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Apply for an Appointment

Benefits of Fellowship

An appointment to the Department of Healthcare Delivery and Population Sciences offers you:

  1. Opportunities to collaborate with a diverse community of clinicians, investigators, educators, data scientists, and other partners dedicated to improving healthcare delivery and population health
  2. Professional development – through research-in-progress meetings, seminars, and other events
  3. Mentor/Mentee opportunities
  4. Access to data and other resources and research support services
  5. Receive announcements on funding opportunities, external/internal conferences, and other events of interest to the UMass Chan-Baystate research community.

Fellowship Tracks


For UMass Chan-Baystate faculty investigators (e.g., MDs and PhDs) who have an emerging or established track record of scholarship on topics directly related to the DHDPS mission.

Senior Fellows

For UMass Chan-Baystate faculty investigators (e.g., MDs and PhDs) who have an established track record of scholarship on topics directly related to the DHDPS mission and who spend a significant amount of time conducting externally-funded research.

Adjunct Fellows

Investigators who conduct research related to the DHDPS mission and who would like to participate in DHDPS activities, but do not have a UMass Chan-Baystate primary affiliation.

Appointment Requirements and Responsibilities

DHDPS Fellows (including Senior and Adjunct Fellows) are expected to contribute in one of the following ways to the mission of the Department, which is to:

"Generate and apply new knowledge to transform health care delivery and
population health in support of Baystate Health’s strategic goals"

  • Serve as an investigator in intra- and/or extra-murally funded research aligned with the DHDPS mission
  • Prepare a proposal on a research project directly connected to the DHDPS mission
  • Participate in educational seminars, training programs, and mentoring activities
  • Serve on designated DHDPS review committees, task forces and other duties as assigned
  • Represent the DHDPS and its mission and programs both within the community and at regional and national meetings
  • Use DHDPS affiliation on all DHDPS mission-related manuscripts and presentations

Appointment/Reappointment Process

Initial Appointment

Eligible candidates may request consideration for appointment at any time.

To apply for an appointment, submit the following required items to DHDPS@baystatehealth.org:

  • Brief (no more than 1 page) letter describing your research interests
  • Explanation of how you plan to fulfill the requirements for an appointment
  • Current curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch

For more information, email Peter.Lindenauer@baystatehealth.org


Appointment to the DHDPS must be renewed every 2 years—or sooner in cases where individuals seek promotion to Senior Fellow.

To apply for reappointment, submit the following required items to DHDPS@baystatehealth.org:

  • Letter describing how the requirements have been met since your last appointment or renewal
  • Update to your research interests and activities
  • Current curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch

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