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Generations of generosity

May 20, 2021
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The Mullen family has been supporting Wing Hospital for decades. For two generations, they have given back to the health system, all with the same goal in mind: improving healthcare for their community.

Evelyn (Mullen) and Michael Glabicky’s dedication to giving back locally is a continuation of a tradition created by Evelyn’s parents, John and Beatrice Mullen. The Mullens raised their family in Palmer and owned and operated Palmer Trucking in the town for 35 years. When they needed care, they relied on Wing Hospital. And, when they wanted to help their community, that’s what they supported – something Evelyn and Michael continue to do today.

“They always believed in helping the community and giving back,” shared Evelyn.

“We want our gifts to be meaningful and directly applicable to the community and the population Baystate Wing serves,” added Michael.

The desire to help meet the needs of the hospital began with John, who had diabetes and had to undergo dialysis for six years. Seeing a need for a local facility that provided this type of care, he helped to spearhead the efforts to create a Dialysis Center at Baystate Wing Hospital. John has since passed, but his legacy of generosity lives on through his daughter and her husband.

For Evelyn and Michael, continuing these efforts to support local healthcare is important. They have also supported the new Baystate Wing Emergency Department, physical therapy, inpatient care, and the infusion center—a direct result of the care Beatrice, who passed away in 2017, received there. The couple saw a need and they wanted to help.

“If we didn’t have this hospital, I don’t know how we would have done it,” shared Evelyn of Beatrice’s need for infusion care multiple times per week for hours at a time. “It was just a miracle that we were fortunate enough to have Baystate Wing that close.”

The couple continues their support and regularly solicits ideas for needs at Baystate Wing Hospital and works with members of the Baystate Health Foundation to make these gifts a reality. In 2020, they supported the purchase of ISO-CADDY containers that keep isolation equipment organized and aid in infection control; scales for the infusion and inpatient units; and LUCAS devices, which are mechanical high-quality CPR machines.

Thanks to the generosity of Evelyn, Michael, and the trustees of the John J. Mullen, Sr. Family Charitable Foundation, this legacy of support continues at Baystate Wing Hospital, helping ensure that the patients of today have access to the care they need locally.

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