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South Hadley Primary Care Recognized for Excellence in Behavioral Health

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Earlier this year, Baystate Medical Practices - South Hadley was a winner of the 2021 Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) Patient Experience Awards in the category of Assessment of Patient Behavioral Health Issues. MHQP recognizes primary care practices that perform highest in its annual Commercial Patient Experience Survey statewide.

“Primary care is the heart of healthcare in Massachusetts,” said James Roosevelt, Jr., MHQP’s Board Chair. “The practices from all across the state recognized with this award have distinguished themselves where it matters most – in the experiences of their own patients."

The winners were determined based off their rankings in categories such as How Well Providers Know Their Patients, Office Staff Professional Excellence, Empowering Patient Self Care and Ease of Access to Care.

Screening Every Patient for Depression

How does the team at Baystate Medical Practices - South Hadley determine which patients may need assistance with their mental health?

The medical assistants at Baystate Medical Practices - South Hadley are trained to screen every single patient for depression. They are the first touch point in assessing patients and get the ball rolling. They make sure to ask and chart important questions that can help lead to a diagnosis.

Nursing staff is also keen on assessing patients with mental health needs and understanding the resources that are available.

Finally, the primary care providers (PCPs) close the loop to ensure that the patient’s needs are met.

“From the RNs (Registered Nurses) who triage our patients to book their visits, to the MAs (Medical Assistants) who question the patients during their intake to our Licensed Social Worker and behavioral health team who support the providers, I can understand why we were recognized for our outstanding care,” says practice manager Shawn Ganem. “Our providers look at our patients in a holistic approach; we understand that our patients’ wellbeing is not just about their medical diagnosis, but their mental health as well.”

‘All Hands on Deck’ to Care for Patients

“It was a team effort,” says Arthur Krulewitz, medical director at Baystate Medical Practices - South Hadley.

Ganem adds, “Every employee here contributes to the success of the practice and brings along with them special skill sets that make them unique to Baystate Health and which enhances the overall patient experience.”

Talk to Your Primary Care Provider About Mental Health Concerns

Behavioral health services are provided or recommended throughout Baystate Health’s primary care practices. Patients should let their primary care providers know if they are concerned about their mental health and inquire about any resources that may be useful to them, including therapists, mental/physical exercise, and other treatment resources.

“We understand the kind of impact mental wellness plays on our patients’ health and want to ensure that all of our patients receive the care they need and deserve,” assures Ganem. “Our team is what makes the experience here at South Hadley so special. Everyone works so well together. This starts from our patient services representatives all the way up to our physicians and management. Everyone treats one another with mutual respect and kindness. At the end of the day, everyone does whatever it takes to ensure the patient has a positive experience and outcome.”

Learn more about primary care at Baystate Health.

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