Care Tracking
What is Care Tracking?
Care Tracking is a secure mobile website for the patient’s loved ones or guardian to track the progress of a patient during their surgery or procedure. It’s mobile, so they do not need to stay in the waiting room—a patient’s progress can be followed on the go from anywhere.

The website tracks a patient’s care throughout the following stages of surgery or a procedure: preop, OR, PACU, and can provide discharge or transfer instructions (see definitions below).
Care Tracking Patient Progress Steps:
In Preop = Patient is completing pre-operation paperwork and being prepared for surgery.
In OR = Patient is in the operating room.
In PACU = Post-anesthesia care unit, where the patient recovers after surgery.
Request for family = Follow the directions on the app for further instructions.
How Do Families, Friends, or Guardians Get Access to Use Care Tracking?
Pre-registration: During pre-registration, the patient chooses a primary contact for Care Tracking. This contact receives a digital invitation via text message to register in Care Tracking. Other trusted contacts can register to follow the patient’s progress, but only the primary contact will receive notification on next steps once the procedure has concluded.
Onsite: People who accompany you to your procedure can also be enrolled when you arrive onsite.
What are Care Tracking Benefits?
It’s mobile! Trusted contacts can follow the patient’s progress on the go from anywhere, so they don’t need to stay in the waiting room. This flexibility can help reduce anxiety and improve the experience for family members and guardians.
Note: Cellular access is limited in the areas of Baystate Medical Center’s Daly 2nd Floor Cafeteria and in the Gift Shop/Pharmacy and can interfere with reception for Care Tracking, phone calls, text messages, and other functions that require cellular data.
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