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Cancer Imaging & Intervention

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Imaging exams are often used to diagnose, stage, and treat cancer. Our board certified radiologists subspecialize in cancer imaging and intervention, diagnosing and staging all types of cancers using the latest imaging techniques, including:

We also specialize in interventional radiology procedures, such as:

  • Biopsy and aspiration
  • Guidance of radiotherapy
  • Placement and removal of catheters and ports
  • Treatment of liver and kidney cancers using transarterial chemotherapy, radio embolization, cryoablation, and radiofrequency ablation


Additionally, we offer radiotherapy treatments for cancer, including:

  • Y-90 sirspheres to treat advanced liver cancer
  • I-131 (radioiodine) therapy to treat thyroid cancer
  • Xofigo (radium 223) to treat prostate cancer
  • Zevalin to treat follicular lymphoma

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