Psychiatry Residency Conferences and Rounds
Resident Psychiatry Case Conference (PG1, PG2)
These case conferences provide practical clinical teaching in cases selected and presented by the residents. The focus will be on development of interviewing skills, and patients may be interviewed by the faculty facilitator or by one of the residents. Brief talks on aspects of the psychiatric interview will augment the experiential learning. The case conference time may also be used by the faculty facilitator to present cases that highlight ethical, forensic, quality improvement, or management issues.
Residents Journal Club (All Residents)
Residents, with a faculty facilitator, read and discuss the psychiatric literature to develop the analytic and communication skills necessary to interpret and discuss the significance of the studies. After the second year, you will be able to present a paper at the Departmental Journal Club.
Process Group (PG1, PG2, PG3)
The group will address the psychological aspects of the residents' clinical work, particularly the doctor-patient relationship. The main focus will be on problem cases, especially those cases where residents have experienced a strong reaction, or are feeling "stuck" about how to handle the interpersonal or emotional aspects of the case.
The goal is to increase residents' self-awareness, including learning about one's own biases and understanding of the world and how that affects doctor-patient relationships. The group will try to expand the capacity and repertoire for handling difficult situations with patients, while simultaneously understanding one’s own feelings, rights, obligations, and limitations.
A strong effort will be made to cultivate a sense of safety, respect, curiosity, and openness within the group. The group format emphasizes the use of colleagues for support and feedback about interpersonal processes in clinical work. It also suggests how (with certain modifications) group processes can benefit patients.
Psychopharmacology Seminar (All Residents)
In this seminar, residents organize review sessions on the wide range of psychotropic medications. You will take turns presenting to each other with input from faculty.
Adult Outpatient Conferences (PG3, PG4)
Residents increase their knowledge, practice-based learning skills and presentation skills by presenting their evaluations, treatment plans and recommendations at a multidisciplinary team meeting that includes their faculty supervisor, psychologists, social workers, and other physician specialists in pain management or bariatric surgery.
Child Psychiatry Conferences (PG3, PG4-Optional)
Residents increase their knowledge, practice-based learning skills and presentation skills by presenting their evaluations and treatment plans to a multidisciplinary team meeting including their faculty supervisor, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, clinical nurse specialists, fellow residents, and medical students.
Scholarly Project/Research Seminar (All Residents)
Residents and faculty present their own research and scholarly projects. You will discuss research methods and receive advice on bringing your project to fruition.
Residency Training Administrative Meeting (All Residents)
All residents participate in this forum to exchange information between residents and the program director and foster a culture of honest professional exchange in which issues can be raised, discussed, and followed. Special educational topics, such as psychopharmacology review, will occasionally be presented. Each class of residents will also meet for an additional hour per month with the program director to address issues specific to that year of training.
Departmental Journal Club (All Residents)
Residents in all years of training and faculty discuss important papers published in the psychiatric literature with a focus on the clinical repercussions of the findings. In PGY3 and PGY4, residents will choose and present a paper for discussion.
Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds (All Residents)
Guest speakers present on timely and important topics in Psychiatry. Residents at all levels of training have the opportunity to meet afterwards with the speaker for in depth discussion and teaching.
Schwartz Center Rounds (All Residents)
All residents may attend this optional hospital-wide interdisciplinary rounds focused on improving and supporting communication and compassionate health care to patients and families. You are able to participate in an effort to re-assess assumptions of what is compassionate care from the viewpoint of patients, families, and other healthcare providers of all disciplines and levels of training.
Ad Hoc
Inpatient Psychiatry Case Conference (All Residents)
PGY1 and PGY2 residents present cases to a multidisciplinary group. You will research relevant background information and lead a discussion of diagnostic or management issues illustrated by the case, gaining experience in doing scholarly work that is case based, and improving your teaching and communication skills.
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