
Cheryl Podgorski
Judith and Mark Pohlman, MD
Rashelle Poirier McKenzie
Charles L. Polep Visiting Nurse Assoc Fund @ JEFWM
Katherine and James Polga, MD
Christine Pollock
Linda Poulin
Robert and Pat Pouliot
Daniel Pratola
Eileen and David Pratt
Elizabeth Pratt
Premier Source Federal Credit Union
Joseph and Chris Previtera
Professional Drywall Construction, Inc.
Deborah and Mark Provost
Katherine Putnam and Timothy Delaney
Lori Puza
Mary Jo and Franklin Quigley, Jr.
Mari Anne Quigley
Julianne Rabschnuk
Amy Radgowski
Radiology & Imaging, Inc.
Frances Rahilly
Shannon Rahilly
Christine Ramos
Christine Randall
Susan Raschi
Susan Raschilla
Bonny Rathbone
Niels Rathlev, MD and E. Penny Pounder
David and Ellen Ratner
Karen and Robert Ravosa
Raymond R. Houle Construction, Inc.
Reflex Lighting Group of CT, LLC
Maria and Manuel Rego
Dorothy Reidy
Lynn and John Reigner
Katherine Reilly
Virginia and Edward Reiter, MD
Carol Reno
Debra and William Rhodes
David and Cara Rice
Matthew Richardson, MD and Chrystal Wittcopp, MD
Nancy and Scott Rines
Anne-Marie Rivest
Robert Charles Photography
Gary and Marion Roberts
Lynda Roberts and John Quigley
Michael Robidoux
Lynn Robillard
Robert and Paulette Robillard
Frank and Dora Robinson
James and Joyce Roche
Rocky's Ace Hardware
Clara Rodrigues
Suzete and Grafilo Rodrigues
Dean and Bridget Rohan
Katherine and Gregory Rolland
Barbara Romashko
Janet Roper
Andrea Rosado
Eleanor Rothman
Daniel and Jane Rothschild
Paul and Marsha Rothschild
Melanie and Robert Rothstein, MD
Mary Roy
Nancy and Thomas Ruscio, Jr.
William and Tammy Russell
Ellen Rutan
Brenda Ryan
Jennifer and James Ryan III
Kathy Ryan
Laura Ryder
Matthew Sadof, MD and Mindy Domb
James and Barbara Sadowsky
Ronald and Brenna Sadowsky
Ali and Mandana Salehi
Linda Salemi
Jane Saletnik
Kelly and Brett Salls
Vita and David Saltmarsh
Doug Salvador, MD and Erin Salvador, MD
Angelo and Barbara Salvatore
Deborah and Robert Samble, Jr.
Patricia and T.J. Samra
T.J. Samra
Beverly Sangermano
Heather Sankey, MD and Peter Schindelman
Anthony Santaniello
Carolyn Santiago
Jillian Sapanaro
Kevin and Deborah Saremi
Darlene and Michael Sarnelli
Lydia Sarro, MD and Joseph Bartolomeo
Deena and Barry Sarvet, MD
Savage Arms, Inc.
Joseph and Kristen Savaria
Clara Scamardella
Annette Scarnici
Roger and Patricia Schifferli
Rev. Ute Schmidt
Denise and David Schoen
Elizabeth Schoenfeld, MD and Pranay Parikh, MD
Linda and Aniello Scibelli
Deborah and Charles Scott
Mary Ellen and Roy Scott
Patricia Scully
Paul Scully
Christopher Scyocurka
Warren and Mary Ann Sedran
Helene and Richard Segool, MD
Rodney and Kristin Seller
Maureen Senn-McNally, MD
Joseph and Maureen Sergienko
Judith Serra
Serv-U Locksmiths
Donna Sexton
Michelle and Charles Shattuck
Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. Charitable Foundation
John and Deb Shaver
Juanita Shavers
Joanne Shaw
Joanne Shea
Theresa Shea
Kathleen Sheehan
Patrick and Leslie Sheehy
Nancy Shendell-Falik and Jay Falik
Brenda Shepard
Donna Shepard
Sherman & Frydryk, LLC
Sherman Oil Co., Inc.
Teresa Sherman
Shields Health Care Group, Inc.
Shields Health Care Group
Marybeth Shippole
Niloufar Shoushtari, MD
Deepika and Sundeep Shukla, MD
Virginia and William Siano
Richard and Susan Sigda
Jean and Richard Simmons
Alan and Joyce Slessler
June Slozak
Jeanne Smigiel
Smith & Wesson
Barry and Debbie Smith
Deborah and Douglas Smith
Deborah Smith
Debra Smith
Doris Smith
Erin Smith
Michael and Barbara Smith
Selwyn Smith
Vanessa Smith and Elizabeth Lehman
Belinda Smith-Ramsey
Jennifer Smola, MD
Christina deMeza and Michael Solon, MD
Ronald and Maureen Somers
Catherine Sotiropoulos
South Congregational Church
David and Ann Southworth
Kathleen and Paul Souza
Jack and Nancy Spanbauer
Specialty Bolt & Screw, Inc.
John and Annie Spinks
Linda and George Spitz
Kathleen Spooner
Springfield Spring & Stamping
Springfield Thunderbirds Foundation, Inc.
Springfield Thunderbirds
St. Aloysius Catholic School
Martha St. Lawrence and Wayne Klinge
Dorothy St. Pierre
Dominique Stabilo
Donna and John Stafilarakis II
Eric and Elizabeth Stahl
Julie Stark
Suzanne Stebbins
Nancy Stevenson
Joseph and Constance Stiefel
Michael and Nancy Stolpinski
Nadine Strahs
Deborah and Michael Stroetzel
Thaddeus and Judith Strzempko
Kathleen Suchocki
Gladys and Robert+ Sullivan
Luz and David Sullivan
Sylvia Sullivan
Victoria Sutton
Mary and Alan Swedlund
Teresa Swist
Janet and Clayton Sydla
Anna and Alan Symington
Tammie and Jeremie Sypek
Janet and Walter Szemela
Kelly and David Tashjian, MD
Amber Tatro
Diane Tatro
Elaine Taylor
Kathleen and Trenton Taylor
Rebecca Taylor
Tech Roofing Service, Inc.
Mark and Deborah Teed
Aviva and Robert Thaler
Sheri and Stephen Thayer
Mary and Frank Thetreault III
Michael and Midje Theulen
Sera and Abraham Thomas, MD
Alanna and James Tidwell
Tighe & Bond
Diane Tillman
Catherine and Eric Tipton, Jr.
Maria Tirado
Gary Tirrell
Titan Roofing, Inc.
Kirsten Tobias
Kathy Tobin Martin
Linda Todaro and Stephen Mabee
Rebecca Toledo
Mark and Noreen Tolosky
Thomas and Vivian Toman
Renee Tompkins
Caroline and William Toner, Jr.
Ksenia Tonyushkina, MD
Bernadette Toomey
Emily Torcato
Aimee Tosoni
Andrew Touchette
James Trask
Tree House Brewing Company
Barb Turcotte
Norma Turcotte
Wesley and Wanda Turner
Jane Tyler
Unemployment Tax Control Assoc., Inc. (UTCA)
Universal Electric Co., Inc.
USA Hauling & Recycling, Inc.
USI Insurance Services, LLC
A. Sue Vakakas
Valet Park of America
Donna and Vincent Valletti
Kevin and Joy Vann
Ann Varghese
Vartanian Custom Cabinets, Inc.
Aram and Lisa Vartanian
Guimar Varzeas
Kenneth and Theresa Vautrin
Joel and Leigh Vengco
Katherine Venne
Donna and Robert Viel
Suzanne and Richard Viens
Marion Vigneault
Leslie Vincent
Judith Vivenzio
Peter Vogian
Joan Wain
Marion Waleryszak
Lynne Wallace
Katherine and David Walles
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Kyle Walsh
Richard Warner, MD
Bruce Waslick, MD
Edward Watson
Earl and Linda Way
William and Cynthia Webber
Stacy Weinberg
Warren Weiner
Ronald and Janet Weiss
Jeanne Weisse
Glenn Welch
Wellfleet Group, LLC
Dusti Wells
Mark Westcott
Westfield Bank
Westfield Gas and Electric
Westside Enterprises, Inc.
Raymond and Christa White
Wilbraham U-Store-It
Eleanor Wilcox
Ralph Willett
Elizabeth Williams
Frederick Williams and Laurie Pike
Keisa Williams
Jeanine Wilson
Linda and David Wilson
Karen Winer
David and Karen Witherell
Sally and Stephen Wittenberg, MD
Domenic Woffenden
Carolyn Wojcik Glew
Mark Wollender
Women of the Moose Lodge Chicopee Falls Chapter 1489
Lawrence and Gail Wood
David and Elizabeth+ Woods
Thomas and Anne Woodson
Barbara and Kazimierz Wozniak
Angela Wright
Renee and Matthew Wroth
Alice Wynne
Monica Wynne
Christine Wyszynski
Ruth Yanka
Michael Zabawa
Elizabeth Zabielski
John Zajdel
Diane Zanolli
Gina and Zachry Zichittella, MD
Barbara Zielonka
Celine Zimmermann
Jennifer and John Zollo
Denise Zuidema
William Zumbruski

+ = deceased

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