REACH Global Health Lecture Series
The series was created in 2021 and is presented throughout the year during dedicated protected academic sessions for pediatric residents.
Lecture Topics Include:
- Introduction to Global Health: Who’s Involved and is any of it Working?
- HIV: Historic and Global Perspectives
- War and Health: The Origin, Practice and Mission of Humanitarian Medicine
- Refugee Health: International and Local Perspectives
- Native American Health: Disparities and Solutions
- Measles: Global and Local Perspectives
- Malaria: New Reflections on an Ancient Disease
- Severe Acute Malnutrition: A Global Pediatric Crisis
- What Works: Cases of Proven Global Health Successes
- Vaccinations: Global Failures, Successes and Strategies
- Climate Change and Global Health
- Fever in the Returned Traveler
- Introduction to Emergency Care in the Global Setting
- Global Health Ethics
If you are a Baystate (or outside) residency program director and are interested in any of these lectures for your residents, please contact Kate Murphy.
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