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Anesthesiology Grand Rounds & Symposia

Anesthesia Grand Rounds are held every Thursday morning from 7:00 - 8:00 AM in the Chicopee/Agawam room, unless otherwise specified. All Anesthesia Department members are expected to attend, unless they are post-call, providing clinical care or on vacation.

Residents are expected to deliver two Grand Rounds presentations during their training: one Basic Science Lecture during their CA-2 year and one Morbidity & Mortality Conference during their CA-3 year.

Grand Rounds Presentations

Grand Rounds presentations include the following:

Basic Science & Clinical Lecture Series

CA2 or CA3 residents, under faculty mentorship, select an anesthesia topic of interest, complete a thorough literature review and present a comprehensive summary of their topic. The program director and your mentor should be consulted regarding proposed Basic Science topics, in an effort to avoid lecture duplication and ensure clinical relevancy. Faculty mentors are expected to actively help mentees organize and review their Grand Rounds presentations before delivery.

Morbidity & Mortality Conferences

CA2 or CA3 residents, under faculty mentorship, present interesting, thought provoking anesthesia cases for open forum discussion and comment. Faculty mentors are expected to actively help mentees organize and review their Grand Rounds presentation, and are expected to function as moderator during the M&M presentation.

What’s New In Anesthesia

Section Chiefs periodically present cutting edge information about what is new within their subspecialty, based on current research, technology/pharmaceutical updates and new evidence based medicine practice guideline recommendations.

Quality Improvement (QI) Presentations

QI Conferences are scheduled quarterly and are moderated by the Director of Anesthesia Quality Assurance. These presentations afford anesthesia health care providers a confidential opportunity to review recent departmental QI data, with recommendations made for practice and program improvement.

Guest Lecture Series

Guest lecturers, both within BMC and external, are invited throughout the academic year to deliver Grand Rounds presentation on topics of interest or expertise.

Education Update

Program Directors review data from our internal Annual Program Evaluation (APE), ACGME resident and faculty surveys, provide updates from the ABA/ACGME and discuss innovative program updates for the upcoming academic year.

Research Update

Residents and faculty annually present bullet point summaries of completed or ongoing research projects. The session is moderated by the Director of Research.

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