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Kendall Burdick Matches at Her First Choice for Residency: Boston Children's Hospital

March 21, 2023
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At the National Residency Matching Program's Match Day on March 17, 2023 Kendall Burdick, 4th-year medical student in the Population-based Urban and Rural Community Health (PURCH) track, learned that she will be a pediatrics resident at her first choice of programs, Boston Children's Hospital.

Match results are revealed at noon on Match Day when all medical students open the envelopes that tell them where they will undergo residency training.

Watch Kendall's reaction when she opens her envelope

Burdick has been active in Baystate Health's community throughout her years in medical school.

She was the impetus behind a child safety initiative at Square One that provided families with electrical outlet covers to help protect children from severe electrical shock and burns.

Burdick also conducted a research study showing that 15 million children can't reach a pediatric trauma center within 60 minutes.

2023 PURCH NRMP Match

100% Match

All 4th year medical students in PURCH matched to residencies—many to their first choice.

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