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PURCH Class of 2023 Honored at Graduation Celebration

June 23, 2023
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Purch class 2023 graduation

The PURCH Class of 2023 -the third cohort of medical students admitted into Population-based Urban and Rural Community Health track -celebrated their upcoming graduation on Thursday, May 25th, 2023 at the Springfield Sheraton at One Monarch Place. This special award ceremony and celebration where students, families, and friends were welcomed with remarks Dr. Andrew Artenstein, Regional Executive Dean, UMass Chan-Baystate was attended by Baystate President & CEO Dr. Mark Keroack, Baystate leaders and Baystate Community Faculty.

The Anthony P. Lovell, MD, Memorial Endowed Award for Excellence was presented by Dr. Kevin Hinchey. Additionally, two students received Trailblazer Awards and several awards for Excellence in a Specialty. The graduating class presented Dr. Raquel Belforti with the Faculty Teaching Award and Dr. Nestor Flores-Buonomo with the Resident Teaching Award. Congratulations to the PURCH Class of 2023 and all the honorees!

PURCH Awards

Awards for Teaching

Resident Teaching Award

Nestor Flores-Buonomo

Nestor Flores-Buonomo, MD
Internal Medicine Resident

Faculty Teaching Award

Raquel Belforti, DO

Raquel Belforti, DO, MS
Hospital Medicine

PURCH Class of 2023 Student Award Winners

The Antony P. Lovell, MD Memorial Endowed Award
Paige Mastalerz, MS 4

The PURCH Trailblazer Awards
Mary Marchese and Calvin Schaffer, MS 4

The Internal Medicine Specialty Award
Victoria Powell, MS 4

The Neurology Specialty Award
Mary Marchese, MS 4

The Pediatrics Specialty Award
Annabelle Batten, MS 4

The Family Medicine Specialty Award
Jennifer Sullivan, MS 4

The Psychiatry Specialty Award
Paige Mastalerz, MS 4

The OB/GYN Specialty Award
Mary Marchese, MS 4

The Surgery Specialty Award
Emily Vicks, MS 4

Congratulations to the New Doctors! 

Annabelle Batten
Kendall Burdick
Sarah Calove
Hannah Lynn Caringal
Zilin Cui
Joseph Douglass
Megan Hansen
Colin Hart
Kristina Jakobson
Rachel Lister
Eve Manghis
Mary Marchese 

Paige Mastalerz
Victoria Powell
Sabahat Rahman
Saranya Ramadurai
Calvin Schaffer
Diana Sibai
Jennifer Sullivan
Nathan Taber
Emily Vicks
Paula Whitmire
Jaclyn Wong
Chloe Young

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