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What to Expect During Pregnancy

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From the first signs of pregnancy through postpartum recovery, there is a lot for pregnant and new moms to know. We are here to guide you through this emotional and rewarding process. 

At Baystate Health, we offer all the support and services you need to grow your family. Our team of OBGYN nurses, doctors, and midwives is committed to providing personalized, compassionate care at every stage of pregnancy and childbirth.

Step One: Find a Pregnancy Doctor or Nurse-Midwife

One of the first steps in any pregnancy is finding a healthcare provider who can focus on your well-being and the health of the baby growing inside of you. If you have not already chosen a healthcare provider, you have several options:

  • An obstetrician (OB) – A medical doctor specializing in the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and recuperation from delivery.
  • Certified nurse-midwife – A registered nurse with advanced, specialized training and experience in caring for healthy pregnant women and delivering babies.
  • Family physician – These general practice doctors also care for pregnant women, as well as their newborns.
  • Maternal Fetal Medicine physician – These obstetricians specialize in the care of pregnant women with another existing medical condition, a prior pregnancy complication or a complication or concern identified in their current pregnancy.

Learn more about getting started with prenatal care.

BFMC Greenfield Family Medicine Katrina Hull

Healthcare for Kids

Learn about services and find providers for newborns through teens.
young pregnant couple together on the couch using a laptop computer

Sign Up for Parenting Classes

From childbirth through breastfeeding, parenting and more, find classes for every stage.
Your Health Record, the Way You Want it
With MyBaystate, you can easily manage your health record and schedule appointments, message your providers, and refill prescriptions.

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