PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Curriculum
The PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Residency Program will adapt to the needs of the individual resident and will customize the training program for the resident based upon assessment of the resident’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities, and interests at program orientation and at each of the first three quarterly evaluations. Nevertheless, the program will provide a structured experience to create the basic foundation for quality critical care pharmacy practice. The rotation structure is as follows:
Core Required Rotations (4 Week Duration)
Complete All Below
- Hospital/Pharmacy Orientation (1 block)
- Medicine Critical Care (3 blocks)
- Surgical/Critical Care (2 blocks)
- Pediatric Critical Care (1 block)
- Heart and Vascular Critical Care (2 blocks)
- Emergency Medicine (2 blocks)
Elective Rotations (4 Week Duration; Choose 1)
- Repeat Any Core Rotation
- Infectious Disease/Consult Service
- Medication Safety/Informatics
Longitudinal Learning Experiences
Inpatient Pharmacy Services (12 months)
- Staffing- (every third weekend)
- Drug Information & Non-formulary Requests On-Call Pager (9 weeks/year)
Pharmacy Administration Longitudinal (12 months)
- Pharmacy Administration Seminars:
- Drug Use Policy/Regulatory
- Management (Human Resources, Evaluations, Financials, etc)
- Quality/Benchmarking
- Leadership (Leading yourself, Leading others)
Residency Research Project (12 months)
- Project design and research
- IRB Approval
- Project Presentation
- Manuscript worthy of publication
- Journal Club & Case Discussion Presentations
- Continuing Education Presentation
- Precept/Mentor Pharmacy Students
- Advanced Teaching (MCPHS-Worcester)
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