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High Street Health Center FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my provider is not available?
We will try to book you to a member of the provider's team. Same-day sick visits may be with any provider at the center.
Who are the members of my healthcare team?
Your healthcare team members are a primary care provider, often shortened to PCP (who may be a doctor or nurse practitioner/physician’s assistant teamed with a doctor), a nurse, a medical assistant, and a patient service representative. We try to keep our team members consistent, but note we often have to have these roles covered by members of other teams.
Will my healthcare team know if I go to the emergency room or hospital?
We know immediately if you go to a Baystate hospital. Otherwise we find out one to three days later.
How does my care team communicate with others who are involved in my care?
We communicate with Baystate providers directly through our electronic medical record (EMR). Otherwise, you will need to provide us with provider names, fax and phone numbers.
How can I communicate with my healthcare team?
We encourage you to communicate through the patient portal. If you haven’t joined the portal yet, please ask a member of your care team to help get you started. If is the portal is not available to you, you can call and ask for a message to go to your provider's team.
Is it hard to park at High Street?
At times, our lot is full, but we have parking across the street.
What if I’m late to my appointment?
We understand travel and planning can be difficult, and we can allow for some lateness. If a provider is busy, you may be asked to wait until the patients who were able to get here on time are seen.
What happens if I miss a scheduled appointment?
This is a loss for us, because it means we miss the opportunity to see you. We also miss the chance to see another patient who could have been seen instead. Because of this, we ask everyone to call and cancel their appointment—even if it’s that day. If you’re unable to call and you miss the visit, please call when you can so we can schedule another appointment for you. We never dismiss patients for a missed appointment. If there were important issues that should have been addressed at the appointment, the provider or nurse will call to check in with you.
Am I allowed to bring someone to my appointment if I want to?
Yes, with your permission. We ask that the other party not be disruptive and not discuss their own health issues.
What if I have a form I need completed?
Drop the form at our desk, but please fill in the patient part first. Our policy is to have the form completed within 10 business days. If you need a form sooner than that, we will assess your need and our ability to meet your need on a case-by-case basis. We cannot promise it will be done sooner, but we will do our best based on the situation.
What is the policy for cellphone use in the health center?
If you are in the waiting room or other public space, we ask for the comfort of others that you move outside or away from others to make or take your call. It is okay to use your phone while you’re waiting in the exam room, but please do not use your phone during the visit. Please listen to music using headphones and only while you are waiting.
What do I do if there is a problem with my insurance at the time of my visit?
Alert the team so we can help. We will see you for a scheduled appointment regardless and help you work out the problem afterward.

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