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Emergency Medicine Education Curriculum

Curriculum Summary

As a graduate of our fellowship, you will be well prepared for a career in academic emergency medicine through growth of your skills in clinical and didactic education, research in the area of education, curricular innovation, and education administration.

The program comprises a core curriculum of five areas undertaken by all fellows—theories of learning, didactic and clinical teaching, education and program administration, education research methods, and career and professional development—as well as a single area chosen for increased focus by each fellow.

Core Curriculum 

The five core areas are explored through our education bi-weekly conference; local, national and international conferences and courses; involvement on local and national education committees; faculty development workshops; and direct mentoring.

Theories of Learning

Our educational team will provide you with an introduction to theories of learning supported by the intensive training supplied by your choice of the ACEP Teaching Fellowship or The Teaching Course of NYC.

Didactic and Clinical Teaching

You will receive an academic appointment as Clinical Instructor in Emergency Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate.

As an attending physician at Baystate Medical Center, you will work eight shifts per month supervising emergency medicine residents, as well as medical students and residents from other specialties. You will also provide mentored lectures, facilitate small group discussions, participate in departmental Journal Clubs, and develop expertise as a procedural instructor.

Education and Program Administration

Through participation in the following departmental committees you will gain experience in Milestone assessment, education administration, and curricular innovation: The Clinical Competency Committee, The Residency Steering Council, and The Curriculum Committee.

Education Research Methods

You will learn about educational research methods through your involvement in ongoing research within the Department of Emergency Medicine, monthly Faculty Development workshops, and the MERC scholars program.

Career and Professional Development

You will be mentored by our faculty as you prepare a plan to meet your professional and career goals. Support and stewardship will also be provided through monthly faculty development workshops, and participation in regional and national committees at national meetings, including: Council Of Residency Directors (CORD) and Clerkship Directors in Emergency Medicine (CDEM), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).

Focus Area

 All fellows will have exposure to each of the following areas, and then choose one area of greatest interest on which to concentrate.


The scholarship of application involves applying disparate theory to new situations and is often referred to as translational research. You will choose between the:

  • ACEP Teaching Fellowship with completion of a mentored education project
  • The Teaching Course NYC, a medical education, social media, and digital media integrated course hosted at NYU for those wanting to expand their teaching with a focus on incorporating social media.

Educational Innovations 

Taking education innovations beyond the local environment to other audiences regionally, nationally, and globally via traditional education methods and FOAMed

Simulation-Based Education 

Focus of educational efforts on using high-fidelity and/or in situ simulation for education and assessment


The scholarship of discovery is parallel to a traditional research track for basic science or clinical researchers. You will participate in the MERC at CORD program (starting in the spring of your pre-fellowship year) and work on an education research project with other EM educators throughout the country to establish a network of fellow EM educational researchers with the goal of presenting and publishing within one year.

Educational Research 

Expanded involvement in education research projects


You will be trained to perform data synthesis such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses. You will participate in the department's Monthly Faculty Development Workshops which provide small group didactics covering a variety of research topics appropriate to a junior faculty member.

Education Interpretation 

Expanded involvement in education research projects, including implementation and review of the databases to which our department contributes


The scholarship of teaching requires developing new and evidence-based ways to facilitate and assess learning. You will develop expertise in curriculum development, learner assessment, and program evaluation. You will also provide mentored lectures, facilitate small group discussions, participate in departmental Journal Clubs, and develop expertise as a procedural instructor.

GME (Residency) Administration and Education 

Expanded role in areas of residency recruitment, mentoring, curricular design, assessment and feedback.

UGME (Clerkship) Administration and Education 

Expanded role in areas of student advising, teaching, and assessment and feedback, including input for our student advising blog, emadvisor.blogspot.com


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